<br />I l.rty .rm unt, Frt, or F rury 0'.! I 6 6oD rrE cddtu t :M llw lor dr lollorq 'm lsc.?o!l.t
<br />Bcirc* rdl,n Cod!)r Aiy Cny o. C@dy rhi.h aquiG r rsml ro oisMr. .r'6. inFrorc, &ml6h or Ep.n xy
<br />inkE, Firro ir i@. rkd E+i.r rlE idi.d fo. rel| pd b 6Lt (rEd rrad thdl'orn ! li*ql Frd
<br />r. rh. Fovi.i.ns .l dE Conlicror'r ,,bcn&d Uu I, ConftEi.S r h Serim 7mO of Divirbn I ol $. A6iEs .nd
<br />PioLrDE Co&)d rhd ,l d dE !.rn+. rlErdDm d.h.b-ib6rrh..Lt!n.r.nFBA!,vnLrb!ofsdbDto]l.Jb,&t
<br />.prlr. ror ! p.m(.ubl{B th. rp?ra.. ro!dvrln Miyof mr mr. fio fir hnd,.rl dollu (,5{D).
<br />_1. ! .rF.IrlE FoFrr. n dr.nplrFd rh$ *.r.' ! rlr, nL dnlqus4 will do dr xit ri trME id
<br />inhd.d or olr.Ed lor !L (Sa,?u.{, BuriEr! !d PrclilioB aod.: Thc C.drrrn r lj..n$ kr iro.r d .ppl, lo h ow. of
<br />th. Frd, wtD hiilll] d Lr{nB rEla od *rb dG sh qrt hinrll c tEcll or rlDurh ni q ha oM.ri+r}Fa
<br />prod.d lh.r !*h ,rpoEcd. c d iddi.d dofl.rd t r,r,L ll,liulg. rlE hriBry n ilFcrd t,B siii' * Jdof.onpLriqrlEO*sBuilk*iUhlrrlrhr.nolFDvtrUrhitrdJEdid n hiu or inpmE E pmpdty,.rdE Frpoeof
<br />_1, s owrr or rtr Frdry, n &dtur ira wirh lir(G, co ctou k' sn{cr lrE FDis (Sd. 7lt {, Aurift$
<br />.rn P$t3cn Co& Tt Co dd r Lr..c bw &H d l,nly ro e owE oi FoF, *le l'oiLl' s unpmE. rh.G,r
<br />rnd vho odtrrr r.r ruch FtrirG w h ! Codaro(, p6ud
<br />'o
<br />r& CodGrofs Li..N lrs)
<br />_l u ldSdr'n-n &PC l,!rhnr.,vr,
<br />ra8f,[Bs:r$rtEusArl0!
<br />DECIdf,AIIII!
<br />I |nrm un&r Faiy.l pa'lry or nf 0r lnlbsiu .klrrN'
<br />jz1hlr!i*'ll,r u r cd'frrr. otcmd b s.r-|ffi ld wdt6 &mc.dbc a FoviJ.d lor brsdn! 17m olllE
<br />L.lM Cod., Id rh. rElffi. ol rrr rdt f6 qnth rlr rEmir i. is6d
<br />I hrE xd *iU wtlB @B.di,' in lt., a rqt!.d b, sarM 17@ ofrh. trbor Cod.. lor rll Frrffi of
<br />rh. *oit n *hih rhn Fdn it irrld. M, *sto' onllr.dhi tuarm dir rrn lblf,y trlbcr e:
<br />..,*, PQL u0oop F rc.c.-
<br />urg [\s\-1\t I a-1
<br />_l Enni rhri in itr p.rforlm Df rL work tu ehi.h rhi, p.rmr B nruc!. I rhil mr .ipby rny FBd in (t orr@r
<br />s ! ro tE$m iuti.< ro tlE wtd oqldim r.qr or Crrrmn. .rn .sr rn rl llbsld lEnft.Ai! r. rrE
<br />*ort6' .rn|Enersn pBvili'N of Sdiri l7m of rh. trhor Cd., I C![. rdhvirh Nrply w h tlDr Imvirb6.
<br />WAf,l{INC: Frilrc h ftE wtd3 mnC.N!. d,wn8. ir unLqtul. rr, 6.ll t!bj.( s.trphFr ro sean ldli rrl
<br />civil liEt ut 16 oE lhndad rho!4i dolls (tlm,uD,, i. lddiion ro rh. .d or.onp.Mrid, r Flvid.d rd U!
<br />liorDr 1076 ol r cod., .nd droEy\ f..r
<br />"rrffi
<br />IESAIAItrAIh.rchyllltmund.rt.!lry.fpcrjur,rl l rm lieEd und.r€ 9(smrmrn3 wiih Sdhn t0O0) orDivi r^l
<br />ut rlr B!rr$ rol PEftlnB CcL. rn my ll(r a u tull Lre
<br />B -Ct t:
<br />z 7c-t
<br />cogs]Ilcrlodjjll)llclcllcr
<br />I rrrby .ffr.n ul.r FDl, or Fr,lry rln
<br />'tEE
<br />itr t udndbn Ldint rllay lu rll Ddfurc ol ir rDrt ,or *ntfi l,n Foi il
<br />isud (s€. 1097. civ c ).
<br />! hdri' dim unt. Fuhy or p.rjuo E or rE aoll,*inr Lklrnr i.'ns
<br /> P.mih-A!' Norillcrion R.$hrbft Onl. 10, Pd6)
<br />-F.{un{
<br />L.ns of tLntrih
<br />_l (dU, !h! rlE r.d6rl EB!h!'a Et&lr, ltEsro, Emril e d {_r--$l to '( P,DFJ
<br />-l
<br />caify rhd I IEE ral rhir .p?l..rirn !n cd. lh.1 ttE .t v. rlodurion t !@r I rg to dftply *ih .l! Cny .d Coudy
<br />ddi,reB rrl Std. bB ftLlrtt ro tlll|ina .olfurb( nr, lrEby rullru! EFdrrB or rhn Cr, rnd Coldy ro ds uron tll
<br />rrrnc (r!o r(lnl tlnyn{
<br />Appli.$r or rdr SBmr!ft
<br />04fu -,.,Kf ?t / r"
<br />Set Eacks
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation
<br />Rool Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framino
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />lvlasonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certil.
<br />\tl tf,t
<br />FINAL t4\t\\7/o ,W'lV()-l
<br />Certilicate ol Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Rev. 08'07-2015
<br />tozqGq((