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WoodWorks® Sizer SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN <br />mp3.wwb WoodWorks® Sizer 10.0 <br />Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2012 : <br />Page 2 <br />Crite rion Analists Value Dasign Value Analysis/Design <br />Shear rv -34 Fv' =135 EN / 99' =0.26 <br />Bending(+1 fb =851 Fbi' = 150-9 fb/F/' =0.56 <br />Bending(-)fb= 47 Fb' = 1352 fb/Fb' = 0.03 <br />Deflection: <br />• Intericr Live 6.06 - <L/999 0.43 = L/240 0.15 <br />i Total Q -,3,8,=L/267 0.57 =L/180 0.67 <br />Cant:il- Live. -0.'02 = L/602 0.11 = L/120 :0.20 <br />Total -0.15 =L/87 0.15 = L/90 1.02 <br />1 <br />Additional Data: <br />- - 1-00 1.GO 1.40 :2 <br />. ML 1 viu .'2(psliCD CM Ct CL CE tfu Cir: Cfrt: Ci Cm L¢# <br />Fv'135 1.00 1.00 1.00 - <br />Fb' +n 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.500 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 - 2 <br />Fb'-875 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.395 1.500 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 - 1 <br />Fcp'425 -1.00 1.00: - - - -1.00 1.00 - - <br />E' 1.4 million 1.00 1.00 - -1.00 1.Ou - 2 <br />Emin' 0.51 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 <br />CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS: <br />Shear :Le #2 E- D+L, V = 138, V design =121 lbs <br />Bending (+): LC #2 = D+L, M =2 -217 lbs-fit <br />Bendingi-): LC #1 = D only, M =12 lbs-Yt <br />Deflection:· LC 82 = D+L lliVe) <br />LC #2 = D+L (total) <br />D-dead :L=live S=snow W=wind .I-=impact Lr=roof live. Le=condentrated E=earthquake <br />All LC's *re listed in the Analysis output <br />Load Patterns: s=S:/2, X=1,+S or L+Lr,=ne pattern lead in this span <br />Load combinations: ASCE 7-10 / IBC 2012 <br />CALCULATIONS: <br />Deflection: EI =8e06 ib-in2 <br />"Live" deflection = Deflection from all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow...:) <br />Total Deflection 4 1.00(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load DeflaCtion. <br />Be·aring: Allowable: bearing ac an angle F'theta calculatea for each support <br />as per NDS 3.10.3 <br />Design Notes: <br />1. Wood:Works analysis and design are in accordance with the ICC International Building Code (IBC 2012), the National <br />Design Specification (NDS 2012*and NDS Design Supplement. <br />2. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. <br />3. Continuous or Cantilevered Beams. NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the <br />middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the full length of cantilevers and other spans. <br />4. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. <br />5. SLOPED BEAMS: level bearing is required for all sloped beams. <br />6. The critical deflection value has been determined using maximum back-span deflection. Cantilever deflections do not <br />govern design. <br />Fl!0,