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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE lD/fG:.COMMENTS OWNET BUII,DFI I'EII' RATION <br />I h6.try .md un&r d!h) of p6jnry lhd I o .rdF frd ttt codrdoR Lk.s L{u tot rh. folhah8.l!.fr 6< nr L <br />Bu'rar ,rd Prcf6iln codc): Any Cily or Coudy $nth t qon6 r Fmit lo sl(^tr. nra. intPmre &frlilh or r4!r b! <br />stu.iEq Fhr to irr isNe r*o icqrn6lh.4pli.d f.t u(h Fnn lo fik. !'gGd rdffil lhd h. o. CE it licda.d F,qun <br />ro rh. Flrnr6 nt rl! Cd m s Lk.G.d L"s {(tu 16 9. ( omnftint $nh ScclFr ?00o ol Diriri,n I or I Buits m! <br />PnlcFn. ( orL, or t'n lE s tlE i Bd+r rh6!6om drl rlE tst ror lh. ilLs.n norFirn An!ri\Llbnofsdio.701ltbr) <br />.pr k.trr tn. Fmn sbj.rtr rrE 4?li.d ro !.irilFuty ormt mr. rho fi\. hundcd &tll&s (t5m, <br />L 6 of,mof rlEF.Fn). 6d) @plotG $hh$.!66thi, $LdnnFui.( $ill&0E$uttdrh.ndci r <br />ddrLl or (ll6.d fn oL (56 704], asils 6d Ptorsoc ('tn rh. ( o.trnlM r t iG Ii\ &6 d tppb lo .$c of <br />!h. Fnt6r $ b tlitl c inprr^--.6 rhd@tr !d sho <tB s.h $uI huMlr or hd*lr.r thlo!3h hL or hd o$t mpk 16. <br />Drorid.d rh tuclt imFnffi! e ml inod.d or.fir<t itr sk lf. hotr6<. tlE hildine inpruffiiFldsirhinwtd <br />ofsmphnr llE ()*nd BuUd $ill lE\. llE hrddl orFlviiR lhi lc or rh. dil ml bllild or imFo\t lh. FoF) tur it F,por .a <br />I. so*n6olrh.F.F ly. dncxclEiv€lyconfurinr wilh li.dt<l.onlmloB lo ol{tucl rh. prljel (Sd 7044.I18D8 <br />M'l ltnftsif (t,d.: I hc Co.rricrofs Lic.B. Las &6 not.pply lo eo$nd ol pr.D.ny sho builds or imprcv4lhsor' <br />.id sho enr6.lltu$.hF.j.disilhoCo dlo(3) lic kd pununl to l h. (nnr6.r6i3 Li..M l,q) <br />I m.rdDl u.dosdion . B & P( nvrhitrar. <br />D.r. O'.r <br />]ta8f,E8l:.(a!rfjD$IlQ!OIUJAAIIA! <br />I hdq- .mm unla Frtr. .f Fjuu- oc of rh. fo[o$ iry dEhrih6 <br />I hr!..n *'ll midd.. Cdrfrd. otcoMr ro s.lf.lBur. tu $nrld' $mFdiotr s Fo\ild fo, "r( <br />Sdhtr r7(r) of lhc. <br />ljlxtr ( .d.. for rrE lEf(m. of lh. *vt lor unrn rlE rEhn i is.d <br />I h.r G .ri wnl q!rl6' cotrp.c.riJn iBn..k., s r.quit.d h S.dnn r 7m of th. L.bor Co<!. tor rh. ,cfol'!le. .f <br />rk $o.k ao. sh(h lhir rEtnil i *aEt My sort6 omp.Mbn iBudc ..lm md Flky runt r !c <br />, <br />(-M6 <br />Policy Numb( IirFir..: <br />I lhil in rh. p6lorm.N. ofrh. *o.k aor which rhit pdn"l it isu.i, I lhrllnol mploydyF$. ir anv <br />'rmncr$ slo tE$m.3uh.n r. rh. $.t16' coE!.Ellion h\$ ol(.lrfomh. md rsc lhil iflshould baom. bid k\rh. <br />sodd d,nFrsxontmvilioN ofS.(ior ]T()O6irk lid (.d.,ld!ll.Ionhn(h $mdy $nhrh-Frvisio <br />waRNlNc l;.ilur. kr su. s6rld .omp.dhn co16.*. F unli\lul, &l rlull slhjct & dplotd h oiniul FuhE ind <br />.ivrl lin6 u, u .rc hundtd lhoGd dollc {tl(n.fixD, 'n ddiri'n to rh. con oa coml.Mion. .ld.!a6 6 rotnLi r'r rh' <br />sdirn 11176 .t rh. I .k ( .d., im6.r !d nhrrEy s td <br />Appliorl: <br />I(IlitED-(l)xl&!(lABll(l]raarar <br />I hd!b! .lrm !nd.r llEll) otFju4 lld I m li.6E d lndc Flriirn ot('hF. e lmmffiirg qnh S<ri'.7(x)0) of Di\ ilitn I <br />of rn B6iB.nd [lnftsi'N C.dc. !n ny la.a i! i. tull foE. tn dld <br />/4M,/,1 la/ <br />( oNs1'RU( U()N t tsNDl\(: (:r'N( t', <br />Ihd.tyarli,ntrntldp€nrll!oltrjurrlh.rlh6cisaconnneli('nlo 'nB.r6.v ir lh.pqrolrfu..olrh.sorl nn \hichrh lHnr i\ <br />sstrdl (s( i0'r7.(if ( ) <br />I m'ld t \nm. <br />Set Backs dU.J <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/Energ y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL T'Ld'(Z.4/L / /U/? <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Note Re arks Et <br />.$ru!l}Ij.t(L\&urQ: <br />l lriLl^,tlnni u d Fl'k\ rf l{ntrr f ne oirh€ f, lh\\ Lnr J\],nrr' !n <br />lktrrnIk,n li r\'^nEn{\rr'li.rrx'nr.ddalR$trlirrtr\Iltrlf 1".!'nnr <br />R.qtrBd I dkl ,n \!i'i.inn <br />I(.r'lr rl' rh.l(lr'.rlrcLUl.nFnsre!rl'n!in\rNotr!\ilrctrrrr|tl'.11'1.r'rh'\.t(l <br />rh\. ,.nrrn'.(l t)'f$n\ li\r nrsllali,r lurBs.\ <br />'rnlli.0nr or A*rnr Sl*n{xrr€ l)ile <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Flood Zone Certif.