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Date: July 16.2015 LOMACase No.: '15-09-2206A <br />Fcdcral Emergcncy Management Agency <br />Pal.:1ot2 <br />Washingtorr. l).(. 20,171 <br />COMMUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION <br />DETERMINATION DOCUMENT <br />LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT <br />LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA. ORANGE <br />COUNTY. CALIFORNIA <br />CC,tMUNITY <br />COMMUNITY NO.:060232 <br />NUMBERT 06059C0143JA: FECTED <br />MAP PANEL <br />DATE.'1213/2009 <br />Lot'10, Tract No. 1273, as shown on the Plat. recorded as Document <br />No. 22522, in Book 39 Page 25, in the Office of lhe Recorder. <br />Orange County, Calirornia <br />APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY: 33.758. -117.931 <br />SOURCE OF LAT& LONG: GOOGLE EARTH PRO DATUM: NAO 83 <br />L(,,STREET <br />(NAVD 88 NAVD 88 <br />DETERMINATION <br />FLOODING SOURCE: EAST GARDEN GROVE <br />WII , ERSBURG CHANNEL <br />LOWEST <br />LOT <br />ELEVATION <br />(NAVD 88) <br />BLOCI( <br />SECTION <br />FLOOD <br />ZONE <br />OUTCOi'E <br />WHAT IS <br />REMOVED FROM <br />THE SFHA <br />1Ol" ANNUAL <br />CHANCE <br />FLOOD <br />ELEVATION <br />LOWEST <br />ADJACENT <br />GRADE <br />ELEVATION <br />Slruchrre <br />(Resrdence) <br />10 Tect 1273 1513 Norlh Parsons <br />Place <br />x <br />(shaded) <br />83.6 feet <br />Special Flood Hazard A.ea (SFHA) - The SFHA rs an area lhat would be inundated by the ffood having a 1-percent chance of berne <br />eoualed or exceeded rn anV oiven vear (base flood). <br />ITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS lPlease reler to the aopropriate section on Allachmenl 1 for the additronal constderatlons t6ted belowAt <br />POIIIIONS REMAIN IN THE SFHA <br />ZONE A <br />provides the Federal Emergency Managem€nt Agency's d€lermination regarding a requesl for a Letter of Map Amendrnent lor <br />lne prcpedy d€scflbed above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood lnsurance proqram (NFlp) map, we have <br />delermrned lhal th€ slruclure(s) on the property(ies) is/are not located in lhe SFHA, an area rnundaled by ths food having a 'l-p€rc€nt chance of <br />berng equaled or exce€ded rn any grven yeat (base flood). Ih's doclment amends th€ €tfeclrve NFIP map to r€nrove the subiect prop€rty fronr <br />lrre SFHA located on lhe efleclive NFIP map: lherefore. the Federal mandalory flood tnsurance requtement does not apply. However. the <br />le.lder has the optron to contnue th€ flood rnslrance requirement lo protect rts linanoal risk on the loan. A Prelerred Risk Pohcy (PRP) ls <br />avi. ,5le ror bu drngs located outsrde the SFHA. lnlormattor about lhe PRp and how one can apply is enclosed. <br />Thrs delerminalion s based <br />dere'mrnation. lf you have any <br />{37' :EMA MAP) or by letter <br />Aler ndna VA 22304-4605 <br />on the flood dala presendy availade. The enclosed docum€nts prov de addilional rnformation regarding lhis <br />ire€ al (877) 336-262/ <br />847 South Prckett Street <br />queslions aboul lhis document. please contact the FEMA Map Assislance Centor toll <br />addressed lo lhe lederal Emergency <br />^,4anagement <br />Agency LOMC Cleaanghouse. <br />LLris RodngLrez, P-E.. Chief <br />Engrneenng Managemenl Branch <br />Federal lnsurance and Mrligaton Adminrstralion <br />(REMOVAL) <br />SUBDIVISION