<br />I hftiy.rrm unt r Fmh, ol Fjur, rh{ I s.rnpl 6Dn dE C. dG Lit* l,v f.r tlE foltr*irr E u (Sa,o]I5
<br />BNiBs .,n ProL$bn Col.r A.y Cny or Co y rhrh E1uirc. . Fni lo oFrtud. nl6. iw!E. dmlLih or r.F! uy
<br />rnar@ Fir ro irr n!lJ.N. ds Eloi6 rlE *9lt..r ftr sh lE.ill r{, fil. r ri8,Ed {.r.mi rhd h. or 3lr i li.tiF.d pulld
<br />lo llE FDvirioN orrlE C.nlrrlr'r Li.nr.d t * lorl{d 9, o).ftxin8 silh S..hn 7un oI Divtion I of llE Blsift.s.nd
<br />Ptofcshns Cod.) or lh.l lEu rrE is.rcrs'l lh.E{.on!n E hrir n,lE !lL8.d crcrq'li'n An, ybLrion of sdi,. 701t tbyuy
<br />.mlter fo, r Fmi i!bj.<lr rlE .ppli.rnr ro r .iril FNlr, or 6r tuE rhd fiv. hndr.d doll-t lltm)
<br />-1.
<br />as owmr oI rlr FnlFn y, (tr my .mFhrcs wilh *ogri rr rhcn r)L inq$qlirn. will do lhc *r{t &d ltr {nlr n ftn
<br />inrcnd.n m ofcrcd ntr sb (SN ?t}44. Busirc\s and PinfcBnrr (!l."lh. Conr,lclor's l,i.cne li* &,cr ooi luply ro tn.$rcror
<br />rlE l,nlEny rb triklr !. iqr,B rrEqn. ad qh, d.5 uh rr"r hin!.lr.r h.rElf or lhmu3h hn.r tr own.mpkysi
<br />Foviidi rh,r lkh inpnrEft.B r tur idctrLd orotLrl ftn sk ,1, h,rw, rh. hoilrirts or inFem t dd *nhh m ).e
<br />.fdrrrrLtin tlr O\Er Eui!6 lillllE tlE h!d.n ofFnvin8 fi. rr or dE dil mr h,ild or qnw dE FrFn, t, rll Frir<.f
<br />l.6owm6rrh. FrHy, rncr.turntlyoddin! enfi lftnt i.offioRio o.tu th,mFd (SG ?Oa[ a6rBi
<br />.d tt!,isin Co&r ft. ('onrrrof r Li.ne tr- &n mr .tply lo .r o*E .f FDFny slF ti{ildr tr iothkr rlEmn.
<br />rnd *h) o r-rr aq lEh trFd: wirh r Co'irErBrrr tised p{@ ro
<br />'h.
<br />Co dd r Liff t,*r.
<br />I dr.rrn,pr uRlrr Sc.rtrn'
<br />TII8f,EI511;I]MPIdSAIII}B
<br />D!:!jIA!S.1IU!
<br />I hcrc$y alri,m unds p.nrllr_,n p.rruryorc o(lhe followins dslsorirn{
<br />-l
<br />lE* rn rill flinr.h r C.nilr.t. of Colgt ro S.lf.lniuE lc Bst6 on+sE lnn. r p.Dvid.i f6r b, sdi l7mofih.
<br />tllxr Cod.. fd dE Fr.llllrm ordE qrt fr rnfi IlI Frr', ir isrd
<br />-l
<br />h.E rnd *ill didi. rul6 coEFn{n. iNr.B--c. .r .slulri by sdlbn l7m orrlE !ih{, cdl., fd ft FrlolrlEm of
<br />rh. Bort d *hil rnir Fmir it is.d M, wqt6 otrIllnlli,n iBr.rE ffar In Fta, NniE E'
<br />dn.rr,-, OZlf
<br />-l
<br />enilyrhar ir rh. Frtunrun(nlrhc*orkLr sh.h rhtr tknnir N F\urd. I\hallnor cnDt,y (try trN)n inxny 'n!nn.r$ Js b hcco,E !,,hr.r t)rh.*orlcA runpcnsrrion lxr\ol (!lil,rtr'!. rnl +drh8r if I \h,uld h.to!ft ilhr.r!i rhc
<br />soAd\.om!rn!r,nIn,rai,,n\oaSdir.lTm.frh.lihtr(irl..l\hrlln,nh*h.onylr*nhrh'rtnrrtrr.l
<br />WARNIN(;: liilur h <e *nlcli oaqEMi)..orfr8. 6 unL*'tu|. ltn ihall cubFl tn nt,loFr b miql FEIE rd
<br />ro oft hunn.J rh)uenl &lle lslm.ulr, m i}l n. ro
<br />'h.
<br />co{ ofcrnirtn{lbn. .Lmg.r .r |'olidcn fnr rlE
<br />Sdri,n t1r6.r rh. IiU cqL
<br />Ok\z\\S Llt!:!sl;l)_(u!1&rl1rrf,
<br />, h.rby aflnm tr cr rnrlry or lrrrrry rhlr Lm litrnarl url.r pri'vi\ i,r ol Chatrcr 9 (..nnif,nc rnt * ith Sdir r(xl r) ol Divhi(r .l
<br />ot rh. Blrircsond Pnn.$t,n\ Con.. md m,ltcn{ n h rullti,,.r ulcltllr
<br />-. 'chtla\\}
<br />clrlttrBtlclu!..Lllractc[Scr
<br />I h.cby lrrn !id.r FMhy or FIry rhd rhdr is r omtui.rn Ldh8 r8.Ey for dE pc olffi ol rlr srl for *tth ltir Fni it
<br />'sucdlsN lu97- civ ( )
<br />1.tr(lq s Narm
<br />I Hry otrm u'ns Fulr y of Friory or oa rh. ,olh*iry &{Ltrrih!:
<br />Dcml,lh. P6m,rt.AilErrm ftlirrdi)n tu..1 R.8uhrbni (Tik.[r, P.n6r
<br />-R.quiEn
<br />trnd .l |*riLrrir
<br />I d ify rhar rh. L&hl r.3uhrx,nr ftelding a\h6t\ rc'n^ !l !r. R +flirhL ro rhir t)n,F1
<br />-l
<br />enily th{ I hlic r.rd rhi\.mli.In,tr un sllc thd rh. trh,vc intu.rMri,n n c.trd.I agE r,'.a'n{'ly *rlh lll( iryEnd Counry
<br />rftliMx.s and sritc lj*\ ElalinS t, buildinE cotr{tu.ri,)h, dl h$.hylxrhtrir rclr{nlori!.s orlhn Cily lnd Counlylo cnrs uIEn r,r
<br />rk)vc nrnri.rcd pn|Eny l;r insF.ri,innurtr,
<br />Appllc!tri o. As.tri slrutuE X
<br />ftmirc smrptnrr:K
<br />_ D.t.
<br />ftat H-e^r I
<br />-cr"lulrx
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Lighl Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Lile Satety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab i Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFEB
<br />Torqueinq
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter /n\
<br />FINAL 5-c -tY Y.V+1Q
<br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc.v
<br />-->
<br />.-o, . *MEv:
<br />n,rrr r.rumrer _122QLLL11--
<br />A
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Transformers