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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII.DER D1]I,'ATATIOII <br />I hd.r'y .mm uftl.r F.h, of Frlury rhd I ar adrr fn'm rhc G.ta.ioF L'co{. liw fnr rh. aoUo,du r@n (se7(rll 5 <br />$oriEr rd Prof*hn ( od.l, An) C(! or Counr trhah r.qutr6 . Fhi kr codrucl. !h6. idprorq donolsh or r+.t alv <br />qo(d., Fior r. tu is*c .L r.,+i6 ih. rp?lker for sch Fni 'o <br />liL, rBBl {ilr6r lhd lr or dE i! lka€d FBd <br />to th. Fovirioro or rh. Co.rrslois l-i.dsn t,* {(-h,r{c a. (.omnlftin! $ith lidlhr 7000 ol Diai\n I ofrh. B{.i6 od <br />Profdi.ns ( od.)orrhd h.or!n. ie.rmpr rh@liom 6rl rn heri! lt lh..lks.d cr@flioi A.fvhl,rionols<(i,n70:rl5l,!!n' <br />.prli(r for.!.m sub€rslnc lnplicr ro tcrvilpftlhyoIno' fttr.rhd 6r. hond..d &,ller (lJm) <br />l. s .$n of rlE p.oFnr_. or ny dr ots urlh r ,36 s lh.i sL dmFdion. qill &, llE *!t s'd th. idG i! mr <br />i.nddcd or ofi6.n for !L ls( 7t144. B6ind ud PtufdioB ( od. llECo n<ror'3Liel,wdBEr4lllo6orGoa <br />rh.FDF' who hikl or r[s,\E 0E@( dd who dE nrh trorl hnB€lror h@lr or rhrcogh hn m hd o*r dnphy.6. <br />Fo\iLdrh.r *h imFGfficd iraxLd m ofrqld 6r! t 66, rrE h{ilnru or irym\qid it mE vnhin @ ra <br />oaconpL{i.( rtr OuB &itb *ill h.* rlr hndar or F\riE ih, lE n sh. dil d hiu or lqRri di F.rdry fd dr F,pox ol <br />L Br$Eolrh.FoDd!. m.(lurir.l\ codrr<t arih h.or.<l.ontdots r. cnNrucl ln proj..l (s< 7o4{. nchs <br />ed h,li.irn ( od.: Th. CDnndn r l.k.N t!tr drB ml.rolt lo M0\6 ol Fordy sho t'uild! or imp.o\6 'h6or.and slr com@1! fo. soch rojdi wilh . (i,,'lrrio(s) lic!!.rl pua@r ki th.! LtN ljs) <br />I m.rmpr u.d.r Satitn <br />D.t. ()rner <br />\r olllil lls (onlrFl\s^r rcN <br />Ufglr8 ll9! <br />I hcr.6r trilinnutrdq F.Mlr! orrqu^ o .orrhr lolloNnF Jdl.rarhnr <br />I h.!. fil $ill Dirtin ! Ccrif(lrr of( Dn6r !. s.lfiBut. nn *.li6 omltcilio!. N [inv'd.d for by sdtn)n l?00 o f lh. <br />lrEtr ccla f ilE Ffolrffi..f rlE$(xI tor trh(ttlEFh a 6utd <br />I hot c ind tr rll hr"nlin \ 0116 mmr.Nario. iNlEncc. s r.quir.i by Sdrion ]Tm .f lh. t bot (o&, loi lh. Ffol]i&. ol <br />ih. *$rt lor whkh rhi Fmn ir isr.d. My $ t6 comFrEllsn rNuroci cEnd Md plict nuhhc a. <br />l.drl, thd in rh. pdfornEn(. olth. s.rl ror {hich thir Fmn ir i*u.rl. I3h.ll d! aplor.' lny Farn in tnt neffi <br />s s h tE<omc sbr.<l ro rh. sd16 .o,np6s ion lou of ('alfomle Md rsR lhd if I .lsuld b.(om subFt lo lh. <br />*.*6 $mF@ri F.\irioB 6t Sdion rT(x)otrh.lifor(od..l $.ll. fonhtr h.onplr $(h rhoFpn'virio.t <br />waRNlNC lailuE !o w. srrls' omF$.rin co\(.s. . unlNful, .nd rh.ll $b].fl npk')q lo aimiMl pdshs &d <br />.nrl fi.6 up lo on. hun&.d thousd &rlls lllu <br />sdr(6 11,76 ofrhc I abor ( c. ioto6r Nd.llonF.v i <br />*",j:4!la a!r,,"n,: <br />,on. &n e6 a Fo\il,.d for th. <br />DlCld8AIla! <br />I hdlt'y ,lfm !n&r Futy of Fj!r, lhr I h licnE d undd Fovnioi of O!$c a (coffii4 B ilh S.(tnn 7000) of oiviti.. r <br />of lh. lr6iB dd PFldhB ( odc in my liN i! i. tull tont !n .fl.n <br />7'2f -fl <br />I hdttt iiIm ond6 r.ah, ofpajrrr lhd lh6. nr.onllrucihr kndin*.ga.y lor thc Ffom'R oflh. $!rl toi "tth rht Fml ir <br />isu.d lsc 1097, cir c ) <br />AI&TCAULIIIS,ASAII(r! <br />I hddy rrm u.& Frhy ol Fjr' oR of <br />'h. <br />folhwinU d.<lmrhn!: <br />D.mli!ion P6nn.-Attd6 Norificrrbn rcd6il R.8uh io.r (I ir I. r0. Pdn6) <br />R.quiEd l.rr6 of Nor'fi cdor <br />I .st rft thd rh. f.ddl r.suhrhB Fsrd'n8 dtEior .m.\.1 d. nc,i q'pliclbk ro thi. pri.d <br />I .dr ly rhd I h!\ G r.!d rhi! trnplicaln,n 041 nd. lh.r rh. thr. inLtui'n t cotrd I 6sra lo oip\ \r irh tll (-i' r .nd Counr\ <br />ordifiM6 .nd S'.r. l,$ 3 ELlr.8 lo h0 <br />.l$\r rtiorcd Flrin! l itrtErirn <br />...F.ddn6 or$E ('ily ud cou.ryro ard uF..lh. <br />,tt'Ilicrnr or,tgr r sipnir0..l'sv'tt <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communrcations Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER vli'llw a.g/ba MT <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Mgler Felease AI <br />cElAr 6/t'l/'.Uu N{U/4 t/4fi <br />Rough <br />Service lrleter ffi^/(t- <br />FINAL 0tt'ttpu YWdl '0k0[ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Transformers