<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owlltl tutLlrEt DarataTlolr
<br />I hdrl,r.,Im ltn r Frl, olFrry d: I d qcq( ilo rlt co.rn ro.r' Lt!. l,v 6. dE 6ll'qt lao (sc mll t
<br />Bu'E .d PbEEn Cod.)r Any Cr, d Coury wh.h i.q!6 . Fnr ro or.tur. .t6. ilrr'rcv., &Dl$ d lF ! &y
<br />rr!.r@, Fir ro ir i.ll.d. .&o iqoi6 th. iprlio,r t'r uh Fn ln fiL. rilicd rrldEd tha lt or rtE i ti..ra.d linud
<br />h r,F Fvi'ioB 6f llE Cqlr&rdi Lieicd L.p (clql( 9. Con@Ei"s eah Sarion ?000 of Divirbn I of llE Buii.$ .nd
<br />Pot {hN co&) or u t s ih. i' dar,l rltEtob &d rh. h-h t iE dLtEd d.r"rm. A,y vi,hrbn ols.dft 701Lt t, $,
<br />.,ilion 6.. raD, .5F. tlE .lrlied lo. ovrlr.rryotd dm tlr,liE llri.H &jlL.r (15001
<br />-1.
<br />! o*E ofrlE Fsldry. d ry.,phy6 xnh t !E { IlEr sL cnqsrr.n( h[6 ft sn* rd $. itrEE ! d
<br />ddnd or.tu tf, -L (S<.1)a4, BuiixJ lnd PreFnr Cdg-ft. Conn.r 'r!ffiL.r&.rElrllylox.ffioI
<br />rlr pmrEry etE hrilt' or irpFE tlHd,r rd s,t (kE Gn md h'Blf or trrllor tlloud hii tr ls om.nDl"t*
<br />!mv.t drh.r .h ihrio9qEr$c d ind'd.d noE rd for !L ltLlfr. Elr)ildii or nipow isUwnlin.E)r
<br />olcrglii4 tlr OeE &iLt6 siu lrE tlr hnr, orFwlg tll lt.r tE dn d hdd inprnE th.,,!Fry tt dE li!F..ol
<br />-1,ldrEofiEFlFry.
<br />m4lulEly@rtri4,itlili..dffi lo6ri,tdft Fn .l(sc nxa. &m
<br />.!n liltincod.:'llE Corr..aa r Ltld Llr.16 d {plylo affiof FnFy,lD buiE G NpoB n6'l
<br />.,i *l'o 6't.rr. ft. nd, FFclr wnh. co,rdd({ I'cd,...!Fjlld ro rh. con,.cd . Lir* Lr,}
<br />_l m .r.m,r u,r& Sd
<br />$af,f,EEltllll8fMArlo!
<br />I l$by 6mm utx,.r rErly of lxrpry oE ot llr t)llo*tra &.b .6
<br />_lh!rc.,nw''lmEforsrk6l@mp.{.lioqdt'rc$d.d&,nl?00ofll*
<br />Lrh{ Coda &. tlE Ftffi of llE wrt tr li&h llE FDi' i! d.d
<br />_l lIE !d *ill mint'u Nid 6En trrh iDlrR. - tquGd l, S&rih !7m ol r t t . C.d., tn llr F6.ffi of
<br />rlE rrt 6r *iih rhr rEDn ir -rd M, at6 @4i:,n rtllrE aG d FlEy Er .r E:
<br />-l
<br />6rit d.t o tL'G of llE r t tr rtah tf,r Fri 'r
<br />idr.rl- I rlEll 'bl 6qth,!ryFmnDytffi
<br />- . !o h6r alFr lo dE qltql sxlFdM L$ of cdllnir rll. f I deld t6B ibFr 16 rL
<br />hrlGr' 6rF-s F iir of ..-rbr l?00of $. trbor Cd.. l trll, &nh*lt @,rtt r.hdDr Fovii,n
<br />WARNINC ldlur. r. G:w ffirt f, omrE dio. 6ma. r unhwtuL rxl rhlll ohl..l !n qlploF lo mml Fdhii,
<br />civil n.6 up ro oE hutnEn lhousnd dollN (tl0o.o{x)). in .ddnrn h rlf on ol sq'as'iorl tt!flI.i .r ,'mridd hr
<br />if,.rFn 1076 ofdr hi, c.d.. d.d.,n.nqrry 3 f..r.
<br />I leny r,Im !i<td ,qrlry of Frrny $r I m lci..d uidn pr.wE. olcbDrr I (offiir! anh S.chn ,(ml oaDiniir l
<br />ol rh. BuriH .rd PmtdhN Co<L. ird my li.c ii in tull he ri.rE r.
<br />?)9e?I
<br />61411 c*-* lL 7//a,-z-rqe*,
<br />colsralcuo!.tl![ac.Acllct
<br />I hqdr, .lTm ulxb Fulry of Filry rlll rlF. i. . od.Etbn lqdila {try tu lh. |Etlme of lh. 6h &r *hi:n lhit Fnil .
<br />i-rd (Se. 1097, Civ. C.).
<br />I ha6r.Ed u!xt6 F t, ofFiury oE ofllE blhsi.t (kh.rEB
<br />D.@lnion Pdtrn]ArtErd tloriiorm lid6d R.8rbm (IaL {o, P!r5)
<br />-R.quiEd
<br />krln ol t{di6.rm
<br />-l
<br />.d'ry rh.r rh. f.d6!l ,.rqtllDN i4rnrnj adEdG lEmEl m d qDlirbL ro ln! toF.l
<br />-l
<br />.ariry $.1 I ltE Ed lhn rprlirhn td xd. rlfl $..lloit inilrii.F. a orcl I .|rE lo mtrply wnh.I Cry.rd Couny
<br />dditlId ,d 91. l,s ELIi h hlildiir cilriEi|! in h.r.lry .ulDE EFEdiiE olthi Cily.nd Coltry ro cxr Wot dr
<br />rh*. E Iftd ni)n nr i, 'BFlnnnu.Ir'rr
<br />.\ppu.rnr o, AB6r shurur.: lt # a a --) - at .-L-
<br />p.,hrir. orrn,, r'Ju.r ' n tcT O /L'L)
<br />a/z/ rt
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P{raplDrain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Waler Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 6.Zt-17 /zc-?7
<br />Noles, Remarks, Etc
<br />Gas Service
<br />,,..i
<br />t,.
<br />e /z /tq