<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns )1a,.M Ti-,n*ot vfu)
<br />Erection Pads ol
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing 2/,Jtr frfu/ol
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing 7/r,. rtr ,fu/or
<br />lns u lation/E nerg y
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />FINAL l/ralrq t? lo\
<br />Certificate of Occu pancy
<br />Notes, Remarks Etc
<br />I h6.h oum und( Fullt ol Fjrr_ 'l'd I m doF nim rlx c.m6don l-i.f,* lrv tu'h. aollosiry R&'n (S.(7011r
<br />IlNin* ad Prot*irn (odcl An! Cir) or ( Ndt Nhirh rcqnr6 . p6nn ro co({ruct. !hs. ihrov.- doelirh or titr 6'
<br />,ndur.. Fs ro irt isun-c. rho EqurB rhc q,plicMr lor such rEmrr ro fik i lisEd lrr.lFr rhd l! or JE il li.4ed Ftr3rn
<br />r. rlE Frtriird ol
<br />'lE
<br />Codrdois l-i(os.d tr* ((lurid e, ( om,nmin3 $nh Seri). 7oq) of Divnhn :r oarh. t}tl3itB ud
<br />htrtNEN ( oJc) tr rh.l h. or rt 6 rho.lion Dd rh. b6ir tu rlr .lhcd .tdFnh An) \ Fldhn ol sdio. T0:!15 b.n,rrpli.. for r Fmn subjdb rh. tu . .itil p.Mh) ol en mE rho fir. hun&.d dolla { lJoo).
<br />l. nt o$r(ofrn F.Fn!, or mr mpLrc $ith $^116 6 rlEt $k 6mp.Mhn. sill &
<br />'lE
<br />w.t drd lh. eruiu! ! mr
<br />nnsxld oro,Iold forsLlS( 70.1-4. adi'E ed t!i.f6!irc ('dt rh.(bdrdoirLk.Ml:edo6notlrtlyrodotrT6of
<br />th. r,lFry $no hlil& o. mp.ov6lhcoG dd s ho dE rrn qri hiMlr or h<*ll.r rhhush hi! or ho osn mplor.6,
<br />ln vd<j rhi' lu(h inlFordftifi e ml hod.d orottucd &t rl. lf ho{66, rlt hlildD* or oprlrirdl i! sld wih'n o.. !w
<br />ol cotrFkioa tu own6 B{i!b "dl h.\r llE hrdd! .f Frins thi lE d r{E dd ml boild or ni{nr. fi. F!d, tu lh. ,{rFr of
<br />l-do\n6ofth.rorE1v.mcrcbn.lrcod,rlin3$ h lic6$d coirrct(lB ro connrud rh. rmjal (s( 704-1. &^mB
<br />and rhrlRrbn ( od. I h. ( 6ntrkr-3 l-i(6q l-r\ &n r{ qr\ ro m ou nd ol r.ndt $ ho bu ilds .r imrror6 rh.ra,n.
<br />ind *ho 6nhdr ior so.h F,jdls tr nh . codftr.(3) ti..8dt t rstrd b rh. (nnt.dors l-ic.N 1.5\ )
<br />I nn .r.nlll rBld Sali ,n
<br />I hd)! rlltrrnd.' trnrlr\.1
<br />l!!-( !-!LrM(r\
<br />I hav. d will mint.h . ('.rrifE.t. of CoMr io'lGrE for nlrte onFBnFi, a Fnvidd lor by s.dion .1700 . f rh.
<br />r$or Ctt . for th. pafolffi. of tlE f,nt for $tkh rh. Fni 6 isr.d
<br />I hsv. .nd srll trorra ..nFa.|hn isuEftc, 6 rcqunrd h) s<i ion .r 7fi, oar h. Iihor G&. f.r tlE Fao.ruk. ot
<br />rh. worl for shi.h rhit Fmi b iq*d M, $dla s.nFlnion iNtrra. micr dd Flic, numtEr s.:
<br />I cdifrrhd in(h.Fformr.of rh.$orr for*hichrhR p6m 6 Lr!u.d.l rhrll nd mphy !n! F$n inM! mMF
<br />$ B to tEom ehicl lo th. wtrt6'smFreion h$r or('aliaomr. ud rsra lhd il I $ould b.(.tr ruhjd h rh.
<br />$0116' anFsllio. rorlionr ot S.(ioi 1700 of rh. ljbr Code I Cull. frnhtr nh .onplr s irh rtbs Fo! ar-'6
<br />wAltNlNc rriluE r. $G {dld comFtudion .o!ors. B unl,*tuI. .nd shall shjd o aph}q lo simol rE nb dd
<br />cnil fiE up r. nr hunk.d rhosd Joll6 (ltLtu,r'tn), in adJnnrn ro rn. cor of conFBtion. d&r.a6 B F{\d.d ror rh.
<br />S(hn rr116.r rlE l.bnr ('.de mrdd Md drdl8 ! rd
<br />n,,-X- )t.-+Q \ ^1,-^' Q4rt-,a4o"r.l\-/ ulE 5D(A!rXA(I)BA\- plfr
<br />^R{rronI hdrt, lrm uRkr r6d! ) nf Flun rF I m [ik{ und6 Fo\ si.n oI ( 1'4rs 9 ($mnffiins r irh S.dion 7Om) ol Dr nion 1
<br />ol rhc ll,(n8s ind l'r isnfis (itrlc. and rr li.dra ii n rulL la'( nl.lltur
<br />C(INSTRUC ('N I 1'NDIN(; ACEN('I'
<br />I h€d'q rrtrm ofrl6 F.!h! of FllD rhd rh.. i. r onitucrDn LndinS.strr for lhc n6fol1lrffi. of lh.*orl tor \nkh
<br />'hir rrmi .
<br />6su.rl {lir l(n7, ( iv C }
<br />'! Nm.
<br />I,*r,*.fmuda itn.ny olFjurr.m of 'h.
<br />folloring d(lmhons
<br />Ibfrnni.ri Po'! Norlicdion lldd.l R.*ul.r i1ns I rirl.40. Pfl6)
<br />R.qundl krdol].r({ifirid
<br />$dh rll( rl inn (.utrr\
<br />(l(.trtrr' r".nrd,,tu,r1l'
<br />8- t-o-tq
<br />l.n',r\ rhr,'hc 1610il d.'ln''n.,.!rJ ri J'Larvrlrril,,rrl'.,,hkr'rhFI{,.nr
<br />\",r- ,f *.. '..,.,t. .r,.r,i.,r{, r s.(rr,d,{., r",,ar..r'nrr\
<br />,,.ln.r\sltrrrclr...rctnr,r!r.htr'lJ'nE(.8,u.r.,{'.rnJh.'.1,\.trl,rv.rqr.dun6rlrhrrtr\
<br />ih,'c m9((lj t,,"n n\ fitrmlfG,
<br />..ror.l *,s''-,.,r*,-. \ai-rr 9-^,--) r).r.
<br />r-,q* -..y,/,,,, I a^r- G atut hY
<br />UFER Ground
<br />Flood Zone Certif .