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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNER BTIII,I}BR Df, I-('ARATloN <br />I h.rchy rrm lndE n dlly or p.rjUry rh.r I m.r.mF 6nn rh. (odrictoG l.r.N. l,* for rlr aolhwil t!&n (s.i7orl r <br />&Ri6r .,n P,.rdh. ('M.) Any ( iry or Coudy rhth E{u,6 t Fn. rn mdn,d. .h. 'npm\.. !.ml6h or (Fi rny <br />tlruclur.. Firh nr itru.M.,.bo r.qunR th..prlr.nt to, rKhFmtr r. fikrt'Imd dffir rhd lEor rlk <br />lo lh. Dro\tioN ofth. aonrrcror,s l.'(.r.d lrr ((lu0rd e. Comh.ncihs rnh Srrion 7000.1Dilirin. 1 ofth. Ilurin.$ rnd <br />Pmf6.ir6 Cod.)or rh.l lla.rlr i!.tmnr th.r.from.nd rh. t' for llr .lLg.d .r.ntrnn Anr \{bth.ofsclhr?011 !br..r- <br />tmli(.d ro. r n rnir rubi(h rh. .pplo.r !o ! .N rl ,.Mlty of nn mr( rh.. fi!. nu.dr.d d.ttm ( troo) <br />l. r. n*mr orr& psFty. or hv.mphy6 wnh u,r36 G lh.n $t 6mFMrio., *Il {t rlr s..l rnd rh.{nrl4. mt <br />id.d.n o. olt r.d tusk(se 70.11. Bd'B,nd PNrdi,N (.d..Tt (odr.ddi Lt.e l,*&6dprrvro u.*6., <br />th. Frtny *lh htrll G irr.o\6 rlEM. rn {,b &E r*n edt him.lf .r rhrcuah hir r lE o*n sq 0}16. <br />Forid.d rh.r lxh mpmw . r. mr mrsi.d n olY!.n fn !L lf. fi.r6q. dE boildinr n in{,m\.ffi ir $u *ahm... }r.r <br />ofcoryLtion. rh( ( )q rr lruiBc sill h.\r !h. hnrkn .f llrNiiB rhd h. or ih( dA mr hoild or imtm\! rh. pmn ny f.. r& p!.F{ or <br />l. 'r owns ol ri. pmpdy. in .odr.d iai *irh I'.rnrcd .o ndod lo (.(rucr lh. roj.d (Se 7ora. Rsmd <br />rd lrt l*i{(od. Ih.(.nrrrcr.r'* do6mr tptlrt. uo*nd ofnop.nyuh. huild! or <br />..d rlil ..d'klr fr .fh F)r..ri $nh . ( od'rdonr) lkel pu6ud rorh.c.d..dor't l r* t tr) <br />l i .\.mpr trnd.r Ssrtrtr, <br />II ORl(ERS' ('Oi' PENSA ItON <br />DESASAIA! <br />I hd.hl rllitrr trnd.r! f rn.ntrr_ rn..rrh. ft,lhr int,ir'ons <br />I lur. id r rll m'.r.h r ( diaE '..r(-onkr t. ftx m nr omn rin,aI,.\il.dforhrs<l6nrTrnoith. <br />lrt (.d., aor rh. nal.mft.orrh.u.rt fnrwhi.hth. p6mir ir i*&n <br />l4 h.rr rnd uill mnrir rorr-i' c.nFErio. iaulftc. a (quidn h s.ctior l7m oatlE l$d Co&. ror tlF Flllmk. nr <br />rh. *nt Lr *l*$ rli! . 6r.d My \o,16 cnn7dn EuEr. onE !,i polty rumh.r e <br />,,*, t 1r/;fo"n,. /n, (r- <br />po,KlNu-h(. / 464b tTSotot ,,,r.a lO,/r //5 <br />l.dirytbr in lh. Ffnrmi.. .r lhc *.rt for whih thn Fnit t iu'.d.1rh|ll erl.mFhy..y 0.60. in tnr nmmr <br />s a lo t em tubr.d lo llE uorl6 6trp.Mio. Lli .rc.lfomi.. Ed .ac ihn <br />" <br />I rliuld lr.oc .ubirt lo itr$o*d' odFslion I'!\noN.lS.dh. 1700 ofrh lrbo. ( d.. I drll. ftnt*irh 6irrl, $irh th.r pma.6 <br />WARNINC: F.itu.. ro k!r. *.rk.r'! ion o!@a. ir unhwtul. rn! .h.ll ilhj.d u mpLF lo cimh.l p.mii! r.d <br />cnil fin.r W lo.m hundr.d rhoosrnd dollrB lllo0.0(x)1. in .ddiriin !h..or ofcomn n{intn. drn^r.r rt ro\d.d litr rh. <br />li(rnn 11116 orrh.l.ho, ('.d. inrdd.nd ntum'r 16 <br />DECt.An TX)N <br />I hn.$t .mm und6 porhy of n rinry ih'i I u li...*n urrd6 lrr;nn .a ( 9 t..mffiin* s nh Sdhn 7lxn) .r l)'\ '.irn 1 <br />or rh. Ilurin4r ind Pmrd,oB ( od.. rnd my lic.N. ie itr lull tuc. {xl .fr.( <br />,t.*,,r.,' t C/OD,'..?//o/5 <br />/4Q //Gr <br />-*..( <br />coNsrlUcrlot Lrr,iDrN(; acENcY <br />I hdcb) lmm!tu|( Ftrlly orFrjury rh.l lh6. i r.odrudhn Lndiu .3ffit for lh. pntumM. of rh. *ort ltr r hi.h rhi.,.rnit ir <br />iso.n {S< :r0a7, Cir Cl <br />AIIU(ANLIESJAAIq! <br />I h6.t, irm trnd. D.nihy r pnjnry on. ot th. folloB ins de Lr.tios: <br />O.mtirrin Pmih-Aili..rd Nd'ft.rir^ F.ndl R.ruLtbtr! (Trik 40. P.n6) <br />R.qun.d L.tro nf Ndilkd i{ <br />I cdi$ lhrl rrr lcd(rlr.aolrlhB Epdi.g! ltmrrlI. d.ptil.rbk h rhir tFjd <br />Icdrrylh llhk r.rd riirmri(rtion iRl rar.rh.r rh.rtx\. 'irr)mr('n lrrrcn)(onlllyrirh.ll(\tvind((nrnrr <br />{-/zs <br />^(orltu( vrnd( o{ilvro 016 ur.fl rh. <br />,,, ,l//o//E <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />S u bf loor/Ve nU ln sula tio n <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lns u latron/E ne rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req fl <br />Deputy Final Report x <br />Engineer Final Report lz 3 <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />t) <br />/l.t I ttl <br />FINAL /1,-l <br />Certificate of Occu n <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />t/