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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS ()imrllurld.r D.chriro. <br />I rmrm undd p.rny of FJuy th.l l rm d.spr form rh. conhcton La..a trr for th.lollowrs r.&n (- rorl.5 Al!,B <br />t d Pot lion Co&), Ary Cir, or Codr, shi.t rcqdq t FDi to o,!nrsr, .16. i6Fo*, daDlirh or r.Fr Dy rtud@. Fb, ro ,.ilrff.,.l!. rcquiE llE rpplic! 6r rch p.rmir to Rl.. rbftd .tdr lh.l h. or rh. it ri..E { pqu.fl to rhc prcrilioN ofth. <br />Codndd i LEB.a rr* {cLprd o. Comi.Ems wnt SeiDn 70oo of ONsEn t .1lh. aqrBr .nd P.of6.D6 Co&, or th.t lE ( <br />$. ! d.hpl llEl'on.,n dE hGir 6r r .lh&<l crdFiE Any vbhiD of Sclb! 701I i b, Ey.t0lid trr. Fni $!j.<rt tlt <br />lPrlic.d ro | .i!il pcohy of Dr eE du 6v. tudr.d dolld(15@). <br />l. ! os6 of lh. FoFiy. or my.rIplo)s rrh *.sd a ilEi nl. cdlD.ql[ rill & dE r..rt.d rE rru<tR ir d id6d.d <br />or ofidrd for rl. ( S* 7o4a, A!.'E rd ftofurE Co.r. Th. Co.tndor'r LriI@ tr* d.q d rpply to .n ow ol th. Dbp.rry <br />wh. &il& or inpmvd rhdsn. od *h. dc r*n *o* ni@ll or lE*lr or llrDqh hn or hd d. .nrk 16, ForiLd rh.l ruchinFutcdr e d hr(Ld or od6ca for eL lt, hor-s. rlE hiltlla or rtrFDr.Bd i'eE wihroE r* ot@'!gLri,n.llE <br />o',G-Blildd *ill h.* rlE bsr&n orrovins rh.l h. or . not bliLc o. inpov. for tlE purpo* of sL,. <br />l.EorEof E FoFrr, m<b!,!dr @tr.riry slh lt.6.d (dnoE ro oBnsr rh FF t Se ro{,1. A6!!e rdrll'roa*ir Co<L: Ttr Codndofr LrnE L.e d6 not.pply to u o*B olpropdy *ho buldt or mFo6 rhd6n , $d who <br />conh* aor ruh rr.Jclt *nh. conr.clo(, lrcar.d p*runr ro rlE Co..rdorr LE@ ll* ) <br />_l 6.m,l @rlq S€rb.ll & P( krrh. <br />WORl<ERS COMPENSATION DECTTIA']ION <br />I .,im u'n6 F lt ofFjuy oE oarrE 6ll6*n8 &.1r,.166: <br />I MvG.,rl will Dhlir t Carifrdc olco,gt lo Sclf.lBW lo. E Ls @mFMrb,r. s provit { for b sd.n !7m of rh. <br />L.bor C6il. br $. Ffo.D.G oal!. ro.t 6. 'hih rt FEi ir iE!.l <br />_l Lv..trd will tr'Min *0116 @mr.at6. 'du.N., B r.qur.d b, S.d6n ! 700 or tlE t bor Cod< for rh. prfo.mncc ol rlr <br />rort for rlth t[i Fmi i iErd M,6la 6np.dts m@oE.d eolE tu6br c <br />c*a -I ihcaT? <br />tor*yx" *_1-fu.lll,jfj-l rohl31 _,,,^ to/tl s(Il[E.l@.e.d&r b.@oDl.r.d rf rk D.rid iI forC. hr Ed dou.r ltlool orl$) -, Y <br />L4A,1//4Lr <br />I rmm ulnd Fo&y of p.rju.y lhll l,rE n . .oBtnctios lc.di4 .tcBy lor tlE Ffomrc. of tlk *orl for qhi.h thi! pmn n <br />bu.d (Se 109r. Cir. C ) <br />at8ltcalftDrqlAlallaN <br />Dcmli{n Pmit!'Albanc Norift.rion F.darl R.rulrioE (Tilc 40. P.n 6) <br />R.qui'rd t:rls of Norif.dir <br />I cdiry thl rb. Lrhr.l r.Sul.rioo rcsrdntS uldor 'tmrrl u. er $plktbk io rhis prol.d <br />Ic.nifyd l h^. rqd rhi .pplic.r io. rnd rrlt. thlt th. .bov. rnaom.l nn n .ond llrrero.omply*nh.llCit.ndCouiry <br />dd' 16 d SltI. L.xr ELrin3 ro buildirt coBrrucrhn, .nd lullbria rcp.6.r rti!6 of thi Cny ttd Cody ro dd upo. rtE.t \( 'ffih'md FnFd! for 'Mp.dhn pdrDo6 <br />+--^--w t6,r,^),^,1,/l7t { <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL TlrWqqrt bli-/b$'?g <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />+ <br />M \WP5l\Pemrr rnspection FoflE\Eloclricrl-l.sperio. ri6rqd,dc O33l 36 <br />Pole Bases <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />l.cflit tlrt ii rlr pdfotffi. olrlr wo* tu rnth Ui. Fhn i. i$.d.1rh.llri a@lo, oy r6sr tu &y mms r slo <br />bcrn..ubJ..l lo llE hrl$ @mF.rlb. ts of C.n6orni.- .d .src th.t lfI rholld h6!m lubj-t to th. *o.IcRor4.urir FDvibd of Serbr !700 oa t[. trtd CorL, I irl! i)nbriri .oqly *ih lto. Fsi'b6 .T,J;#!*.*,I"-*..k;;-.-, <br />f66 up ro o* hun<t.d rhousrn dolrs (l l00,Om).i! .dditior tothc o3r of.o6Fn.lbn" d. rd s FDvii.d 6r dE Scrio. 1076 of <br />$. L.bor C6ik, in@l Ed .ndr.y . f€ <br />LrcfNsEn coNTt crons nfcl-^{aTtoN <br />I hatty.rm undd,o.I, ofFid, rlu t 6lt a.d uldd F6,irir of Ct F6I (@h, *irh S.dbd 7000) of Disio.I ol <br />llr. &ai6D.l1rc6 ,8 Co<L. Dd D, litc ir ia tull 6.c dd .frat. <br />1+t{2O <br />,