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SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS I hcrchy rlltn nnrllr lEn"lry ('f p.rjury rh r I in cr.nlFr lion tlE Cndricnn\ l-iQn.c hw lilr rh. i.llowiag rcav)n (Scr 70.ll I <br />lltrlnr\\ n'rl ltoltsi( (id.) A,ry Cirt .r C.unry !hi.h r.qun \ u t i,ni h con(rud- alrcr- iml)x)vc. & rni\h tr rchtr ioy <br />i({ktr.c. trl() rcqunc\rhc annli.nnr tur \uchlin ro ilc a siSncd {urEnf,nr rh.r k r \he i\ litu\cd ,ruruMr <br />r' rh(_ In,v,\i(rn f rlr (\intlcntr\ l-iccnscd lrs (Chllicr q. Cnnnncn.i'rE sIlr sccli n ?(xx) of I)iei\i(,n:l ofrh. Businc$ aidr <br />Itur.(!.n!(1n,c)orlhrrlror\h(isdrn,prrlf,rrlinnrMrtf,htr!\turrhc!llcgc,lcrcnflnrn Aiyriol.tionolSecri{n,7(r'll 5hyrde <br />rnpli.xnr l,rr rnnlr \uhjcchrhc pth(nrlo r.rvilFnrhyul mr nrnc rlu'n fivc hundr dolhn(t5(Nr) <br />l.i\o*rRr"lth.n','Fny.ormv.trlnkDrc\snh*rgc\rsrhctrqncc,nD(n\!ri ,.uilldorhtr1 tunrh.(unmi\fti <br /> ,r,'r!inal|,tr w'1. (SN 70,1J, Bu\irrc$,t,,llo,csn'n((ixlc lhcConrnrrt\Itc(trqddsmrJIPI!r)anosmrof <br />rl*p^)Edt qh,i hnkl\ 'tr in{'rtx!\ rlritnr a l*h){l(f,\{rhso'l hm\(lf.r hlYrlr or rhraugh htr or h.r .qr cnlnlordc\. <br />"l."q,lditr,. rtr.{}tr'Nr ttuitLr q'llhrlr tlt htritn ollmrnr! rhi tE ( \h.lilmrt lil oi 'ft!t'n! rh. PFIrnt lorrhcl)drFtol <br />_l.r\oqftrof rhc|ln)Fnv,r rcrclusivclyconrr rins tr ir [ l'c.nRl .oitrG,^ kr o.{r!cr itr F.Fcr I sd 7lx-4. Btr\irk.\ <br />r,lh,lt\\i)n(idc rhc (i'nrrlcloas l,ircn\c lj\ d.f,e nor qlPlyk' .smrnlntopc yshn buildr.r rm!rct\ rh.tqrn. <br />lnd uhd o,nnacr\ f]tr \uch llfl)ccr r *irh , c.nt"d'n r) lartrrd nur \utrr h ihc'( Lrcnc tin l <br />I rn,rr.n,p( un,tr Sr.rtr)n <br />lhlc ()rn.r <br />j]I]Af,}:85:g]IITEN,IA.IION <br />llEl:lJxlllQx <br />I l{n'hr rlrtrN trtrJrr It lrr,n tNtur.v.N ol rhc t)lk,suS, ntr\ <br />- <br />I hlrr rrd sill mrirain r (id ifr.rc uf (tnrnr h sctl lnrurc aor rorkr' .onqEnsrhtr. !\ I!tritcd for b) striin :17fl) nl tlx <br />Iihor Axlc. tu rL Ffrmftt of rlE tr,rt ft, $hi<h th. Fnrir r isnd <br />I hnvc lnd ( rll nsintlr. $o,kcra (on{rnerr}n iFurrmr. a\ knxncd hy Snr hn .!700 ol rhc I itxr Cri.. ad tlE lErfornrm. of <br />rlx $dl li{ *hrhthr lErmir i3 nqEd My$ort6r coqrnqrnn nruhR cn.icr &i Inliynoht*rrc: <br /> yrhlr in rlrFldtuRrof rlEnorl nn rtah rhi\ Finril i\ t!kn.l \h.llfr{.q'h! 8tryFa$n or.y nEnmr <br />g' !\io tE .m ruhtftr t, th. sr sr oqEn{rion hu"ol(alifnn'r. rnd 0!r rh.l iaIrhnuld ttrom slhFi rottf <br />snlai (rfrnqrx,n tmr ^r,.. ol Sdhn l7lrr nf lh. ljkr Axk. I \tEll r(fih*ilh $n{,lt $irh rlnY ,mvnirn< <br />$AtNrN(; l.'lurc ro sw. *qtst nnryf,nvrir (rm8. <br />'s unhr'tu|. . l sh,ll sohitr d.nploF ro aimiMl Fmbir lnd <br />(nrl nmr up h.E huidEJ rh)uqid d.llr\ r!l(n(xn). in ltlddir. rt rh. tod or.onYE.nrio.. d.mgca rr Im! .d n, rh. <br />n,, 1/ <br />rh. l-,h{ c,,[ ,nrrrr{.,nlrtr{,f,}'. rtr\ <br />/t r/ rl ^pp,imn,,/ >G4-:?/ t {}sl;rr..0lraa!llrBt,Fcr \f,rn0\ <br />I trd'y rfftrm undfl Fmll! ol pcrr{y rhd I m lEn<d uid.r lh i.rr of Ctlpr6 9 lnr'ftrine sirh hI ?(xI), or nn nan I <br />.l itr Blncr lnl Pmf6$nr (o&. ari my ir in full frd rti cfi(r <br />7'/rf <br />llJlsr8l1:lr0ll.LEDllli-f,G[liLr <br />I h.Eh) !,ltn, trnj.r FMliy ol ttr,tryrh.r rlEc F !...{nk-lbn Lndin3 r3emv r th. FntrmRt ofrlE errr for rhEhrhn Frmn n <br />tr.klrs&. l,.}7 (n C) <br />rPPl ICANI DECI ARANON <br />Itmqarfrrunlcr n nrh) of F rurtoft o{rh. nrlk,nii8 &{rr.rFnr <br />lknrr[rh. fflm ! +Eio\ Nonff,rr[n l(kr.l RcpuLri].r rIirl..l0. Prn6r <br />R(tun(.1 l..rh !n NoLrirrr,n <br />l.dily rhrr th. ri\Lrll ..!uhrtn( E3ulir8 a\tE(o!r.frnrlrrc nor +dtdhk b thi! PmFli <br />I .rir rlv rhrr I lw. (ad rhMnpli.'rion a,n nnrc rhar tlk ah* c rnfd.ut ir n corrtt I agft t' (onDly r irh lll Cny Bnd Counry <br />onl'Mnc.(.tulsrrl( l$r Ebli.s ro hliklins co.dtu.rhn. aJrl hr.hy,urhtrizc rqtccnrarivc\ orrhn city rtrd C.unly lo ors rF'nrrr <br />.,hr. rtnruru pn,6ny t^r rny{rnn p <br />,rpDrl,anr"r,rltnr Sr*mrun A +/e1rt <br />I*>u,,,'crn <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framing 5r lI Y\WlYl tJi,n,afGtr l$lrr-'- <br />lnsulation/Energy I <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL 5/4 4q 2. Eat b-us< <br />Certilicate of Occupancy <br />Notgs, Bemarks, Etc <br />a,O ar4 d4 <br />BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECOBD <br />Sublloor/VenVlnsu lation <br />I <br />(r\\ NllR Bl II t'ER I)Utl',ARA M)N <br />.'"*'x