<br />Waste & Vent
<br />WaterUnderfloor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />M isc
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL ,Et 6
<br />VVNotes, Remarks, Etc.\{--.'{l
<br />olrG.Aith D..Lr.rio6
<br />I hr.6r .,fim !'nr Frty of Frd, drt I D d.npl bm tt. CdIt <r..r' LEE 1,, for rh. 6lbmt rn.n (c rur L! &.i6
<br />.!d lto&.rbn tu ): A,, Cn, or Cordy rttn Eq!i6 . Frn to 6d.(r. .X-. !!!.oE (l.coli6 or rtr.i a, rrEre. Fb. ro a.Lr.a. tlo iaqria tt eli.n ir aEn C6i to 6L r riri.d rm6ar 0a h. or 6. i li.t*d FNd io rn FDviior of li.
<br /> LE!.d r.' (Cbp.,9. CMIE.3 erh SdM ,m of OrlM I of rh D6na.,'d lrlbto6 Co&t d rbr t diLi..16r.o'altoo.!d0EL.!&.tt.lLa.dq.edr.A!,rbhb.ofs..rir,0!L,!,!,rpglirn&irFEirulinrtt.
<br />.a9lt n ro ..ivil dly of d et rh 6E h'ld dobt (t5@)
<br />_1. . orc of O. FlFrr. o d, @Cbra rti r.3r B rbi 5L ..4.6dna rill .b ln. wst rld it inaa - or i!6d
<br />sofind,o, xL( S- ro4a. a6rnd.nd ffi.. Co& It Co....rr'. Lm Lp &- d rrdy rox ow 01l[. Flreiy
<br />*ho Urild. d try!€ rtaer -d rb .b€ d! rqt lialf q iadf d liqa! tb c td a! .qrorq F.!id..l ttr Bh
<br />irl9o*eru r! d ia.d d ofad fti rl. l[ tor.q. 0r t{iuba c i!Fovs!. i eld -ilhi! E yd of 6qbbo, dE
<br />OrE-Arild. rill bE t!. hnlcn orFoviB li.l h or ri. @r biU 6 tq&* 6r rt. dF.. ol d.).
<br />l, s @6 of 0r rrnFry, 6 dcluiv.l, conrrr.li4 wnh li.d.n orh.roD ro @rllrlar tlE For<t ( S( 70a4, Buind.dd
<br />PmlaEn Corh n! Conl.cor't LeM t r d6,'.1.prly to oow ofFop<i, wh. hrld. onmFoE rlEd.. md *h.
<br />@tu..r, lor kh FoFrt *'rh t Coftr.ldl, lBr.d Dwu ro E Con'dor'. L6. r.* )
<br />I d.r.mF urna Serirn
<br />woll(ElscoMtENsa'Il()N r)f( t An IloN
<br />I .flirB u'i6 ,.Elty of Fju.y om oarh. aollo int &.luri'B:
<br />_l n v. rd rill Erittb. Cdrifr.a. of Co@ ro Sclllrd! &. 6116 @np.ann[ r ptuvild 6r b, Srrm rtoo of 0t
<br />b!o. Co.ra 6r th. Fbrdc ofib rdt 6r iti.t rb. Fui I a,!a.
<br />_l lrr .,n sil r it mrtq o"'C@.6n !!6rE, r ,.qur.d hr 3..16 !7OO of dr Llo. Cod.. for ilE Ff.dc of rt
<br />E r for *ttdrrta FrE ! -ed M,6t6 onodtd iqrc tri! d Dol,., dob. e:
<br />lol,.y N6!c_Erqi6,
<br />(Itir tdio. Eld 6r t @qrad if ib FDi b tur O!. h8d &lht l3lq)ldLr)
<br />I o.niry $.r i6 ll! Florllle of rlE rort 6. rlti ilir Foi it irrd. I rrlll Dt 6pby &, F$! i. .!, 6.!E e . !ot sN ubr.c to d, 6ld or9.ElFn lE of C.l'fornr. .,!.1 .3t. t |f I .t clll toG .ubJet lo i! edta
<br />.oip.nlllbn FlvibD ofs.<rbn !700 of r Lrtor CorL. I .ldl.
<br />D.tG'--^r,* ,L YrMt
<br />WARNINC F.'lur. ro e!r. worl?s omDcMtDn @!a.s. r unLsaul, .nl ,h.ll ,cbj.d 6.nploFto oini.rl p.uhi6.!d.iyil
<br />lina uD '. oE h!,dr.d rn qnd dolhE (t100,0@).i!.rldi bi ro lh. c.n of conD.Mri6. d!tus.r a povkl.d for llE SEiion 1076 of
<br />th. Lbor Co&, ' i 16
<br />tlcENsrD comt crois DEct {tlaloN
<br />I lE by r,l@ FBny ol Fjory ttl I d li.!&d uld6 of Ct 9.a I (fficin8 whh S.ciih ,0OO) of Divilion I ol
<br />dE osiaa r'd lml6.b6 C!d., .a.t d, licce ir t tull 6m.nd.,Lrr
<br />!0lslrugr0!.IIEM.6crlcrIt 6,.fit! od- Doly of! i.cdEtin ldt rc, t lb Ft Da ofd. r..r &r,tit Oi Firi i
<br />ae.d (s... !o97. Ci!. C.).
<br />atPllcaitTtt Dlcr ^laTroN
<br />DoDliioa PmilAb6r6 Notiftdir rc.!6.l R.ruttia (Tirl 40. rar 6)
<br />_. R.qumd l-ir6 ol Ndifdb!
<br />I cn,fr rh.r rlt Lilal (rrltrba l.3rdila Bb. or ,!mtn r. mr rprli..blc ro fiL Foj.(
<br />I ccniry rh.r I htv. Md rhir lDtliclrim ud nll. rhd rlE lboE infmrhn ir .otr..r l .t e ro .oDply w ilh ill City lnd Count,
<br />ordiMEd .rd Slnc L.*! ELrlnt ro bril.lli3 rcar*rDi.hmby.ullFu. r.Pr.ffiltrnd of rhir County to ot. (pon rh.
<br />.&)!. h.nriomd Frop.ny forWNBEEyAZETtr-
<br />Ir
<br />o.trEPlumOing-h3r€dor &cord.doc 0331.00
<br />lisNlb[a I-@
<br />Final Gas Test