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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILT'ER DEL('AR.'TION <br />I hd.t, arrn onds Fuhy ,.f Fiury rht I m .raF nln th. Codrtdoi l,s for th. tolbui* ds,i (st 701 1 , r <br />Bu!i.6! aal Prof$on Cod.) Any ( ity or ( ounry *h'.h r.qui6 a ,6hit lo co.$tud, ah6. imtror.. &nolnh or EIrtr my <br />srtudue r.ior h ns isuu.- rbo r.qu6 th. 4tlr,! Lt $(i Fni lo 6lc t riS..d ntlmt lhd rE or lrE n li..E d noBd <br />lo rh. F,yki6nr of th. Conteror's Licos.d l,r' (Chrfld 9, ('.mnftr.a qnh S(t'on 70m of Di\kio. 1 of lhc BBin md' <br />Pmldlions Cod.) or lhll lE or rh. it .rofl lhd.nom sd rh. b.rn tor lhc lll.sqt dopr ion Any ! iol.l io. ol stri.n 701 I J hy an) \ <br />rpph..r ,or . Fnn qhJd! rh. a'pl'crn! ro . cn il p.Mh y of Fr mr. ih6 6r. hlndr.d &rlls ( t5(D) <br />l. s oqF of lhc Fopdty. or my onplot6 wnh *.*6 s lh.n sE comPcd io.. sill d' rhc \ot tod rh. nMR ir m! <br />n drLd tr oll(.d aor nk lS< 70u. AutiB ud ProfdFB (ii. Ih. ('odrxro.t La.G I^ &E mr 4r[ lo o.\E of <br />rh. rnrxny Elr hlil(h or imFov6ltEq,h, srl *h. d(E .u.h ss.l hihs.lf or nell d. ihoolh hi! m h( oun dthr 6 <br />Foviddt rhr! rud inFollmE m N hldn d ororlslil for 5k lL ho*6d. ttE tuiuing or itrprorffi i. r'ld qihin on. )@ <br />or@tr9Lrir( tlE (xffi Loilda Lill IEE rlE hrkn or lro$r ih, ri d sh. dn d rlnd or i'rrct! tl|c FoF!) nr. tlr F,IIE of <br />l. d o$G of !h. Fot'd). o r h lrdtd co.lr6o6 r. rotulI rlE FoFl (Sc ?orl. &Bffi <br />d Pbfishn(\d.: lh.Conrxlor'r I (orc I 'v dod nol tptlyro o$ nG of prop6l) $ ho bur ld! or inpror6 lhsFn. <br />d.d $h. co,{6crr ror $.h thld3 snh r (ttudo(r) licd<i pudd tu <br />'h.( <br />ontlclois l.icdr.lrr} <br />^,|.-'7'ifri/17 -l,rhZlt-' <br />, DECI,/IIIATION <br />I hd.r, rmm und.r Frlty. ol Fjury .E ofrE r.lhs'ns ddh. $E <br />I h6vc d * nl r ( dific.r. ol const to lNur. n r $.rtd:' olnrnt lion. G prn id.d tu hy s(lion :t?01r oih. <br />litu ( odc tq lh. F r'.M. of <br />'h. <br />s. fo. trhahrh.Fnn 6 rtu.d <br />I h^. md will m.inl,in uorl6 .oDt Mr io. iNUr@., s r.!un.d hy Sd ion 70o of rh.Ijhor cod., fo. th. pqaof]M.. of <br />th. sut fr shth lht Fhn ! isFd My trqt6' sn4.Mirn iMltr. id Flk! .umb6 e: <br />I cdit rhd in llrFfodtcolrh. $or( frtr chkh rhir Ddnr it itu.d. I rull m' dPlo) rny F$n 'n <br />m) msffi <br />$ d ro h<oe 3ub<r ro rh. sorl6' comFrd'on b*r or Calilomr el .*c th.l if I Jnuld tubd' ro lhc <br />u orld' 6mFE tion FDvitn)N of S.nior 1700 of rh. lrb.r cod., I slEU. tonh*ill 6opl, tr irh ihoE Pro\ irioN <br />\tAiNtNC Frtut ro -tft mrld mnpd ion o16rs. s unLstuL di ih.llsbicl o drrl4ld ro simi l FEIE.nd <br />civil fin6 up k' onc hu(nci rf.usrd &lls (llo0.Oo0), in 3dd'lF. ro !h..on olcomF@l'on. dm.8d a Fo\il.d tu lh. <br />Scrrcn 11076 orrh.lit r Coda inr66l sd .llo'Ey s fs <br />".,,, tc/r4 <br />DECIISATIO! <br />I rilm unds p.uhy olFjury rhd I m ftds.d und- pr!\sion.r( i4!d q l.ommdcrn! *'lh Sc.rsn 70fir) ofDnrh. ! <br />Df rh. Achd ed Pmfsiotrr Cod.. &l n!" ir h full forc. dd.ral <br />CAIiIBUCIIANI,ENDItrG.6GII.(T <br />I horl,r arm und6 Fuhy o t paiury rhnl lhq. i,t r conrruclio. l6ldin8 +ocy fo. th. psr(md.. .f rh. aorl 6r which lhB Fnr i! <br />is!.d {sa. 1007. ci! c). <br />APPLI(' NT DI('LTR TIO <br />I hdttl .Fih o.ds porfty of o.rjur) oe of th. forlo$rn8 {k l[.l6ns <br />D.mohion Pd6is-Aln<ros NorificarNn Id6!l Rcsulahd8 (1 irl. ltr, PM6) <br />R.,-tuiral l.drd of fiixi6cnnn <br />I cdii! rhi rb. ftn r.l rlsuhioB Essdiry 6!610r t@r.l o. mr .rfiiclbk lo lhB 9rnjd <br />I.6riayrhdIh.v.rodlhnqrplicrrmnand3rri.rhdrh.!b.v.irlomalioniscorFrlaSr(tocomtly*ithrllCirt.6dConrr <br />odilffic rd shi. t $. E]nru lo buiuins &n lEct! llnho.n! rqendn 6 of rhi! ( iry!d Counryro dd uF)n rlE <br />,tnt. nhrhndt mdv fo. B6ioll!,.4 <br />^-#;ffi":*"ffi.'t,r 4*4 :- .y'rs/u <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing ltj nLitt'l+ t4' <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/Ene rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Frnal Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />lr <br />FINAL C1t-t?)kn&la- <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />(c,{,rs <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />] <br />?/,T > :\t <br />I <br />I <br />l <br />.,--,, _/ru//l_