<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Lioht Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)tt lb DlMlrr'*9
<br />Walls (Rouqh)1.r lltlt r>b*in,n *-89
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh r
<br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh)6 L1 7i Wv'fia
<br />Meter Release tr
<br />Rouoh
<br />Service Meter I I (
<br />FINAL -k)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.l
<br />I taht rrlm urld FeIy ol Frrry tnr I e .er$ noE d. C(,hr6 li* Lr ld tlr fo&relt E.$ lsa.703l.J
<br />&!i,B irn Profem cal.): Any Ciry or c@iry ehah r{!c . Fd to 6imd, .ltq, in4rec &mlth or EF! uy
<br />,llrfu,Ilirhnt !eBt..S. E$E ttt +tiird tu..ldFrab 6L! rtt,d crdd rltltct i lird Fd.d
<br />h th. FNniffi .f rh Conu-k! l-a.nr.d I.* (Cturr.. 9. C.mrEin3 vilh Scli$ 7(100 or Divirbn I or rh. Buims ud
<br />Ptu.sE Co&, d th.r ll r slr E.rtrpr $a.toh.od tll h.ri tor rE dl.rid.r.r$d .A,, viobu ols.d 70ll.Jbyey
<br />+rlid ror ! Fm,t {bj.rrt rlE .pplic.nt ro ! civil FMhy ol nor mE $6 nv. hund!.rl <lolldr ($In).
<br />l. B .*E .l 0E prolr(y. m my .mob).q vnh *.!.r , Lh.n $k sf,tadhn, qll do 0E qdl ,i 0! rrlfu i dl
<br />indrlal d oir.rEl lu rk (Sd.nx.l. 8ll!6r &d Piok .br Cdl.: Tlr Cffic r Liru lrv d6 6t Sl, to D ord ol
<br />th. F)paly *L, tll dr q E{rcs nEE a rd who dB rat h.t nil*f o,ld*llor h!3b ti! d lE om.npt rEr,
<br />F.vrr.d rh.l xh rrgDw & d n.r!d.dd.lH tr !r 11 lriw.rh.h]iBq r irgnred n n!, winind F,
<br />ol cotrplra4 rh. O*E Ao,Ud *ill tuE rtE hntn of lrovif fir lE M ,lE tlil d hi! q llgoE tr F!Fr, d dE FrFr. ol
<br />_1, s oeE of 0E Fopsiy. D .rlui cl, .otu16A *ith lk.n al Nihron ro rol$d rl' p.lirr (S€. 784. BEiEs
<br />.rn h'l.d. Cod. Th. Condoar lx.e tr! (,ls ui .Fry ro u ovE of F.Fr, rto toilrtl d iEFow. tl|d4
<br />&d rlF 6drd rd tuch F FcB *ith. GidEt.(r lt.n$i pu6N to rlr Co' .1or'! tilB tr*)
<br />I ur.rnl]{ u .r.r S..rDtr-. B, & P.C. torrhir E.sn.
<br />B!8f,!8S:.C{rME!SADA!
<br />I lE b, rllirh !nd.r Fndv of F)ury oE of 0E louosin, d(l[dirs
<br />I h.E !,1 w,ll ni,rritr r Cdifr.t. of CoErl b S.UnurE 6r *o.ld' .nn4.dion, 6 rtuvri.d lor b, SdDn lr00 ol rlt
<br />l,60r Codc 16 tt Fa(irlrE o,tlr h.t kr rtEh rh tEoit. ie8l
<br />a# ",rr "u." *rt d cqtEMrr u@..5 '!qui!d b, S<ri,' lTmortll r,bo. co&.lot rll,Efcrlltr. of
<br />rtu ncrnf n tr&d My *0116r on+.dbn Buffi rffi ri l$ll, nun'lrr c:
<br />,b.zo
<br />_l cdify ihi m rh. p.r(orm. of th. *ort lq shrh ln! IsEir n iaetn, I lhl d .trploy y pa-. u uy llrlN
<br />s sro b.{m ubFr roihc aorl. omFMion he.olc.liromn, Dd r,@ thd if I rltuld b.ior sbrd to E
<br />hrl6' .xnrp.rsib For6.E ors<rF. r Dorth. L,t .(qlqIt& fonn*ah onp, *nh dDr PrnviirE.
<br />WALNTNG Frilur. io r(@ rvt.6' onFdsi
<br />(ivil lilEs up ro o'E h!'{Rl rlDu$nd 'l.lln ! (llm
<br />EbFr x dl9bF to arlul FEI-. rn
<br />cotrpceri.d. drmt , . t oviLd io, rh.
<br />Satrr ru76 ofdr lrrr CdL- d.rd mln,ar/l zc 4_
<br />lEcLr6rlo!
<br />I tdby rtrrm urL. FMny ut Frjury rM I d lErErl !i& FDtriI of Ct r(a 9 t<ffiq t.h sau. ,(s) of Divubn l
<br />ol rlE BuEs In PrcLsi,r Cod., rn my |.ff L ii lull frc rn.ne(
<br />51
<br />*1,L7 D
<br />tglslllcna!.la0lNG.Acllqt
<br />I h.rb, ,II.n od.r p.Blry of Filry rhr rh.a n r oNnxlion bdin3 rt.ry lor lh. Flm or th. ro.l for *hah thit prfti i
<br />6su.J (s... 1097. cir. c.).
<br />I ha!r', .trmr udcr FMty o, psiuy oE or th. nnbeinr &.Lrnirui
<br />D.Blliio! P.flit.A.b.qo, NificaDn F.*rn Rc3lldirE (TaIc t(t, Pd6)
<br />-R.quiEd
<br />t tcr oI Nrin dirn
<br />_l cdrily lhrr th. Ldcrd mguldho (8ad,r8 !bc$.. Bm\.I !. mr r{rlr.hlc to rhi! pNFr
<br />6 ! (dllv ${ I h.E Erd rh! r@krrion rn nr'. tln tlE vE mlomqion n .lfu I {E ro onply sih rlt Cry nrl Clu,
<br />(diEr6.rd Sr.i. brr rhrr{ ro h{h.Gby .'rlrir. rF.Edir6 or rhi, C(y ul Counry to .dc upon tlr
<br />3bov.,Enti,md pop.dy rr L.21, ZO
<br />l)fi?n
<br />Bev. 08 07'2015 5 t/z_
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />t*ft
<br />4 ;"?