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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS tD/srG.COMMENTS O*c-EiLrE Del&dh <br />I lg.!y.f,'fr lirL Frly ofFrlr! rhr I o qar. bmtL Con..106 L..@t r 6r rlr folbwq lm{Etoilt BrliEr <br />Ed Pmt .b! Co&)r &, Ct, 6 Corny rtid nqsi. . FDi lo 6d!d. rri. iqrbvr. d@liln d lt?.i ey irucc. Fii l(r biruG..Lo,!qoi. rb.toli.:d 6.i.6r.'6nb dr.. riaro.lirod Uah.ort i li.q..l 6rt Folibrofrb. <br />Col,.@l L'm.d LI (Cbs.r o. CotlllE6i rrt S.db. ,G) of On!.n I of tl. 86.8 .id Pbb.6 C.d.) or rh 6. a <br />Oc b adrr ln rto!.d tL hri 6r dr.[.a.d adefto .^ry rohij. of Seitd 70! 1., b,.!, Oli. br. Fui s!ic.6 rt <br />.r?lirn lo . civil tal, o, br dt tt& 6E be&.d .trlbr (l5O). <br />*GollbFDFly.ddr.4by6*ln*.3.BttiDkol4..t6..*illdottc*on.!dt!.3.rrcEiDtin6d.d <br />o,otrnadlLl3cro.a.Ao'r|. Ptoft.tioBcod. T1I Cffi r Lrm L.* d.- d.pDt.o&o9r ofrrrFoDqt,rt hilll or inF.D\s tlI6G ri vl'o .!o€ t(h sqt [i@lf q hd*lf d ttroql nn d lE oo nrbr€. CroviLd $a iBl <br />irFtrvqEdr a. Dr id.,ncd or ofH tur ut. lf, hor.G, rt t{iLlin8 d nn,roE@lr b 5ld *nhin oe }6 or @ipLrir4 thc <br />OrF-Elildd * ill hv. lrE hrrL. of Fovina ftt h. or .lr or boild or iaFow fd tn. prpo* ot d.). <br />l.sosFoflt ,ropcn y. .m .( luli orlncli4 wnh lic.Md.o n.lont @Brud rh. projc' ( sc.7044. Boin6i Md <br />Pba.$6n Cod. Tt. Conr.dor'r I-'..e Lr do6 Dl rpply ro .. olg oa propriy *ho o. rmprov6 rhd6n,.d rho <br />oii[.ir for tun Irordr anh. lic.n$d plEo.r ro rh.conrtdofr LsM Liw ) <br />I m.tmpr uda sdio.B & PC nnrhs r.e)n <br />la8f,fts-caMlElsArlau-ugtSAra! <br />I h6.6y nrm un& Foty .l pqrory G oirlE folkr*ila r,Eh.nir <br />_lbr.drill ir.h. Clnttui. of C.orn ro sdt!.e 6. 6dn ! fo. b, S.c6l70o of lt. <br />Llor co&. b. tb FbrDc of th *dt b rtidr ln. FDt b i$.d <br />l hErnsl mdrmA- 6nFrrl.nn!ar1B,.qu...lbrS.d.ir76ofrlitrlorCod{tudrFfo6B.ofl!. <br />h.t b, *trn tn! Fm. r s!.a M, @oCd.rM i!l,E. 6i. ..d ,o[., tudt d: <br />(Thi! ...r nrn tur nc .ompla.d irrh. Fnn ir aor OlE hun lr.d d.llB lt l00l or l{ ) <br />WArnlNG FIhE ro !&,. rqto @0F!.r.n @!q... ! 6l*tu1. .nl tLll abltl & a?bF lo 6ioi!.1 F-|i.. dd civn <br />tu . lPio.a Ldird tbEl&!r{tl@r@).i..d.taiErort clr orc.e.drkG.La{t. ! Fovih 5rrb s<rb. !076 of <br />tl|. lrho, Cod., !r.-r ra .rdrr'. ta <br />LtclllEDsaEraAcra8&otcuaalla! <br />I hd.b,.f6tn u.&,cr, of Fru.t tlIl I 6lia.rt @.ia Fov-b. of Ct9r.,I {.d6.n i'l3 {ih S.aih 7000) of Ovirb.I o, <br />O. DlliE. .t!.1 lDft{ba Co&. .!.1 n, la.e b in tull fod dd .fkr. <br />irdl44\erW <br />ca!![8!&rq!J.l!!Arilc <br />I !.d( p. hy ofr.rjury lhi lh6. ir t coBlruction kdins rysy fo.ln. Ff.,mn . of lhc *ort for *hich rhir Fni i, <br />i!$cd (s< :109?, ( i! C) <br />AITIJCAUTI.DISBAAIIAdDa.lib. l{diftaiF F.ddd,rir (Tilc rO. Par 6 |&q!d L.ta olNdi6.rion <br />I ..niry thd lt &d.r.l ,nulnin Errdiia ltaB !@vd d 'bt WlkrbL to rlE FDrn <br />_ I ccflif, d', I h.v. rad rhi. .rrli..riD od xtr. th.r th. rhov. i!6mrir n enrt. I .3xr to .oirD *nh .ll Ciy .nd ClMy <br />ddiflE6 ud Slr. Ltrr Eltlq to t{ihi.a.o6tD.l5tr t !y.dndir cDerldi6 of Oir Ciy .!n Co{dy ro aii uFn E <br />.boE o.di,o.d FDraly <br />A!?lidd d .8.d rt.:_ <br />PsDtte re (Fti)r _ <br />UNOER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Underfloor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{raplDrain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Misc <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 6/ogt{un/qd t <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.l(Vtl <br />M.\WP51\Psrmrl-lnspoctio. Foms\Plumbfiq lnlp.crd R.@rd &c 03.31 06 <br />DATE <br />I qiry 0!l i! 0r F6r E of dE sort tu rhih iltit p(roiI i! ii.u.d. I rhll 61 6n0b, &, Fen in rly ll,e.r & u !otaru ubJ.<. lo $. 6nd 6p.n-r.n ls otc.l'fq.r ud tgE tLt lf I lnouL tfom ilbjd b rlE wld' <br />@rp@.lbE FovlbE of s.dEr lrQ ot lt. t borCo4.I tb.x. hrgrlt.o,ql, "rl0ie D.wii<rE..^D*- **- y *yA WLJ*