<br />I hadry lff'rE qds pa.t, of FiEy rhi I E saq 6Dr lt. C.frd6 li@ lry 6r lt. fouowi.t la, (sa.rollj
<br />Bc,i'd !i Profili, cod.): A,ty cny d c@!r, *ttih Eqrriq . Fin to odr{.t. .1t6. irq.!!r. .brolii o rp.r 6y
<br />n'ErB!,Fixloi! ireE ..ho EqrE{E@li.ri 6r utFDrl ro 6L.igrEd rrod rhr lEor dn i ttrr, F,!d
<br />to lt. Flvbta ol0r. cod-rdl ti.atGd t * (cb4l6 e. coilJlBiD3 wnh Serio! ,000 of Divrion ! ol tb Bui6 lxl
<br />PrDftob6 Cod.) a thr E d !h. ir qdF thq6Dm !d rtE t rir br rk nk .d dsrdion. Ary viohhn ofsdrh6 7011.5 b, rry
<br />spli.rll tu. pcn! lbidt $. +Dli.{r ro . civilp@lt, of iol mE th& tivc tlndld dor6 (!500).
<br />-1.
<br />! o9E of th. FlFtn d ny aptorq wth *ra6 ! rlEi 5t 6ry6.b6' ril & t 6t !.1 dE mEG i or
<br />inad.d (otlsld for il.(Se.7oL. ErdE -d EDGiECodc It Codsc r t i.d.l{ d,rtd +dy l{, n ow 6f
<br />th. FnFiy wlb b,ill d irB$q dEd..n rtn dod tdt Er rio!.lf d ia-lf d ftorrh hir d lE om €rDbrG,
<br />FviLdih. r,.tr irslE6 c d ha.l(t (oftrd &..b l( hoEG. U. bi!!r 6 isovqH b &ld eihb @ rrotoqki'o. ln. o*E Aril& UU bE tn. hlrh ofFoaa rhr lE d r!. dil el hlld or iof@ th FlFty tr tb FDc of
<br />l. oo*@ ofrh. Fepa, e acltait.ty co','*riis ent tc6.d edrE6 to orEt c lt. Fr.rr {S< ,044. B.!ir
<br />ai hDlni! Corb: Ttc Co!rt*lor'. Ltae tr* <lB 6r elyDd *to @nrxl! lor rd! FDi.s wirh . Co dd(, li@.d
<br />y *ho bcil& 6 6prc€ lh@a
<br />I 0 .roF u,,& Sdion
<br />D'e'c4/zla+-
<br />I ba.6, .rt6 d& pdly olFi4 c of tt blbwir d..bri(6:
<br />_l h.r nd eill oilrri!. C6rif.d. of Coelr lo S.lf-l@ br wt6 on?d.b.. d Fovilcd h. by Sclioo !7@ otlt
<br />Ltu Co<la tbr rn. Ff6lte. of $c 6rt fri *iin {n paoi b iD.<L
<br />_t h.E 6d *ill mi.r.h Frt6 coqdrbo nE ac r r.$i!d by Sdb. l70O oltt lrld C.d.. for rL Fbrllu. ot
<br />$. wt frr whit Oir FDi i ir'.d M, *orto @qd.itr iE[oc. siq -d ,olk, tr!6b. el
<br />-l
<br />cliryrhr i6llE F{o!m of $. rc* 6r whtn fiir FDI ir i$.{ I ttd] Et dpby hy Fbn in 6yo.lE
<br />- ! to b6odE otitl io t!. *sr6 @,!g6eb. 16[ ofc.libmi., o.l .arE rhr if I dDlld beoF. abicl to Oc
<br />srtd' oop6..b! Fortio of s<lbD 3ro0 of tlE !.hd Cod., I S.l!, &alwirt .6rply win tho- Fviia.
<br />f.e oploF lo diElul lqElE rd
<br />.nil fD6 up l. oE hurH rhoand d.llat (ll .mFGnn, d!or6 . r,$il.d fd rli
<br />{g L
<br />I hatty .llh cn& of Fjay thr I e lica..d unda Fovnion orch.,la 9 (oEffiirB villl Sdbn 70O) ol Onirlh l
<br />of rlE &!ir -d P,Ef6irE Code -d oy lia* n i. tull fore !'d.lIB'i.
<br />corsrBllcro!.tlBDlliclcEdcr
<br />I hd!6, .rlm o.& Fri, of F,,y ilr tt6! ir . @trrnalioi ladi.8 .aBy for ttE Faffi of rlE Nrl 5r t,lth thit Fbi ir
<br />ierd (Sc. 1097. Ci!. C.).
<br />tadc t ND.:
<br />lrtl,lc]lrr Dtal ll llof{
<br />I balbr.&6 @& pa.Iy of Fjlry or. of tlE 6[owins dalrri6:
<br />D6D&b. PrEl$ NotifElid r.d6.l Rr8uldiou Gnk 40. PEl6)
<br />_R.quid Lrraof N ifdix
<br />I-l,r.<qrr. u.a,.a,rr*,.j'tia llErd e mt +91i..U. lo rbb Frj4r
<br />- I .driry ,r I lr* Ed lhir .rplilrion Ed !r .infoirftn n .oia1 I .sG ro mply *nt .[ Ciy .!d Codi,
<br />o'J'nrn.6:utrlsrarr Irs1el.('n! k, ho'ld ,lr ffiy.lnhoriE r.Ferr6 of rl!! C
<br />ah,c. nmrion d pruFny fm "TEET
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />WaterUnder floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />I nterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P{raplDrain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Applionl or Ardl shMlun:
<br />Meter Release
<br />blvht hd*Lo
<br />I -F