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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS Oe6'Buildd DcclBti@ <br />I hcrby lanm undq p.nllty ofFjury $ar I m.rdpl tm tt. C@mclo6 Licos lle for $c followin8 rcEon(!c.rolLJ Sqina! <br />dd Prcfc$ion Codc): Aiy Ciry o Couity which cqun6 a pcmn to conriroct, alrcr, imprcvc, dmolirh or r.p6t uy sttuctuE. Drior ro ib <br />j$uDcc, also r.qui6 !h. +pticet for iud p@it ro 61. . sig.d lr.tndr $at h. o. sh. is licms.d puEuxr ro 0r FovilioN of $. <br />conracbas Lianscd Llw (chaptr 9, comhdcins wirh s.crion 7000 ol Divtion I or thc Busine ed Prof6sions Codr) or $.r hc * <br />sh. ii.xmpr lhftfrm ed th. b6is fd rh. all.g.n.rcmptid Any violrrio oaSction ?O3l J by ry lppli@t for.p.mir 3ubj&E rfic <br />applic r ro a civil po.lry of nd lMr $e fiv. huodrcd dolla (1500) <br />_1. 6 own.r of $. Fop.ny. d my cmrloyG *iln w.8s a th.n sol. @6p.ns.tion. will do d. work md th. itrlc((c i! not in!6d.d <br />or oflmd f6 srl. ( Se 70rra. BBin6 sd Prcf6idr Cod.: Th. Co.tudt L.* .lod nd .pply lo $ Ms ol $c prop.ny <br />shobuil& or improv6, ad who do6 such wort hiru.lfor h6dadlhbugh hi! or h4 own qmploy.B. Fovid.d $at such <br />imprcvchcnE &c not i.6d.d or offdcd lo. s.l. Ii hov.vcr. th. buildinS s inprovadt n soB vilhin on. yE of compldi@. ttc <br />Owr.rBuild.rwill h!v. th. burdc, of proving tn.lh. or!h..ol build or improvr aor ih. purpc. ofs!1.) <br />_1, 6 o*n.r of lh. p!oF.ny, m @nr&titr8 enh lic.ns.d conkrou ro consrtud rh. proj..r ( Se 704r, B6ins ud <br />Prof€$ion Cod.r Thc Contr&tor's Lik.!. L.w do.s nol .rply lo u own* of propdy who builds or ioprovs lh6@. , dd who <br />conEacb lor such prcjccts witl 5 cot@to(, liensd pu6u&r to rh. conractofs Lic.hrc L.w ) <br />I m er.mfl undcrs.crion ,B &PC for rhir r.d6n <br />!.qBAEBS-CO!IE lSAIOllqEClABdr&! <br />I if6m undd pcirlty ol pcrjury on. of rhc follovin! &.I&.tions: <br />_l havc dd will mainhin ! C.nifierrc of ro S.l nsur. ior wortcE cmp6sati6,6 providcd id by S@rion 3700 offic <br />Lsbor Cod., fm tn. pdfo.rMe of ih. wolt aor vhich thc pnn b isru.d <br />_l hav. ud will mainlain workcB' @mpasalion iNurocc, s ftqun.d hy S.dion 3?00 of rhc L.bor Cod., for thc pcdffiec. oi rh. <br />wort for *hich this i! issud My wo*.6 insu6.. cdia &d policy nunbd e <br />ffiffiffi,J"il;for onc hundicd dollm {I100) ot <br />mmp.nsatior provirions of SdiM l7O0 ofrhc L.6or Cod.,l sh.ll, <br />D,& > R-oL <br />*n'*\a Failur.lo s.c ur. wor&.E ' comp.nsation co rubjcct d .mploycr to eininal paaltiG md cieil <br />fin6 up to o. hundrcd rhoGdd dollm {l I OO,oOO),ii additi@ ro $c @n ol comFnrador, damag6 a prolidcd for 0E S.ction 1076 of <br />thc Labor Codc, intcrdl dd atomcrt fccs. <br />LICENSED CON'I'RACTORS DICLARA'I.ION <br />I hcEby afllm undcrp.nahy ofprjury lh..l m lic.nscd und.rprovision ofChaprn 9 (@n <br />thcBusinqs dd Pror6iG Cod.. ud hy licaic ir i. rullfo!c. aid crat <br />virh Scction ?000) ofDivilion3 of <br />I amm und6 p.ialry of p.rjury lh.t thd. i5 a @ntrrqctid l6di.B s86.y ld thc pafm&c. of ih. wtrk fo *hich rhir p@it i! <br />nludd(scc log7,Civ C.). <br />APPLTCANT'S DECLARITION <br />Dmolition Pcmits-Asbstoi Notiti tim Fc&nl Rcguldio. (TnL 40. Pfi 6) <br />_ R.quircd Llnd ofNodllcltio <br />-1*,,rhal ih. Egularions rcgdding ab*l6 rcmovd s. nol applicabl. ro rhis poj6t <br />$ar I hsvc Esd $is appli@tid .nd to.omply wnh llr City and County <br />ordiidcA dd staL Ellling lobuildins is City ad County ro.ntd upon th. <br />ab6v. hcnrioncd propcrly fo inrp.dion <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communicatrons Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release EAIJIKE v <br />Rough rED U I & <br />Service Meter SAI vlC 8-43, 290, i tE€,667 <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />DATE <br />Dar O*ncr