<br />I h.r.t, atnm undqFnllty ofpaj!ry 6ai I m cxdfl fm lllc ContncroE Liens. Ijw aor th. following Een Gc.7031,5 Boinds
<br />ed PrcfBion Cod.): Any Ci9 or County whict rcqui@ a lcmir ro .65rDcr, rkd, imprcv., dmolish or Epdr {y strud@. Fid to itl
<br />iisuac.. ako r.qui.6 lh. +plisi aor s!cl' pmn lo fiI. r ri8r.d eEtm.nr lMt hc or !h. is licfls.d puGuant !o th. !.ovirionr old!.
<br />Contracrols Liccis.d Lav (Chapto 9, CommmciiS wil]l S.dior 7000 olDivision 3 oirh. Bsinss sd Prcl$siotu Codd orrh.t lr. ot
<br />!h. is cr.mpr thd.from Md rh. b6is fG lh. allcgcd .xcmprion Any violaao or Sccrio. 703 I 5 by dy appli{r lor . pcmn lubjcct! th!
<br />applicant10 a civil pcnalty olnor mn 6e aiv. hui&.d dolla (1500).
<br />_1. B ownd of thc ptupcty, tr my mplords wnh wag.s d thcir $lc comForario., *ill do U. wo.k Md lhc sr.lcrur t nor inladcd
<br />q off.rcd ld sal. ( Se 70a4, Bsin6 ed Prof*i@6 Cod. Tic Conrrttr! Li6s. ke do6 nd apply lo e ownd of$. propcity
<br />who bdldt or improve thd.on, dd who .loe 5Eh work hi@lf or h6.lf or $rcu8h hir or h.r Nn lmploy.qt, providcd th.r .u.h
<br />inprovcn.nl! ac nor intodcd or ofldrd for srl. If, ho*cv6 ih. buildine o imprcvdcol ir $ld wiri,i. on. y@of @mDlaon. rhc
<br />ownd-Builds will havc dE budd ol povins thar hc d shc nor build or ihprovc for th. puacc oa salc).
<br />_I. 6 ownE oith. prop.ny, m.xcl6iv.ly con!'&rin8 with lic.ns.d conllact@ to @61rucl th. proj4t ( S@ 7044, BNiies dd
<br />Prcf6i@ Cod.: TXc Co.t&tor! Licms. Lav dod nor apply ro d om6 ol prcpely sho buil.h d imprcva rhd.@ , ad who
<br />conres for such proj.ds wnh r Cdr&lo(r liffi.d purswr to lhc ConE{rorr Lic.ns. Lrw )
<br />_l m cxcmfl undd s4rid _,8 & P c. fd rhis aaon
<br />!.43X&BTqq!SENidII9N!!CLABAIJQN
<br />I hdcby affim undcr p.nalry oiptrju.y oic ofrhc follopinS d*ldatioB
<br />_l hav. ud wiilmainloin !Cc,ificalc ofcons.nl lo S.lHnsurc ior*0rl.6 cdposation. d povid.d ao,byS&tior3700oad.
<br />Labor Cod., fd th. pcrfomsc. of lhc work forwhich rn. p.mit is isrud
<br />_l h.!. dd will niinr.in *sk.6 compasarion insursc.,4 r.qut.d by S.c o.3?00ofth.kborCoa..forrh.pcrromac.oa!h.
<br />wort for whicn thii pmi! ii issu.d My wd*.6 cmp.nsatim ihsursc. cMid ud policy numbcr ar..
<br />Polic, Numbcr Expncs"y;:,:
<br />r.-.,";j*,,"
<br />not & conpl.td iflh. pamit t for Oic huidr.d dollm {ll0O} d 16,
<br />rh. p.rfomMc. of th.*o,k frqhich rhk p.fiit
<br />ihc *o*c6 cohpoiarion laws oaCalifomii!ed
<br />D,,.o(-
<br />work.R' conpcnsarion coverarc is subj.ct d .hployr to dininsl p.nahiq ed civil
<br />find up to onr hundrcd thousMd doll4 (l I oo,ooo).in addiiid ro rhc 6t ol @np.ns.rion, damag6 6 provi&d for $. serio !0?6 of
<br />rhc t bor Codc, inr.r6t &d auomcyt f.a.
<br />I hcrcby affimundc.pcnahyorpcrjury rhatl m licc.rcd undcr provirion olChapGr9(conm.ncins
<br />lhcBusinat and Prof6,onsCodc, and my lic.nsc is in lullforcc and cffcc.
<br />undr iEnalry of r..Jury rh.t $6. h a coturtucrion lndins ascnc, ror c p.rfomancc ol thc *ort ftr which tht p€mir is
<br />trsu.d(s.. l097.Civ C)
<br />D.molition P.mils-Asb.rG Nolifi cslion Fcdml R.Sul.tjoni (Till. 40, Prl 6)
<br />_ R.qutcd I-.na ol Noi li@don
<br />-m,6e r.ddal rcsrlarioi! rcsddins 6bBl6
<br />I !8,@ !o cmply wi$ allCiry sdI havc r..d rhis.pplicarion
<br />ordiraccs &d Slal. Laws r.lrtingiobuil
<br />a6oYc rdrio.d propcny fd insp.cli
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under SIab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torquing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />EXl ,IElFT,
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter FEB 0 I 2019
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />vr-!!v yav' -wt i,!,o'og,
<br />Dcrc _ O*nn
<br />-------T-----t