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ELECTRICAL{NSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OMa-BuildoD..letion <br />I h.rc6y sl6m undd pcnllty olpajury th.r I M.x.npt loft ttc Conh.io6' Licdr. Li* for rh. folloeinB c$on (!cc.7031 5 Buircs <br />ed trciBion Codc)r Any City d Cou.ty wtich EquiB ! to conEmcl aird, ihprcv., dmolish tr Epan by shclur., Fitr lo ia <br />iseec., alrc r.qute th. appliEt fd such pdnit to fiI. a sign.d nsr€mdt rhar hc or sb. t licoscd puaudl ro rh. provisiG of thc <br />Co ,&ldt Ltascd t w (Cbapta 9, wid Sat,on 7000 6f Divirion 3 ofrh. BEinas ud Prcaario6 Codc) dfi.r hc tr <br />lhc is q.frfl rh@&om od $. ld ttc dl.gct! .imflioi Any violad@ of S@!o 703I 5 by r.y arplicer for 6 p.m $bjeLr $. <br />appli@r to.cililp.nalry ofnot norc dd fivc luidr.d dolls (t500). <br />_1, B oM6 of th. popqry, or ny dpl.yG with wa86 4 ! iol. @p.nsalion, will do th. work and rh. structw is not inhdcd <br />or ofiq.d fo salc ( S4.70r4. Bulind sd Prof6i@! Cod. Thc Cotrd! Licd. Lrw d6 nd apply to u ovnd of thc prop.fy <br />who builns or impbve rho.on, od wno do6 such *ork hiNclf dhdcllor ttrough hh orhcr own.mploy.B, provid.! $ such <br />improvncnn e nor intnd.d or off.Ed for..l. Il ho*.vr, lhc buildins or"t is rold within on. y.eofcompl.r'o, th. <br />Own('B!ild!. will h.v. 0E burd.n of proving rh4 h. or sh. nor build or improv. fo. (h. p!rp6. or salc) <br />_I, d o*na ofth. prop.ty, m conracting wirh lic.nsed co.rr.cro6 to consttuci rh. prcld ( Sa.704,4, Asin6t d.l <br />Prcfdion tu : Th. ConE&br! Lic.ns. L:v dG nor rpply ro ownd ofpropdiy who buikh or improv6 lhaon, Md who <br />coiE'&ls fo' such proj.ct wirh a Corero(, li@s.<l pusuar to rhc conracto.s Liccns. lnw ) <br />_l M ? undd S.criM _,8 & P C. f6 $is Baon <br />IABSEBS-CQMIEISAIA!,.qECLA <br />I hdcby aff6 und.r pcn.lty ol p.rju.y on. ol $. foll@ins d.clmtioB <br />_lh.v. ed *ill maindi!. C.difiet. olconscnr lo Sclljnru,c lor *0116' conpos.rion, 6 providcd lor by S.ctiof, 3700 ofihc <br />L.bor Codc, lor thc pqfmdci ol lhc vort for which tn. is i$ud <br />_l havcod*iU mhldn *dkc.s @npolarion insuacc, 4 ,cqut d by Sccion l?00 ot thc Lnbor Codc, for rh. pnfomec. ol th. <br />wort for vhich this F il is issu.d My wor*.N' comrtu{ion insuru@ cri, &d policy numb.r m <br />Policy Nuhbd:-EIPts <br />dffiffiffi;fd oi. huidrcd dolls {tl0o) or la, <br />offtc Libor Cod., I shall, fonh*ith.'o <br />WARNING Failurcro seurc work6 cofrpai ion e cnploy* ro dihinai pa.ltis {d civil <br />finB r.d lllourdd doll6 (l I00,000),ir iddnion to <br />thl Lrbor Cod!, inr.rd fc6. <br />o. du'36 a povidcd for th. S.clio 3076 of <br />I hctcby amm undcr Fnslty ol p.rjury th6l I M li6&d und.r provision of <br />rhc BNinBs ed Prcf6tionr Codc, &d my limsc h ir full aorc and cfacd <br />I haby .ftim mdcr F.6lty 6f p.{iu.y ther tlft h a dstuclion I <br />i$ucd (Se. 3097, Civ. C) <br />of th. w6t lor which lhir plmn i! <br />APPLICANT'S DECLARATION <br />D.mohioo P@it5 Aib6r6 Noificdoi fcddol R.guialios {Tirl.40, Pan 6) <br />_ R.qutd L.ncr oiNoit.atie <br />_l €nify lhar rhc icddal ESulations r.Bs.ling 6b6r6 <br />/da.aity liat t h,* n-, nft.epliorior dd 11.@ndy with all Ciry &d Counr, <br />odinuG ed Stal. ta*s rcldiig lobuilding <br />abov. motiond lropc.ty ftr inrpctio. <br />ol thii City ed County ro 6tc, opoi $c <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire AIarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release EXPIRF n <br />Rough FEBOI i 019 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL ,9O, CC/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS