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20167315 - Permit
Cabrillo Park Dr
1006 N Cabrillo Park Dr Unit# F
20167315 - Permit
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Last modified
7/29/2021 9:44:12 AM
Creation date
7/29/2021 9:44:11 AM
Permit Number
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1006 N Cabrillo Park Dr Unit# F
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Wang Residence Interior Remodel
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Street Name
Cabrillo Park
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Flood Zone
Nature of Work
Interior Remodel
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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS otnEtDUILDEnDEL IATl(rn . . <br />I h6!by .,Im uxb Fri, ol Frlry lllr I a a.oF i!6 rh. Co|fr.idt lilE L.r for tlE blbrrB lE,. Iie rqr, t ' <br />BB'n{ !n Prcfdirn C.d.): Ary Cty or Coury *tih r.qun6 . Fnn ro odd.L tts. i4.ot . damL'n or rF.n a, <br />*ucruq Fi'r to il' isl,!e, .ho rcqut6 tlt rrpltol tu ruch Fni lo 6L r tt!.d nr6@l dd lE or JE a lica!.d Frsrr <br />to rhc Fnviri.E of lb. Conllldd! Li4.t d L.w ((n!Pla 9. Comn@in8 *hh Sclion 7000 ol Divition ] of rlE BEi6 ed <br />PrctdioN Co&) or thd lE m dr. i, .rdltr lhd.tos ,rd !h. bdi. tor rhc dks.d dmFnn Art viohrionoasdlbr 7031.5 by uy <br />rt?li.d for r Fmi iobjdr tlE .r?licut lo ! civil Frhy o f ml tua tha n!. huid,td d.UB (1500). <br />-I. <br />! orffi ofrh. FFl!, or Ey drphyG rnh $.s6 B rh.r nL @mp@ti61 {I & tlE *qt td ft tum . d <br />i d'.tal trofidsltu rl.(S< 7fia. &!b6 od PrDft.iod co& TIE Cdincrd t L.!El^6adTrl'lodo$Gof <br />rlE FoFry eho hilt or rp.!E llE6! -d *rD dc r.h 6n hinB.laor lErlfoi llmush hn d hr orn phyG <br />pro\ id.d thrr ru.h oF!\dEu E mt ir.i.d d otu i, rl l[ hor6t tlt hrit ilts.r itlP.sqEr i sld $ahh ffi rr <br />oa{"tPldhq tlE o\w &ritj6 wiu lrE UE tsln ofForaie thr lE m !h. dil ml hild or it4.o!. O. FoFly tot llE Frros of <br />-1. <br />6 osE otrh. FoFry, m * .onfrths wnh lic.6.d .o 8rN to NNtud rlE Fri4l {Se. 7or4. &!!E <br />.,i Proki- Co&: Thc Contrdn t La.@ Lr* &d mt ,Frly to m ow olFoFry tho b{ild! or inFov6 fiqotr <br />rnd *t otfrr fo. uh Foinr unn r Coir(onr) lilE d ptBrd b rlE Cor '..!d r LilE t&J <br />_l0crftF u.dd sdio._. D &P( nnth <br />1t /lal <br />DISJAAIIA! <br />I udd p@rnyofFJu.yo otlh. folhwiry!ioa <br />-l <br />hw. dl yill oir!.i.. Csrif.rc of CoMn b S.lf-lw tu 6Id mFdior c FDvid.d 6r by S<lbn l?m 01ln. <br /> (.de fd rlE Ffffi. of rbc *di tur gith 0E Fhn ir isf,d. <br />-l <br />hlE !nr! *ill miimli. wo*6t .oqtrliu iEUN., 6 r<rtun.d by sdion l rm of lh. Llbot Co<k, ror rlr FfolM. of <br />lh. $rrl for which this p6hil n Ls.d. My M*6- NnFs.r io. iMc. cei6 rn Fli., ,ubr &. <br />WARNINC r'.'lur. io sr. *nl6' conFslion covm*c ! uL*ful md lhdl rubjdl d dplorr lo snnin.l FEIi6 &d <br />civrl n.6 !p 16 os hudEd ttsusd &,116 (1100.m01. in r{dnio. b th.coFFdrio( d,nrga a Fovil.d for lh. <br />Saron 1076 of$. L!!@ Co{t . hrdd rn morrEy t <br />tr /t /rt <br />DESASAIION <br />I hqlty !,Iinn u.d6 parlry of Frjury rhd I n licq!!.d u&r InI nirn oac'haBq 9 ($nnffiins wnh Sd b. ?0dJ) or Divnion l <br />oa rhc t urilB ..d Prcfdio6 Cod., lld my lic.M n in tull forc. Ed <br />collrBxcll!]u.Ll:ltl)lNclcllrl <br />I tcby laltft undd Fnatry o f pdlury rhd rfi6. is . coNlrud ion lodins aldcy lor I h. nqtomffi. ol lh. *orl for \rhi(h i hie p6mit t <br />is!<n (Se. !097. Civ. C.). <br />lindE r Nn. <br />- <br />AIS]TCAII.DECIJAAITr! <br />I hd$y !trm unl6 FrXy of Fjuy oc of rh. aolbwi.E &.la ions: <br />D.nohion Pdnnr-Arb.slor Nolifi.ltior F.d6.l Rc3uhlion! ('I'nk,rc, Pd6) <br />Rquiral tdt6oiNolifidion <br />-l <br />(d'b lhi rl! fcd6d esuldioN EsrdiIs ctdtiB rmor.l s..ot 4'di.bk b lhE Fq€r <br />I cdtrfyrhd I lB.Edfi!4plr.lhnDd3l.lclhdlh.lbor. <br />ord,.e6 !d srri. tns ddilB ro hlildin8 coreudior ,n ho <br /> or a4dr srsMrur. I - /,. <br />Pmlt6rm.rprln0: <br />iifodion ir .qrdl I {rc lo @41, wih .! Cit, ed Cour- <br />9b.n,'ode EFerii6 ot$s Cily .d codry ro dq l4o. Ut <br />$ D.,. trl l8 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communicalions Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough /r/s///erd 4t/az- <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL t/L /tq t^KI <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I <br />Sub-Panels <br />_Erpi6: <br />- <br />I cdit rh. rr llE Ft(,rrj.e of rh. sirt fd whih thi FBd n is&<t I.ldl mr anPlot ry Fsn i!u, nnE <br />h Bb be.m $bar rorlE wrtd oro@iior hM ulcdrfomi{ lld rE lr itl dFuld b.rom$Ural lollE <br />mrtd'omF!.IiorFDririoGoISdio.3700ofrhcr,EtrCo&,ItlElltonn*nhosd,$hhrh-Fo\Bio.
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