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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNET BUILDET DElrCAT TTON <br />I hd.l'r lmrm !nrl6 parlly oa Fjury th.t I m .rmp{ hof, th. Corlr.croE l,ic@ Llw for lhc lolloving r.en (Ss70tl.t <br />Eain6r !d Profd.ion Co&) Any Cny or Co!n) rtih r.qu6 , ,nmi ro @'rniEt. .lrq. inForq &mlii or r4.i ry <br />irrucru.. prior ro ir3 isuM., rtro rcqln6 $. .pplkmi for 3uch Fmn lo frL . lisn.d rrddat rhd lE or JE i! lid!.d !le.r <br />io rlE 1h666 of E Coificrd't Li.!r!.d t * (ClrS6 9. Co@b8 $nh S<thn 7fi) 6f Divkh. 1 of tlE BuilE ed <br />P6&$nm C.&) or tll lE or "\. n qdpi tic.ftom ud th. biti! for rhc .lLg.d q.nii.n. Any violdiotr otsdlion 701 L5 by dy <br />{rlic! for . Fnil !ubj.!l! llE .pplicel lo . dvil Fnrly of mt mrc tns fiv. hun<nd {hllB (IJOO) <br />l. 6 o$E oalh. F.Frr. q my dnph!6 $ith srg6 6lhcn rk coMFBdhn. will (,r rlE $ui rd ttl rnrrft i! tul <br />i a!.t d or olt6.d fm sL (Sc ?Ol.l. BuiB &d ftll6ioB Codc TIE Gnrr-ld 3I ro& l& dod d +pl, ro E orc of <br />rh. pruFry *ho bril& or imF.v6 tlE6n, ad who &6 uh sork hiroclf or tE*lr or omuah hi! or hd om .nlPhtB. <br />Fori!.d rhd iu.h ioForrlEd ft d irdel dofirtd 6r qk It hor66. iE bildiB or if,r.u-Er ir nU siiio.4 )t <br />ofm'ryldion. rn 0"T6 A0'ld6 wilt h!v. rhc hn n ofFornB lhn lE or 3hc dd hl tDiU or in9.N! dr <br />',Dpd, <br />tur rh. FrFr of <br />l, 6 om( ofrh. troFtt, m .:.lGiv.l, co.rarin! *ith li.del contxioB to codrud llE Foiat lS( 7044- BlriB <br />&n Ploksn Cod. r*lo.r Li..E L.* &6 mt .!?ly to 6 os.q of FoFny nho bc f,!.r in,,old ilEo.. <br />.nd *ho.oturrstor$.hpmj6t!rnhac.nrnro(rlicos.dt'!R@roth.Conlr.crorrl-icft.lrw). <br />I m.rcmfl und6 scr6n B &P( rorrhsrc{son <br />Ihl.: Oind <br />wonxFfa,( omiENs Troir <br />DI(IAEAIIAL <br />I hal6r !flio' uid6 Fan, olpfjury o.. of rh. folbrcnB d€krrri.B: <br />I tu\. -d *ill tuinrm r Cdiifr.r. .f Colst ro l6ur for *ortd' .odFM o.. a Forit d for by S.dior 1700 of lh. <br />libor ('dje for llE ,atotrllu. oI rlE urt aor shth I lE Fnn it i$u.d <br />I hrv. md lill m.inliin s.rld- comp4aiio. iNudnc.. 6 r.qun.d by S6l6n 1?00 of lh. ljbor Cod.. tor lhc p6lomocc ol <br />rlE rnl f rh.hrh. ffi. i irld M! r \d 6m'fu-. 'turr..rid -d mln mnhd n , <br />,-- \ A-q..'[t+r"q. E-r-Lz<^=-:({r. (:" <br />.",,.,,".*,\6.o tklooz- a,-b.-,,; -o fot ( r 1 <br />I c.nily rh.r i. rh. pifornm.. ofth. *ork for *hirh rhis Fmir i3 isucd. I drll nol mplor rny p6en in dy ndn- <br />e B to h.cor st'id to llE *qrd'@6Fsrion l&t of C.lifoml .d *G $i if I lsuld tdom sti.(l lo lh. <br />NrId' ompdslion pmfiioE of SBlhn ]?m oalh. I ib.r ( ode I {Ell, fonherh smDlt snh rhos FortioB <br />\tARNlN(; Iirrlu( ti sur. $.r[6'$mFnldion c.\@s. i! unl.\6]1. 6rd sh.ll $hjd .n onploF to mnitul FlhB d <br />.tr'l l_'n6 un ki oft hu nal cor or.onrEMion. daEs6 a prorkl.d f.r ih. <br />lo <br />I Mr' .,Im uftid FEh, of p6jury lhn I m li63.d und.r lr.yitio. of (tupis I (onnr*i.B *nh s(lhn ?m0) of Diviriotr 1 <br />oa rh. aci6 ad Prcfdiod corL, rn ny li.e ir ir tull for.. tl.fid <br />LIOl'l:trClE : <br />-" r.r{ro] t< <br />LO\'>o1'7+,-(-?,--- E"'.=S <br />ca!fliucuQtrrldDtrclcEAcr <br />I hdlty .mm und6 Fn.ty of Fju.y rhn th6. it , so!tudhn k ding rg4y 6r rh. Ffomffi. ol lh. m* hr ehich lhi Fni ir <br />is!.d(Sa 1o9?, Civ C.) <br />AITLICAtrLIECIJSAIIA! <br />I hdlt inm undd F6.hy of pqjlr, orc of lh. follo*ins &lrlrioro: <br />DneliF. Pnnl^rbcro! lror'licrbn Fcddrl R.suLibo (InE 40. Pd6) <br />R6ruird llrdof Ndi6di{ <br />I cal ia!. lh. rh. ,.d6!l r.suhrioB ..ssdins Btclor l*\ !l dc .ol 4r'la.U. ro fiLr ptoji$ <br />l.dil) rlnr I ha\. r.!d rhir app li<dionedu . ihr rhc rtn\. infdtuion ir cond I dlralo comply <br />ordtr@6 !d sr.'. lr! r Ebroe ro <br />ah\. m.n(tr,nr(l ttropsly for <br />,rpplcinr or ,rld Sixntrtrr. <br />I'rrn ilN ( trinl ): ---.fP P.n"bl - <br />rd C.uxy ro 6!d uFn tlE <br />lo /, t/t l,'Lt* <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 2//"//4 ,2.fft ,o,21 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I 7F -7-