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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O*od-Buildo Ddlraton <br />I !frm und.r p.n.lly oapajury rh{ I e.rnpt fm $c Conltulo6' Liccns bw aor thc followinS @d Ge 7011.5 Bcin6! <br />dd Prof.si6 Co&) Any Ciiy or Connty which GqoiG a to corstruct alld improvc, dmolish or r.pair My rlrlcrur, prid ro its <br />issrMc., also r.qune th. applidt td su€h p€mn ro 6lc a sign.d s|{.mdr O.r hc drh. ir li6s.d p6udl lo ih. Fotisions of rhc <br />ConEerols Licos.d L5w (Ctapld 9, Cmmacing sillj Sedon ?000 of Division I of rh. B6in* sd Prcf6ior Cod.) u rhd h. d <br />shc is.xdpl th@f!.m d ih. bair fd iic allcg.d cxcmplio Anyviol ior of Scction 7031.5 by dy appltmt for. subj@ti ['c <br />appljcd ro rcivilp.nalty ofnd n@ $& fiv. hun&.d dollm (5500) <br />_I, a own$ or rh. prcp.,ty, d ny fiployB vith w.a6 B l] solc cmF.$rio., wiU do thc work {d th. struc@. ir nor iobrkd <br />or oftcEd a6 $lc ( Se.7044, BEinB ud PmlBsiN Codq Tn. Conh.t*! Licos. Laq .106 nd .ppl, to & oMs of d. prop.rty <br />rho buildr or imp.ov6 tn.,!m, sd who dG luch wdt hiGcll ry tr tho8h his or hd wn mployq. p(ovid.d tt.kucn <br />improvo.ni5 &c noi inhd.d or off.r.d ld salc. ll h@ctd. thr buildjf,a d improv@at i3 sold witi. onc ycu of compl.lorl orc <br />O*nd-Buildd eitl h.v. th. blrdd ot provirg (ll.r h. 6 ih. .ot build or imprcv. for 1hc purp6€ ofsalc) <br />_1, a o*nd ofrh. pror..ry, m.x.lsiv.l, conr6.tira vnh ficms.d onrrcrm to Mshct thc iioj.ct ( S- 7044, BBin6r dd <br />Proadsion Cod.r Tt. CMradq'3 Licmc t!* dc nol apply to u ownd of prcpsty vho builds d inprovB $o@ , Md who <br />conFers rq such p.ojer! *nn a Cmrdq(, li@.d pu6@t to drc cdrr&tors Licasc Lsw.). <br />I d cx.mpt undcr Scclion _,B & P C fq this rc6on. <br />\VORI(EFS COMPENSATION DECI-ARATION <br />I h4by altrm undcr pmaliy of pBlury on. of thc lollovins d.clmlions <br />I lua. dd will naint in a C.nifiar. of Conmr ro S.lfinrur. ao wort6 @ftpcosarion, s prcvidcd fd by Sation ]TOO ot tlE <br />L.bor Corlc, ld thc p.rfl)l:M@ of ti. wot( for ehich thc pamn is i$u.d <br />_l hav. mdwillmainhn wdk6 cofrp.nstiotr insua€c, s r.quntd by Setion 1700 oa rh. bbor Cod.. for lh. FrfmMe of $c <br />wori ftr which thir pcrhir is isrucd My uorlGs' cmpNalion insutu@ cMi.r md poli.y numb.r e.: <br />PolicyNumb.r: Expn6: <br />(This s.crion ...d nor b. @mplct d if thc Dqmir n for Onc hu.dr.d dolls ll l0ol o 16) <br />I c.n'ly rhat in thc ptrt(ma€c ofd.vork fr yhich dris pcmir is issucd, I snall not.mploy uy Fson i. My mtuncr so s ro <br /> subj.d lo lh. wo*6 comp.Mrio la6 ofclliaomia, ud agr rhar ifl should bamc sbj.d to rhc *st6 <br />(mpcnstio provisions ol Scciio 3700 of $. L5bor Cod., I shall, fonh*i1h comply with $G. FovkioN . <br />WARiING Faillrc lo sccurc work6' Mpas.lion €ovE gc is u.lawful. dd shall subjcd d dploy€r ro oiminal paatti6 4d civit <br />fin6 up ro o. hun&cd $oudd dolld (1 , 00,000).if, .ddiiioi io th. cGr of cmp.netion, &maa6 s provid.d fG 6c Scc e 30?6 oa <br />thc Labor cod., i.rffir &d .r@cy's L6 <br />LICf,NSTD CONTR CTIIRS DECLAIIATION <br />I amm odd p.nllry of Fjury dtal I M licmscd udd prcvisio ol Chrp6 9 (cmn6dng with Scclid Tooo) oa Division I of <br />lh. Busin€i &d Prof6id! Codc, d my licos. is in full forc. ed .ftcct <br />CONSTRUCTIOIT LENDIIIG AGENCY <br />I hdby amm undd Fn.lI, of p.rjory dtal Oft h a coNruction l6din8 .€r,.y ld t. pofmdc. ol rhc wrk fd phich lhi3 i5 <br />isu.d (s.. 3097, cir c) <br />, AfPLICANT'S DECLARATION <br />Ddoliton Pmns-Arb€slc Notificado. F.d.r.l Rcgrlaidr (Tnlc a0, P.n 6) <br />_ R.quircd L.n6 of Norifi.njo <br />_l enit $.1th. lcrLral E8ulaliMs EEddirg 6b6tos Moval d€ rol applieu. to this <br />_ | canfy rhd I hav. @d rhis appli.dion ed s@. lhd rh. .bov. infm.rion is fficL I ssrE to @mply wirh atl Ciry dd C@ty <br />dditr&G ed Sral. Ilwr EhinS to blilding @nsEucti6, &d ellltria rcpreollrirc of rht Ciry 6d Coury lo a1d upon d. <br />abolc dcntioncd prop.rty aor inlD.c1ion purpos4 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceili s (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />EXPII IED <br />Rough <br />Service Meter l-Ll'J u / lil:l <br />FINAL qAt\rc R-43 2!,0 556 c6: <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Dal. <br />- <br />o*n.. <br />-