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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORO <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.(xE,B!ild6 D.rLrrnn <br />I nn.b, .mrm u.dd p.d h) or pnjury rhrl I rm .r.hpr torm rh. ConlncroB l-r.E Lrw for rh. follo *ms ro$n Gfr ?0r I 5 Buindt <br />.,ld Prcf6.h. Cod., Ar, Ci, or c6uny shit r.qrn6 . Fhn rocoBrrud,.ns. imrrcr.. d.mlntor Eprn tny irrudu., FEr ro irt <br />Btue. rb4 r.quid lh. rp? tor uh h fiI. . ri3md .t.r.lrni rhI h. o. rh. i, lr.Md plllsr ro rh. pbvir66 of E <br />Co.tdort t-reB.d lI* (Ch.prd s. Comn.ft'nr wtrh Sd6.7Om oaDpr6n I olrh. aun6. rhd P.ofd.6B Cod., or rlt h. d <br />rh.i!.r.m lh.r.nmtndth.bBitlorrh..ll.acdcrcmpti..A.yviol i.n6rs<rio.70.rl5brr.r.ppli..mrorrp<mnrlbj.clrth. <br />rpohc. to!ci$lp. n,orhr mr.rh.n lir. hunlr.<t d.lLR (t5@) <br />I. a osns oa rh. popdy. or ny .nnloyd ! iih s.!6 $ lok conD.ns on. will do rh. sork .nd rh. irudu. it mr i.r.nd.d <br />or olY6.d for rl. I 56 7044, Run6! Dd Proa.$nnr ( od. TlE Conrn.roi ! t-(.c. L.* do6 rcl rpph ro u o*u of rh. popfly <br />rro tu'ldr or hFo\6 rhd@.. .nd *lF &E 3uh h olt hitulror lEelf or ltrcw,r h! or lE N..mplo'€. t ovil.d rhd tkh <br />'dporodrt e .rI drcnrtd or 6lId!r! aor rk. lf. no$.r d. rh. buildirs or idpo\ i! roB ] ifi'n oE y.r of cohpld hn. th. <br />O*nr-A!ild.rwillh.v.lh. blrd.nolpr.!in3 rhrr hcor.h..or build or improv. for rh. pfiB)3.ofiil.i <br />L a dBG of rh. t*op.ny. .6 conhn$s * t n..&d coit.do6 ro oNrn ci ih. F.J.( ( Sr 7(}l,1. BG'n6!.ird <br />Pma.$ion ( od. Th. ( onrtdo, r l-'en!. L* do6 nor rpplv ro .n ourcr .f prop.ny *ho hu 'ld! o, 'nl')ro!6 rh.r@n , rnd uho <br />rdnrrc! lor lxch pror.c6 *nh. ( I'c..\.d DUEunr ro rh. conrrrcror'! l-'..n!.1!* ) <br />I !n.\.m unl( Sdio. <br />&aattEaii-c9lttrltartal!-DE(]aSrlll!! <br />I n.Mlryofr.rjuryon.olth.r.lloqinedc.l.ratioN <br />I n!r. ..d *rll dinl.u . (slifictr. of CoMn' '. Sclf-l6ur. for E,l6t @mp.E!.n. .t prov'd.d loi by sdrE. r70o of rlE <br />hbor Cod., for lh. p..fot rc. o r llE Fort lor Rhich rlE p.rmn is nsu.d <br />I hrv.rd e,ll n E'n sorl.! @hp.dtFn,Nur@. ! r.qur.d h Sd bn r?0o ol ilE L.bor ( odc for th. Ffomt. ot llE <br />*ort lo. *trch <br />'h! F n'l u rlru.d Mr $rt6 comp.nnrEn rnrurec. dEi6 ud poliq numb6 &: <br />I ccn'ry thr itr lh. FformN. of lh. wo foruhkfi thit FEn i! Bu.d.I3hrll nol mploy.ny p.Bo. in.ny urMe aro <br />b...n. rubj{r tolh.s,l.R odp.nnlon Lw! ofC.llorn!., rh.l raI rhould bdoru.ubJ&l toth.wo,la!' <br />.omFMrhn pro!!.6 of S<r6n r7mnrrh. bbor Cod..l.h.ll. ronre'fio@h r hllwooruDu,,. ^opt-", { Ylm VzK <br />wanNtNG r.rlu'.ro lsr. s.r* ".-*-,"...'/; -n*t'.- ',., *o^ -.-prorn ro (mdl cr!,r <br />nn6uproorhu]dEd ilF6.nrl dolLs ( t I @.000),r .ddnion rorlEcd ofcomF !br. drms6 B proviH lorrh. S.dbn 1076oa <br />rh. trbor C6d.. 6r.rd .nd inormyi 16 <br />uctlslDtadlaacraE:Luctd8Aua! <br />I t Ety rmm uDds F lryof Frjuy th.l t u undd pmvirion olchrpl6 9(@ffiins *nh S..rion,000) of Divtiof,Iol <br />lh. Buim$ .d ProlBrbB Co&. md my lk.N i! in tull lorc..,i.nfrt. <br />;{Outuprerfi,rw= <br />CAITIBIIIqXIIIPIICjIEIC! <br />I h.ic6y.mrm p.Mty oap.Dury rh.r rhd. ir..o6rMb. Edinx .t*, lor rh. Ffolm... of rh. wdl for *hah thn it <br />ilru.dlsc 1047, cn. c ). <br /> Nrm. <br />aftusA!.ft-0lgdaarl9[ <br />D.mlhi,n* Atb.rt6 NdifE.rior F.ddrl Rc8Il.rbB ( li k 40. Pd 6) <br />Rc{!ir.d tar6 olNorifiorirn <br />I cdliry rh.r rlE f.d6.l,.ruLrhB r.irdine i!6ror lffir.l e er .ppliflbL ro rni! p.oFd. <br />l..nilr rhrl I h.v. dd rhir.ppli..rhn !d 3l.rc rhrl rh. rbo( inlomlion i!.oft.r I .sG ro codrly wnn rI Ciry !!d Counry <br />ordrlMd rrd*r ELrint ro burld'.t-coBrMri... md i.pltmottr.r.l rh. (\t i,t County ro dri uDon E <br />.bov. mrni,(d DmDcn' lor ox<ron ornoio. \ \ <br />arp*n,,.86,!8 6>(1yr1- $!&-- ** <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUlnsul <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL I <br />Certificate of Occupancy I I \_/\1 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />M]WP51P€mnrnsp@ts omrAuldng lBp€cli@ de 03 31 06 <br />COMMENTS <br /> Iixpir6: <br />(1tiekrhnn..d mr tE ompl.r.d iarh. pmn it lor on hu.dr.d dollE lll0olorl6t) <br />Shear Wall <br />-ffii \A/^b/