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10196198 - Permit
Maple St
2310 S Maple St
10196198 - Permit
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/29/2021 8:33:09 AM
Creation date
7/29/2021 8:33:08 AM
Permit Number
Full Address
2310 S Maple St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Martinez 2460sf residential addition
Street Number
Street Direction
Street Name
Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Revision to 10193479.- 1) Remove laundry room and add powder room. 2) Remove existing porch and build new porch to new location at the middle of the front 3) Existing roof of 1st floor to be remove and replace with new roof
Nature of Work
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (,\tNi:R B( IT DER DET-('ARAI I(''I <br />I hd.i{ arm un&t rEslry .f Flq^ rh, I .rdpr fiom lh. ( odrrcro. I (.nk tr$ for r h. rolbr ry r;r.n (s.t 70:r i5 <br />llNm6 ad PFrso. ('uL) An) Cn) or Cuud\ trh.h r.qur6 6 Fmn h.odM..16. imForc ddnnsh oi rqu ev <br />srrul-r@ rrsr u ds su&q t&. r.quiB th. +rlEd ror 3uch Ftu b 6l. r srs..! n dd $d lE or iE i! hcosd Oed <br />ro rh. plyntuN ofrh. (int[.ror ! Lcnrd l.* (-hq,td e. Commftins *nh sdon ?()rJo oa Dniri,. I otrh. BBmB sd <br />PmfBioB Cod.) or rhrt tr or shc it crmF $6.&om lnd rh. bsis tor lht tll.s.n crmFrcn Anv r blarion of S..lni 7(,! l t btsv <br /> lor a pdmir sobjsls lhc appli.Dl lo . .iv il ,.nth y o t nol oot. rhe liv. hundtql dolld (S500) <br />l. 6 osnc of rh. FoF1f , or my mplolc s(h $+* s rh.n et (mlEsdio.. *il.t fi. toit ud lrE rrL1e i tun <br />id6id.d or off6.d aor sL (S* 704,1, BsiBr ud tinlarioB Cod.:It. conrrcu t I ic@ Ilu &6 m! dPplv to { otrE of <br />rh. FoDaty trh.t! l or urtFo\6 dEEa rt *h, dE sh *.d hirelf or h6*lror rhmush hi! or hs o*r mpr.r6. <br />Fovd.rl rhlt snrh mForqEr! e 6r ddrLd { oltcol tu qL l[ r.$66. l,r h]iUES or ditFo!ffi L $B s ihm orc t6 <br />;acotrpkn., ir ( xffi 0u dd *ill hlE d. h!&i ol FoflB tlE lE n ,r dd d t{iti m qrevc ln. FoF:_ ftr llE FIFE ol <br />-t, <br />sosnn.l rh. l'oFlr, m.!.lG' ..ntd inN snh h.soi oit&ro6to orBrud rlE Ftid tsc 70'l'l.ld'n< <br />od Polisir ('odc I h. ('onrtrcloa r Licorc L,w do6 .or applt ro e owrs nr pn,p.nv who bu ilds or impiove !hsd'n. <br />ard {ho conrEds tor such Fojc<1s *nh a conttrh(r liccB.d pududt to rh. ( ontldor s Li.ffi ris ) <br />I m.r.n!, ondd S(n{n <br />tlrt.: Oitr. <br />\roR[rr.s; abiirriNs,{iroN <br />DNCIABAIIg! <br />I h(.br amm und.r Fn I) or nqrul}'oe of rh( nnn!tr 68 d.(l&a166: <br />-l <br />harc rxj s,ll ! Cdlrlical. of Co@t n, for \dkd r conrp.o{l'on, s Fu idtd aor bv S{lrr 1700 ol rh. <br />l$or Codc. tor th. psfomm.. of th. wo fo. *hrh rhc pdmn t issu.d. <br />I havc rnd srU d!i.rdi. worls, comp.asalrn i8ut.n... c r.qut d hy sdt ion ]7m oI thc llbr cdd4 for $c pdtuanmc' ol <br />rhc $ orl aor r h'ch lhs tnnn i! ds.n My worldr onFunrn iNurffi. camd arl rr licv numbd d. <br />l.diayrhr!nrhcprtu@c.ofth."or!fo,trh'(hlh'\p<rnn6su.i.Ilhtllnrdlh, <br />e sro ltcom. iubldr tu rh. sodr6 codpqM$n litrs ol('.lrtomE. &d +R rhd ial slt'uld hdom. slt'jcd lo lh. <br />w*d comtds bn povrsn'B oas.crio. :r 700 ol rh. I ihtr Gvle I sldl. lonhsnh codply wnh rhos ptorBiotu <br />*ARNINC irailurc io kcdr. work6' comp..din mvaaE. i! unla\ful. ind shdll subral mplovd kr siminal FDhi6 sd <br />cilil find up k, oN hund.d rholsd dolltrr ($100,0(x)). i6 dddition ro rhc cor ot comPcMlioo. drnat6 s [rova't] nn rhc <br />s&ri.n 1076.lrh.lrhtr( od.. inta.c sd.nrE r 16 <br />Applidnl: <br />u$laglcaxrsacIrE <br />DEC|jSAIIO! <br />I tElt'' 6rm uftl6 ,,.eh, of Fiur- rhd I 6 l(ds.n unld Flvtnrn ol chttrd e t(onnRms tr ith sdion 70()(r! 'r l)( irhn r <br />ul th. Bcin6 ed !rf..s6 Co&. &n,ry ltat E m full fde !n.ll(t <br />(lllslal{:rlaNrE8Dli lli(I <br />I H,y rffm und6 F.d! of Frry rhn thd. 6 . sdM b. Lidbs +*) fu ltt FfLmG of tlE *ort i,r $ hEh rnu Fna it <br />Atrula[r..DlicldSaua! <br />I Eq* arm uB!.r y oa pglury 6n. of rh. folhwrn[ dc h,rli,6 <br />D.mhhn Pm t.Altsr NdifEdion l-ELol R.sul,r bB ( lhl. J0. Pdi.l <br />-R€qun.d <br />1.116 of rk{ifdion <br />-l <br />.diry rh.i th. t d6!l cruhrioB E rrlf,s Bbdl$ rdovt] d. no! aaPh,hl. ro thi. rt!i{t1 <br />I cdif, rh.l I h!v. r@d rhi! .pplicalion ud slolc lnd lh. !hov. infonndion 6 cord I drr lo rcnlplv *nh rll ( il ) and (lunrv <br />ordim.6;d Slal. lra! Ehruu io t{ilding coniru.lio( erl aulhoriTt .qt*da1i!6 oa thjs Citv 6nd tuunlv lo dl6 upon ih' <br />sbov. trEliomd l^)tEly aor iNpdrn plrpoG <br />\[pri(rnlor.\! i \l*n.rur. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL tl4.,lt4'ln daMe&4_) <br />Certificate of Occupancy t ,1 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I
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