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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Owd-Bu d.. D..l.r.tid <br />I nd$y !fiim ud.. FElty of Fjury dEl I o dd'l aom ln. C6E*lon LiG.Ilv atr lh. followina @d (@70!L5 BBind <br />od Profai@ Co&): Aay City q Couty wltich ,!q!i6 . F.Dir to cdBltu.( .lla, imFov., rlamli'h d cD.t ay rEud!r., Fid lo ia <br />isMc.,.le '!quir.3 li. rpplidr fd uclt prnir ro 61..!i8r!d irr@@I rtd hG n rhc ir li@&d puDl ro 0!G Fovili@ of rh. <br />Co.r.aa't Li@sd Llw (Ctlfla 9, CdlllEci{a sio! s.ci6 7o0o of DvLi@ , of ti. BBind ed trofdim cod.) d ttar bG 6 <br />3h. i3 ddB 6@frm ed thc bai! fd dt. all.8.d amptid .Any vioLrid of setid 7031 5 by &y rlpli61for. Fmit tubjda $. <br />epli@t ro . .ivil Frdty of nc. lte lhe fiE hudld &lld (1500). <br />_I. & Ma of rhc Foraiy, d nry dploy6 wirh w!a6 E rclc cepqrr,lio, will do thc wort ud rhc l'udur. it nor inr.n&d <br />d or6!d fr nl. ( Se ro4a, B@ind ud PDf@i@ Codc th. C68 .1{ ! Lic.@ kw dG no. .ppl, to e om6 of $. FlPat,whobsil&6ioFo6lto@,udviodo€rElts6lhi@lforh@lfdltm8nhtudh,Mcrplorr..,Ptov.dth.ttqch <br />inprcvddB e rct int6d.d d o,f.i!d fd $lc. If, ho*c!d. rh! buildint d inprcffil i! $ld wilhir 6. y@ of .epldion, tnc <br />Oma-Bujld.r will h!v. lh. bu.!.n of F!vi.8 thrl h. d rh. nol b{ild d iEglv! fa dE purFd. of!.1.) <br />_I, a omd of tlE prcFty, e qcluiwly @tr..ti.8 wi6 li@cd @r&lc b c@cuct 0!c projd ( S@ 704,r, Buiis &d <br />Prcfdio Cod.: Tn CdEId'r Lictr fr.106 nor.pply ioe omq of FDFty *ho t{il& d iEFlva ltou. sd *ho <br />@r&1r fd such p.ojdr eirlt . Co.Eeb(r) li6!.d puts@i ro th6 C&n .rd! Lictr L!w.) <br />_l m q6R 6d.. sedd <br />WOiI<ERS COMPENSATION Df, CLAX-AI'ION <br />I hmby 8mm ud.r Fnalty of Fju.y 6. of thc follwirs delmliont <br />_l t.v! 6d wiu mi.r.h ! C.nific.L of Co!6t ro SclfrBG lr w6tcB', a p@id.d fo b, Scrid 3700 of t tG <br />t$d Coda fa lhc pcfdfue of th. wqt fff whi.[ thc Fhit n isu.d <br />_l dwilltui iin wdtm' cmpd5ad6 iosdc., a rcqut d !y Sc.ri6 3700 of tlE Labor C.dc, fd thc Frlroe of lh.pct fd vtich this Fiit i! isucd My wdtc' c@t@.ri@ icl@e 6iq ad policy nmbd e: <br />Polic, Nube Brpic: <br />Gni| r..dd ndd tot b. .oryldd if lhc Fnn ir rd Oic hDild dolirt {l l0o} 6 16) <br />_l €sdry $a h th. p6fmdc. of lhc wdk fr which rhir pmit is i!uc4 I ih.ll nd ddoy sy lEon in ey lnmd !o s ro <br />bem ru!.i.d to thc wat6 ceFNstid I.w of C.lifmi., ud 5gE thr ial rhoold bem labjet b tt. wdl6' <br />.@!.Etid pmviti@ of S!dj@ 1700 ofrh. Codc, I .h.ll, fonn*itll 6mply vith i!6. FEviriN <br />W^RNING F ile to 3ae *drd' 6nFeli6 covorsgc it ul$ful, sd rhrll ruljar s @ploy6 ro Fimin l parhiB sd civilfr6 up to 6. hMdrd $o'qd dolls (l,in ..ldirio to |h. 6t or .eFruli6, &r.88 s provid.d fa 6c se d 3076 of <br />dt. L$d Cod., int .6l ed ltldncyl fd. <br />ucFNsf, It coNriac'Tois DDcl,AtarloN <br />I t@by .frm ud6 Fdry of Fjtay $.t I a li6!.d s<Lr Foviiid of CtlF 9 (ffi6cin8 eith S.crid 70oo) of 3 of <br />lh. Buin6 6d Prcf*i$ Cod., lnd ny li.d& ir iD tull flru rd crcd- <br />l-j <br />CONSIIUC'ION I-INI'nIG AGFjTCY <br />I I'a!D, llim udd F!.lty of Fjw, lh.l ltG L r 6r.rtu ti6 ladirt .e6.y f6 thc FfdrAEc of t! *dt f6 *hicl lllit Fmit n <br />ir$cd (Sc.. !007, Civ. C ). <br />Atrucalfs-oEcldaarratr <br />Dcholitim Pmiu-A5b6lc Norificarim R.SuLri@ Gitl. :ll), P.n 6) <br />_R.quiEdt tr.r of Nodficrid <br />_l diry lnd 6. lcd.Bl r.8uhlioN E83rdif,g aberG @v.l ec nd +plicalI. b tni! pbjlcr <br />I c6rif, d'd I h.v. !6d $ir rpplic.dd ed iIa. d.l 0'. rtov. iifornati@ k cor6l I lgE to c6dy with rll City &d C.ont, <br />odi@s ed Sir. llB ELrrs to buildin! c@rudi6, Dd i@by &rto,ir EFBatati€ of rhn Ciry ald CdDly b ala upor rhc <br />aboE mati@.d pr.r6ty fd ir3petin pt ?066 <br />./-, <br />Yncz-.,22.</. <br />G--zz,4t <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Underfloor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipeing <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Misc <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />EXF lFlEri <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test r.E8 [ <br />Meter Release <br />-"", iro, 60 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Word\wps1 \Foms\Permil.-lnsp€ctlon 1.06 <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Back Flow Device <br />FINAL <br />Lica4 Cl.$_ Li6B Nuntr ..-- <br />F <br />-Tmio-