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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS O\[ NER BTIILDER DEI.('ARATIOII <br />I imnn und6 F..lry oa Fjul thd I m,, nom lh. (nntaloR l-kN l:r to. th. folhsinr @. (sc 7011 t <br />Itu3inds id Frofdhn Gn.): Any Cil' or ('ounly snicfi r.quir6 . Fril lo co(rruci. ,lrn. imrnnq d.nolish or cF y <br />rrudu( rs '. <br />llr rs.K, !h. r.qliE lh.4rlrn f.r s.h Fn ro 6k t 3€n.d srtr.ffi' rfid lE or 3tE i licG.d prNe'l <br />h th. ImlithB.f dr ( l.t6rd lls t(18 ( c. (nnIltrinr rnh s..rirn 7(m oll)niion I of lh. BciK Md <br />It(,Lsions Cod.l or lhal lE o. lhc ir c\.npl lhs.Fom 6nd lh. t6a lq rh..ll+!d .ra]ri.n Ant thl{h.olsdlnn 70!15 b aI} <br />appli..nrtuapnnnrubJ<rsrh.6mh.rnrrorcnilp.n.hvotnormor.rh,nn!!hondr.ddollEs(15001 <br />l. s oEF of thc popnl. G nr atPh!6 r'ilh q+6 s lh.n sk comFtin.. trilldr iE $dt td rlE rdc n ml <br />inroxjql o. otlk.d for sl. (S{ 7014. Aush* ud &or*ioN Cod. Tlt ( odrrioar l.k.e l,v d.s mr t9rl-! r. e o$n of <br />rh. Drr{6y tr h. tliki o, ,t[mr6llEor rn n ht dE sh NrL hinr.lf or hcsd f or I hm!*t t,s or hF oM rnplo}c. <br />prorij.d rhn s.h ir{mrq6* m er idarldl d ofitrol li{ rl.. lf, lDtr6s,llr t!'B.B q inFsn6r i. $ld *ihin.E }6 <br />ot co,rokior rh. o$rd Builrd *ill h!v. rh. tldar ofForrns rhd l'. or dr dd ml hild or inprD\! th. FrFr\ tor llE F,F$ ot <br />l. aosn6ofthc Frpalr, cdt&tins nnh c.nrrloEro a]nrrud lrE FDj<r (sd 7(}!r, &nr.g <br />.nd PNftBir ('od. 1 t. ( ont.doi s I '.orc La* do6 nor lpplv lo M o* n( ol pii)Fn ! who build! o! nnplor6 ths.or. <br />.nd *lrr sdB<rt lor ru.h rmj.tr3\nh. Co tur.n3l li..6.n lJt6d hrlE Co rKoisLkffiliu) <br />IIn.!.'nfl trn(lo S&.on <br />D d K. ZL.f ? <br />DECIAAAIPI <br />I hq.h! allt trnd$ lsahr.l Firr.,lLN'n! d-lrdion$ <br />Ih!\.rdnillroinrlin!Cdirrarcol(oBnrosdl.l6@for{o 6 Nnp.siion.6 lrNid.d fo, bysftx.n:r70oofih. <br />L.try ( od.. aor lh. Ffo'lMC. of lhr $ort f( n hkh llE Frn i isu.d <br />I ht\r and $ ill $ 0116 .omrEMlion in$Em.. s r.qurcd ,." Scrn . l7lx) of rn.! ('od., for ll'. Ffolr@c. oa <br />lh. trod for snkh fiir Fcnn i! issl Mt. trt*d FtyEsni.'n ins@. (6ir in Fk! .!mtE r.: <br />l.dir\ rhd in rh. Ffornrfr..trh. sol! ny \hrhltitrp.rrn( r artr.d,I shtlln mrl$ int p(sno.n) rMn. <br />$ dst,lEon. rut (r trr rh. $.rtEr comFsr$n ln(1dl( rlin)mm. Md irR rhd if I shruld tE om {hi.{l rorlr <br />\0*6 .ohFsrnnI' irioniols<rio.1701).f!h.lrh' corli I shall. fonh{irh.ompl\ sirhrhosr \isn,ns <br />tl^LlrlN(; Iarlur. t, Kd. \rqt6 (onlEdi)n co\dit. r u.h\ful. ud shtll lubrdr .n dplDd ro mminil F nh6 ind <br />ci\il li.6 !p b orc hldr.d lhou{Id &llG lll0().fixrl. i. dnkrn coi 6t 'le e6 a Fori,.d for rh. <br />sdii.n 1076.lrh.l..h! ((c,en s6l inddronrv <br />t.t./ k-ZC- /F _^ <br />I hs.h, rlrd !n<!.r FulD oa Fjd, lnd I o ltEEn u.!d.. F.rirbn o, Oiqis I (s.nrltrirE * nh s.dn. 7m] | oa Dn shn I <br />ol th. BurN &d Pn'fdhB Co<L. ,.d mv li.@ r m lnll lor.. rn.iTd <br />(aIiIA!CII!DLIfNI'!!GTCET(I <br />I .mrm undd F.ihy o t tErjLry. llur thft it s coNlrucli'n ldrlia! ard.] f.r rh. ttn)f11frt. of rh. t .k ir \ hich rhr Fnn . <br />6u<rl ISN r(n7. ( '\ ('l <br />I .al6'i N,nc <br />dffll(AtfDt(lJaAllArl <br />I .rm leld ol Dq|ut oE ol rh. nnhtr i.* Lk{ laarrnr <br />l)rholirion Pmirs Ash<rM N.tificdlion f.&6lR.tuhrnB( lnk40. Pnnrl <br />R6run.n l.dt6 of Ndilkd.i <br />l.drt) rhd lhc rcd.lal rc!!]oxom r+rdtrr! mbcsk,r'.no\a1rrt nor alrlrluhl. t rhis p.L)(r <br />lGlir! rh,t I h.\..cad rh6.pri{,'rn rn {nr. rhatllE.}$\.,orntunn s n,trc1 l+,(k'.ond\ tr irh.ll ( rtnnd( o!nr) <br />.r,[n(,r(c in,l\tir. tnrs rcldr'r r, h!'ltl'ns_rF{nrrr,n. d{t lE.h! aurlxtrr.rqtMtdi\6 ofrhir ('ir!.nd ( ounrr t,6rc ulr n;U7"fu!L/,6-*,. ) <br />p*^r,*- ,rcA6/ f_/f Epct) e pfLf6Ab <br />Set Backs <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing 9lL4l,Q Ft4,ttu <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />l <br />//F|NAL c)/rAlt1 tl-rL lUf <br />Certificate of /Occupanci <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />2,*,_ <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />Shear Wall <br />Handicap Req.