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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BI]ILDER DEITARATloN <br />I hn.try rmm u8k Fslly ol Fjury thd I d ddB frln lh. CodEcr66 Liru Ii* tot lh. lollo*tu ltMn lst 70r l 5 <br />Builld .,!d Prol6i.n Cod.) Any Citr or Coui) shi.h aqui6 . Fhi lo mtd .1, .ta. it9roG damlith or rqtn xI <br />3rrucrre Fi, ro ir! Ble.- lle r.qtn6 th. 4did f.r 3wh llmn lo 6L . !(td nio6t .ad lE or Cr i! lkd!.d F nrr <br />ro rh. Foliionr of rtE Conrr(ktr! Licord L!q, ((fiFi 9, ( ommocins wilh Sdlion 7(Ir0 of Divithi lalfrhc Buircs rnd <br />PNldtrB Co&) o. rhn lr or .h. i d.n!l rhqclron od rh. hGb for lh. dh.d ndF'on an! vioL'ionofsdiht 7011.5 hy uy <br />.pgi(d for ! Fm'l $ti€i! rh. lpPli.Dr ro r .ir !l p.ut) or mr mr. rhd nr. huftn d &116 (1500) <br />l. i! osnr or lh.IroFny. or my.mploF6 rilh tr i86 s kl. compdr ion. \illd' rfic sorl ttil0E$f,dE i! mr <br />itrrdial or.lIs.d for sL(Sc 7Or.4. Buid dd Pr$lBinE ( od. 118Conlr!.1..s Li elrw&6nor+r,ltlomosEoI <br />rh. rhrdr s lF l(ill d rrrnx B llEq .n q'ho &E rxn w.t inBllor helf or ihrculh hL q lE os! @rLt6. <br />Fr it d rh'r r(h ihF.\Edr rc mr indrd.d d.6rtn tu. sE lr. b*6q. rlE lx diB or rpru.t1d ii rld s aho G !E <br />ofm.,I'l6hn. rh. (xnd B{iBd {lll haE fi. hndii ol trnrnB th, h. or !h. did frn hlild or impm\. th. t,otEly f.r ltE FrFF ol <br />l, f,iotr66f rh.FFr, co rm'nr { nh lic{k{ .o Blo*h odrud rlE FFr lS( 7o.l1.I\nB <br />Exl tn'ftsbn ('od. l n. ( onrrmtois I '..n$ doB not appl! lo o o$ nd or prop.n\ { ho bulldr or ihpro\ 6 !h6on. <br />anrl \ho ..ntr(rs nr s'd, rn.r(-k \ lr i (i,nn.uon\) lic(r(l NGNni rn r <br />z 1,4 <br />I h!\.sdsill r ('di,icar..f ( otMr ro s.ll-lBur.6r *.rk6'cohFMi.. a FolitLd for by. Sclion lT(xlolln <br />t E{ ( od.. ror th. Fr(xlle. ofrh. $rf,l tu f,nkh rlE Fnn t i$.d <br />Ihn1..nd$ill riinl.i. trn'rt6r' coml.nrsrtun inrura.... ar r.rt n.n hy Sd$tr:r7(Xrtrihc lrt{r(i,d., aorrh.tolomflnc.ol <br />lh. \. forNhichthis poil i. i$udl My *ort6' comr{$ri.n ir$oidna cmi( and FliLr nunhn r. <br />l.di! rhd in !h. Ffoffi. of rlE troil fd sh.h rhis Fnn u is.i. I !h.ll mr aph) e) Fsn in 6y nq6 <br />s d kr tEconc rulrdr ro ih. hll6 .omFMion L*! ol ( .lifomr., lrd r{rr thn ia l .tbuld t ..rc tubj.ti lo llE <br />s!,kd' smp.&rtrn prolitnrE oa S.s io. 1700 of th. tjbor Code I shau, l.n h*irh comdy {nh thos PNritioB <br />$.\R\l\(; li'h,( i. q1tr'. $,rLd(o)nrEaidion co\ ir uilsstul. .nd slEll 3ubjd M o,,loE lo oiniMl Frhi. &d <br />It$). in rdJn({ (r rh. c.r iotr d!rs6 s F.\iH f.r lh. <br />uflda t(nrn) oltEjtrryln l an rsNsn,n ol( hiprd slcoNncn.ins srth Sdtun7(x)0) oIDnistrrn ! <br />or rhc lt6in6r d P6r63i.B (-oi., Ei me licaE n <br />AI&T(ANLITI;CIjIAII!]! <br />I holl,y ,mm undd ,i.nalr, df Flury onr of lh. aolkN ins d(lu alion! <br />D.ndn$n P6n r.Attrsror Nolin.dFn fnldrl R.*uLrFns (lirl.l(r. Pa6) <br />Rqurcd 1..!rq.rMniftrrr <br />I (diay lhd rh. f.d.r.l r+uL! bN r*.rdins r+6ior roovsl e. nor qnlicthk lo ihii Ftj..r <br />.pplicdion dxl rh..borc rnromrli.. (.ord I <br />{u 2r ((9 rt 2 n <br />ir'(!, r. 'nl, rtrh all( \ inJ ( otrryi <br />r6 Irhis( r\.'ndr',,ur'n !,d Ge6n,rrf, <br />-"s/" /t t <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall -/ r7i ru$)bt <br />Ext./lnt. Lath ) tl - 5-tt D4ttny', /€\//-r r1t ,thta ,az- fr^, .B,r <br />Brown Coat -fi -tl -t\Wt'(x*>t* <br />N,4ason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />9-.ex<2.+l rl-1)- t 1 IMf /4 <br />FINAL TllP 1v ,fivffi .e) <br />Certificate of Occu n <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />L <br />rcrslBltcltaNl[lDlr]i-dcElc] <br />I i(chy amn uBj6 Fnlhr o r Fju, r- rh r h6. is t oN rudnn kndins a!oc! nn rh. pd()!11m.. nf rhc *otl tu whih rhii ltrnt i3 <br />isu.d (sR_ l(l)7. (\r c )