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ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. <br />3•:Z VUA SA)110*MUVI, 1AO<SOW¥140,40*0* 31*17 (064} 73|·10*(*'41 7I1-777/ <br />UGHT DUTY TRUSS <br />STRUcTURAL CAPACITY <br />Dt Detorm Tnms Sheur Capoeity (Cont.) <br />Determine Alle-ble Shear *'r,ima <br />Rail = Pdmn-ain{04)-2 RaIl -2273 1®c Val := Ran, 1000E. Inves60*te Reductions * Sh®*r C*pecitv due to MomenVAmial Lood{Interic*on <br />Mi,noding al Entj of Trus, causes local bendIng en me Chord·Memt,er. Thl• Bend*•g Str- mu,t be combhedMAth A-1 Str-- IN loid -00 where mmdmurn bendng 16 calneklent wlth mo,dumum shear 0.2, CerierPaht, TNrd Point and Quirtir Point Logan). <br />Fbc ·. 1 4.0 ks; CE*eme Fiber Allowable Compredon Sizes® <br />Fbt·, 13.S kni (Extreme Fiber Allo%,mble T•nlic• @trago)99=/al <br />st- 21 S 1 = 0.325 ir,3 Th•f®eer.:Ma :t Fbe>SI Ma -4.388 ir.461* <br />ini\ <br />12/ <br />Pa,NX r PCOr Pmax = 3 302 Idf (Mox#num Force aDowed In Chord Memb•r * Controlled by the Weld at theChord to Vertical and Horizontal Nemb-)Pa i Pt Pa - 8.099 b®* (Majdmum Alow,able Force • Chafd Manther in Weld Nfected Zone) <br />ommid .0 3.861 in, (,*tg al Ir,te,lor Node) <br />1. Dat,rn,01® Alowable Shear for load ca- wh- mmlimum ber•*10 1, colneidentwith m®NUff, Cheir(Cs- P- Ind Thi,ti Point Loa¢*ng Conaor•) <br />M .2 :\1 - -P;-44,-M.M-1.515 in·kips <br />miwgid· sinfed)Pdmn = 0.555 It*§ <br />Rall :• Pkman(ed),2 Rag =0.783 kips V.2 2 Ran· 1000 <br />2. Deleftnb,e Alow»bl• She,r for load eases wriere madmum sh•*r ocou,B nearer to suppoll than m=!mumben*,0 (Quarler 00:nt Los*10, M @ Maidmum Shiar Point - 0.75 Mmax) <br />M -2.233 h.1** <br />Pdmb ·c M <br />mnmid-891(08)Pdmn =0.818 NP® <br />1411 ·= Pdmn-am<Gd)·2 Rall = 1.157 kips V.3 ·c Ral!.1000F Delarmb,e Weight of Trums Mimber <br />Chareb:Wt, t (10·111-4.Al·0.098 Wt,-34,636Verlic- Wiz < (0·667·12)· 10·A2 0.098 WS = 2.695 <br />Wt j :, (0.667, 12)· 4.At ·0.098 Wtf = 2.31Hertzont,ki Wt,·- (0,667·12)·14+At-0.098 Wt,-8.08601•oonsts.WF . (£412,42·0.098 W.4 -4.574 Total --·1.15=6.OUS <br />Swt <br />10 <br />2/21/3/ut"£61MS#ALOGI <br />wd .6.5 pIf <br />PAGE i <br />4