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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS OWNER BUIT,DIR DEL('ARATION <br />I h6.b rltntr und.r Fnallv of Fjury lh.l I m ddB frlm th. Coilrrn\6' l-icN lr* aor rh. follo$ina .@n lst 7011 J <br />tt^r6 nd Eofsnn ( o<k,: Any ( n) or (i{'i) utrfi r.quird t Fn. !o sdM, !hq. ifiFovc &mlirh or rqi! 6y <br />dtu<rdc Fir r. irs i!ie.. rLo r.quiE ih. {'dkd for s.h Fmn '. fik ! s'gi.d rdffir rh. lE or sL ! hcqsd Fnd <br />ro rh. proviln,B ofrh. Conr&ror'3 l-roed lrq l(.ruFa 9. ( o6nftrr with sdrbn ?000 oal)ivirion I ofrh. Bu!i6 i.d <br />h.a.sion. ( o!.) or tlsl E or rh. ir.r6F ihd.6om dd rh. hcii! aor th..lk8.d .rma io. Anyvioltlioiofs..tioi 70115 tiy triv <br />irpl'cd lor . Fmn sbj<lr tlE qrli.or lo r.iril Foh! or mr mr. rhm li\. hundt.<l &,lld (!500) <br />l, & os,6 oflh. FoFdt, or ny mplorG Rilh w.s6 N thrir rlc omtq*dion. rill do thc rnl dd dE <br />'rnEi@ <br />t ml <br />inroi.d or ofdrd for uk {sc 7{x4. Buh6 ud Pr.fdairN ( qt : Th. cod.doa! bw do6 nol Fpl} to in dsnd .t <br />rh. rF!.t rh.lxild inForEllEEr td rnn dq sh *rnt hielror h.r*lfor rl, u8h hit n hc o$n.trohy6. <br />Fond.d rhd sh in4..ldds ftd ndil.d rolH ii rk lf. hon6q- lrt l!'ttlB r "F$qd ir $ld {ihnw }d <br />otonplrbn rli otrc &rikt "ill hrE trE htrrk, of tmliiB th( rE or sn. dld d hild.r itrPm\r th. FoFry fot $E FrFe ol <br />LaosEofrh.FqE).m.r.lNn.l)<o r&rins*nhlrdkiN dlcro mdtud rhc FoF (S<. ?Or{. &.'t6 <br />dn ftDftsifl ( od. Th. (-ontrro.r l.rn* l-.$ d(6 mr .{)ilt ro rn otr nq .t p.oD.n! tr t burld. or idprot6 rhson. <br />.nd who conlmds nn uch I'sj.(lr $nh ! Codmcxrrls) licoFd Duduan kr rhr (hnt! nsLicdkl-.() <br />l .tcm und6 Sdk.n <br />D.l. Ontr.r <br />woRKIRai i 0[rpr^isATtoN <br />DESIiAIIA! <br />I hn.rt rmm u.4r FDr! of Fju.} oft of$. folbsnt8 &(lrdhB <br />I har. Md *ill hainraii . ( d oI Co'lsr ro S.lf-lrour. for s orln conpdq.lnu, a lrcyid.d io. by sernrn 1700 o I lh. <br />trbr cnL. lor rh. Ffommc of rh. $rrt fc $nih rh. pdmn a 6u.d. <br />I h.\crnd trrll limrin r ork6 lomttaral io. iEuEmc. 6 r.rtuEd rq sd io. l?lxr ol rh. btnr (ndc. fot lh. Ffotrrlm. of <br />lnc \srk fo, $hichlfiisFf,nil ir is.d My$ork6! conpqill$n drl Fli.y nuftbd r.: <br />l.diryth.l m rh. Fao,flE. ol rlE *ort am $hkh ihle Fmi n isu.d, I trEU nol o.ploy.ny tE$n h.nt IuE <br />$ c ro bcotr {bid l. lhc \!rt6' rcnFlnirn |rs! of Cdif.nn& old lg6 rhd rf I rh C b..omabill lo llE <br />tr o.t6' conFuhn PrrvnioE of S.cr6n 17(r) or lh. l.bor ('.d.. I .l$ll. 6nhwnh .nmPlf wnn !ho- FolnhB <br />r{ nNlNG Fillr. ro w. wl6' onp.Mhn cova{r i !da*tu|. !d {6ll $hj<( d arglL}? ro aimind FElb d <br />.n fi6 up ro oE fi!.d.d thorsd dollr! (1100.000). h iddiran ro llt cor of .on9.di.r d.NgB E ForiH ftr rh. <br />sdhr 1076.frhr lrbr ('od. i d!ddol]atf6 <br />lrrr.:_ App!d.r:_ <br />UCE!III!.(q!IBASAA <br />DE(lIAAI,la! <br />I hd$r amfln undd ofp€jurylt I dr limr.d und.r <br />'lolnion <br />oa( hapr6 9 (.onmo.ins wnh Sdhn ?(x)ol or Divition l <br />oa rh. BusiH ml Pi'ldioB co&, rd mr li(.e ie in tull loiE.rd cftdr <br />cax$f,uoroNtt !Dl!c-&cE!(} <br />I Hy lmrm ! ja Fuh, of Fjury rhd rha. t, codtu.riin LndtB r!fty for th. Ftomm. orlh. erl Lr *hich lhi! Fmil ir <br />is.d ts6 l(r7, cn (') <br />AISIICANI.DIS.AAAITA! <br />I lE {, ,Irnn rndn po.h y oa Fjur} on. of lh. folh*in! {ka 1.,.1ions: <br />Dqbliiion Psm'lr AstErr N6ria,.dhn fj.ddrl R+uldioN ( I tr|.10. PM6l <br />R.qurdl ldrd of l*{rfrnbn <br />I c6lily rhar rhc a.d(l ..{ul, Gsrdiry Nh6rN rsnolrlar..or nrtli(.h|. k, r hn lmjd <br />IcdiryrhdIh^.6drnilpplc.rion.ds.l.rndrh.:tor.'nronntFnscor<iI.*r(to6nlP!rnh.(n,.tnCoutt <br />mdmrm6..d sr.r. t $! Ektru to bllrldins coBrruclior lrl h6d,y.urlariz. r.?.ern,!6 ofthn (-n, Md Countylo dlq uFrn lhc <br />atn!. nmrioncd rropdy fo. iNpeln. purrhs <br />,tppli.rnr or Shnritrr. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lr,4eter <br />FINAL 7/t(ln /LU 4 4q) ZPA <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc u-./