<br />I .r,16 rndq p.dhy of p{u., tur I rm .&DPl forB !h! (.onurso[, L.w td rh< iouowurs r{oll (} 70] I r Buna,
<br />.na troadbr Cod.) Ary Cly or ( o! t yfiEh rallra I F6r b, 6Fow. .t.utsh or ,.p.r hy ru*i,.. *., . .!u@, .b. $. .p?lEir tor .{ct F r !o 6t . r{..d .uk,er ihr n o, rlE ! tE.E d Flr; !o d, Fo,Bb( of !h.
<br />CoM.@'r L@!.d Lr (CllFa 9, ( l)tllltEE'ry {.t S.qM ,mo of Drir!. , of rb. Bu.ns, mt proa-lEE Cod.) s rlll lt orh. u C!6fl rhd.non Id dB b..u for dE .tLr.d soF6i An, vDt rbn or S.sDtr 7ot I r by u, rpptionr aor . Fro( rlbj.cb rrrrpplunt to . onl p.ulry of nol mo,. lh.n 6v. hurdr..t dolho (tr0)
<br />l.& ow otiE FoFry, d Dr 6tbyq fira6eftrEL@n{.ul.qql.b Emttrnlrlt.uuoE.rmNeld.d
<br />o olla.rl fo d. ( Se ?(x.. Brr.ld nE Cnrdd.. LE.e t rd€dlppt, to .n ow of rrE poFt,
<br />*ho bu'L,. o. uFo€ rhao4 .dl *hd .l€ rEI mrl fitulf or lE&ror .i.ourt hs or b6 M aptrta. Fovrlo, ll!.r ruch
<br />rmp,orGrcnrr Ic
<br />'tol
<br />d.t'd.d or olfr.d for rt tl how.s, 0E boildha or hFo@{r ir.old w hrtr oft yar of @Dptcxo.. Ltko*B-Auta* ll[$.1b.o. . mt hitd or inpro€ fo, rtE purFe or{L)
<br />l, u ow oa.lE p.oFrr..h db!'Elr @nnl1!a rit lEd..l @tu..rdr locfu r|,oFi(S< ro{,r. 86r.,rltiof.{!a C.<L lL C.e@r't Le& tlr.lq d.pply ro & ow olFoFy *ho b{ d! { hrroE wno
<br />@d.6 tor ruct FoFb w n . Cod,@(.) lEo!.d putu.d ro rh. t Leu l,w )
<br />lr , unJ.r Sdrd ,8 & P( lLr, $
<br />wollKIRs (l)MpliNs,t,t.toN Df,(,t at{a t.loN
<br />I hs.byrri'rh udld p.dhy ol p.r)ory o.. oa fi. followhs ddh.rDc
<br />I lrv..nd *rll drtun I ( allEr. of ( o*d ro sdr.tDu. tor wlaa @nu.erD., .! !trovrjal ti,, 6y sdrbn I7u, uarlE
<br />Lrboi ( od., for th. pa lorn@ of rh. wsl lor *hEt 0E po mu b s&l
<br />I h.v. .nd *rll nrhLh *or L..l ornp.uuon hrunk, .r ,orun.d by S..isn I700 ot rtE l:Ltr ( odq lo, rh. pa li, nun(. ut rtsstl aor whrhrlu pqn s Bual Mysrto. ohFurb. N!.tr&onE,.nJ |blrcy nun,b< n.
<br />Pul'!, Nun,bs l.rt,trur
<br />I I htr E rDn *.d 'rr br con+laol rf rh. F nu! tr lnl ok hur r.JJolt rt i'lullu, tcDl
<br />l.g!ry0.r b dE Frfo.tue olrlE m.r li, *hElrbq'n.lrbld to th. srtEr ' @nrFdrEn b{ oa C.l
<br />ohp.ei'otrp.ovuE olsdhn 1700of fi.trlor Co
<br />th!Fhn 6 su.rl,l null&r 6plry.try p<on turc ${ rooh{, ..d .Bra rh.hf l rhoo! be!,E rublcr ro rh. s'tor'
<br />d.,I lllll, lbnhwrh arrply * hrh4. n'ovr.on.y Krrr }Yb<
<br />WAlllnC li'l!r. to tau.m a @np.Mr.! ova.B. ! uLwtul, r.rt rh tt .ubrd ...nrploya lo s rn n.tFrtr6. r,v,tfin- uF ro on. h!dl'.d tlEqnd dolhD (l I oo,oo).o .drlros !o rh. d o, conp.uri,.! drnltorr prov*l.d tor dE Salptr ro76 ot. tlbo, Cod., ursd &d.ldErt f6
<br />l,tctxstD coNTt/\cloRs Dr(.1"{lllT()N
<br />I lE.l,y rtrrD u,lrla FEty ol Fr{r, lhx I .a l@.d un. Fdobr ot Ctlltc 9 (oDDo{rt ell! Se..r ,u!) o,.D,vusn I otftr ar,na ..!d Prolo.Er co<,., .nd hy [..c a u ftll 6rs .d .fd
<br />G!+$€n{uresc*."*)
<br />(.ottsTRt,("rroN I I. rtDtNG A(il.t(.y
<br />I ld.ty .ffao ui& ,a.1, of F4Ey dlr dE. ir . @.r[a!6 t d!t' {cf for G DGti'm@ of dE br \ to, *hEt dtr FD{ u.&.4(Sc toe?. Cd Cl
<br />atPl_tcaNT's Dt('t.aRA r(tN
<br />DqtulrD. Aonl}Arbdq raotfqtM (Trt .o, p.rr6)
<br />L.qur.d Lclqof No|l'srb.
<br />I .unrry tt.r lh. ,.a{LrbN r.8udru ,.eEt.,. Nr +plsbt !o !6u poJet
<br />I ccnt dd I h.v. ,ad $! .pfl,qru .d .Ll. rh r ll. .hoE Efo,ure 6 .o(.o | .s,c ru cotrpry *rh.ll (ny.nd ( ocnrtort(Es6 rd SLr. t.E '.Lrrt ro ulrtd E$6n@bn.ha Eby .urlDr& r.tx*enr6 oa fia ( ur.nJ ('uu y ro 610 u.hov. rtdoftil rroDdy for
<br />^rr-".."-,.n $
<br />Psorle BB (p.ur) _-
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evap Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL or/*a//f altrh
<br />lt
<br />M\WPs1\P.nnrt Insg6cxon dmlw.clE.rc3l h.p.ctq R6@.d 106
<br />Other