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SITE-WORK DATE rD/srq COMMENTS <br />Set Backs r-ls4v r,VJlt <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns v-t94K v,lffiL <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation ,A <br />Roof Sheathing q-t1--/K <br />Shear Wall 1"t7 -/k' <br />.i-e)Framinq p'-ts:-g <br />lnsulation/Energy JEf rale 1 Z7J^^ I vl --^ <br />Drywall lr1r"1 ,0 '-/2 <br />Ext./lnt. Lath I <br />Brown Coat tt[1lLY I 'D-) <br />lVlasonry l u! <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cefiif . <br />I <br />FINAL rzlott-n "4,/ <br />Certilicate of Occupancy I <br />t. <br />I) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc\r y',/a <br />r,-l!/atl(./ <br />-+ <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrehy iffi,nr undcr pcn r, {,r pcijury rhd I m crc,nfl frcm thc Contrrcxm Lic.n{ trw aor rhc followin! rca\on (sft1031.5 <br />Brsiic$ dd Prorc$ion Codc)r Any Cily or Coutrry which rc+nc\ a ,riinir lo consrrucr. ullcr, improvc. dcndnh or rcNn uny <br />rhctu6,Itrioit its issulncc. aho Equncs rht,ptlicanr ro.\u.h tfnnil lo filc a sisdd { cmm rhtt h. or shc is licenscd pu u,ir <br />ro rhe rolnioN .r rrE Conrm.iols Liccnscd L.w lchaprcr 9. Comtuncing wirh Scdion 7fix) oi Dilhi.n ] ot rhc Busin.s ond <br />Pnrrcsn,n\ codc) or rhil hc or sh. h cxcmpl rh..cfron ard rhc basil lor rhc allcScd excnrPrion Anyviol,rionoiScclionT0ll5byany <br />.pllicrfl ior . pcrnrir subjcck rhc amli.d.r ro a.ivilpcnlllrolnot nmrcrhln fivc hundto'd dollarc (S5(U). <br />I l,a' <br />[tLr, * ,,*n* "r rr." rct"ny. nr rny c'npl,,]s' N h wdgcs ns slc conr!.nsarion. will dD rh. work d lh€slodmi\not <br />inrcnlcn or olt'crcd for eh (Sd.7o44. Busincss and Pmlcsions Cods Th. Coih.rofs Liccnsc Lsq docs nor rPply ro !n owrc! ol <br />rh. ln,lBn, shr huilds or nnr,m6 Ertr rd who &f,s {ch *otk hinsclf or hcrrll or rhr.ugh hh or hn o{n erq,loyccs. <br />providcd rhar such impowmnh c rbr inrdrlcd or ollcrcd hr sh lt t6*c\tr, rh. buillinB ot tn{'mwnrnr k q,H sirhin onc rr <br />or.omphlirn. rh. Owncr BuilLr will hlvu Lh. burdcn of rtuvnB rhll hc or shc dil nor ttuild or impDw fic prefany for rhc purlDc of <br />) <br />I <br />l.rso{rcrofthcImpcny,anexclusivcly..trt{ctrDgwirhliccnscdconrrncknsr...trifl.llhclDjcci(Sc.7(x4.Busncs <br />rnd Ptr,lissiiC.dc lhc l,icclsc l-ae docs nor appllroanownctofProFnywho huildso! inrl,rovcs rh.rcon. <br />trtrd $ho conrndi lnr ru.h pruiicis wirh r Conhcrons) liccnscd lunuanr ro rhc Contradol \ Liccne hs ) <br />-l <br />umcxcn{l lndcr Sccrt, <br />^,$74.f Jgs1X"''',".K [2t <br />DECUAd.IION <br />I hcrchy r0nin u.dcr Dctrllry of pcrjury onc dfrhc ldUowinE d(lrroliofls: <br />Ihv.rDdwillnminlrirsCcniftrrcorconscnrrosclf-ln\urcrorworlcrl.onDcisdtrrr.rsPmvidcdrbrbys..rion]TUJollhc <br />Lrhtr Codc. rorrhc p.riornrrcc otthc wo n, *nich rhc Fnnii is isucd <br />t hav. and will mainrrin u'orkcrs coq).nsarion nrurrmc, rt rcquir.d hySdrri.n l7(xJofrhc Ubor Codc. fdrhc rcrfoirlEne ot <br />rhc rorklbrwhich rhis p..nir i3 is\81. M, wortcK comtcosori.n insuDncc.lricr a, Flicynu'nl,cr m: <br />Policy Numbcr <br />-ExPn <br />s <br />- <br />y{, *^t, *" nthrI,. n,mnlcnlrhctrorlr,tr{h'.hrhi\pcrtrnaisnrcd.I\hallnor.,!lt,yrnylcmoninadvm mr <br />$L!L,h\.trrsuhlccr!.rhc*o'r.'i,,'nrcur'.trlrw.ur(''l'srrrhr'fI\lFultlhccinf,uhjNlL'rlF <br />rukcrs, conrpcnsrlion pmvisn,ns.fSc.rion l?0Oofth.ljh1r Codc.l shnll. fonhwirhcomply wilh lho{ pmvNnrns <br />wARNlN(;: Frilur. n) wurc Nnrkcr{ conrpcnsarion covcragc i\ unl,vful. rn \hru \ M cnrllo}cr ro cn nnl Ftrrllics mi <br />civil fir\ uf ro ort hutrdrcd lhouslnd dollr^ (SIOO,0OO). i'r ddilion h lht .o{ .f.onrFn\rtion. d!rogc\ * phvid.d n)r rhr <br />Sd.rn,n :1076 ofrhc ktrr Cdc. inrcrcst and,tomy s <br />$ /"8 lv r?nUu,,-r, X <br />DECI,AMIIO! <br />Ihcrch,lmirnund(pcnllryofpcrlurylhalI r liensd u.d( l.o{kiotr of Chrptcr 9 (ommking wilh Scclion 7(D0) or Divnion l <br />of rhc Busin.$ and Pmicssions Cod., 6.d ny lt.n* n r tull lore i .ltsr <br />C(INSTRIJCTTON I FNNIN(: (;ENCI <br />I hcrc$y rnhr!ftlcr Pcndlryofr.rjurr rtur lhoc is a co.srtucrili knding n8.ncy for rh. pc{oi'un . oflhc *ort lor *hi.h rhis lc.nri n <br />ksucd (Scc.309?. Civ. C.) <br /> Nam <br />- <br />Ixtrdci. Addc$ <br />- <br />A.SPIICANLDI.ELAMIPN <br />I h.Eby arm ud.. !.dalty orp.ruly onc ofthe folbwn'g ddl&arions <br />Dcnblilion Pcrmirs Asbc!x,\ Norific.lion Fcdcrol Rc8ulrlions (, Pd6) <br />-RcloiEaj <br />Lclcrof Norirslion <br />I cdiry rhar lhc lcdcrolrcsuhlb.s rcg,rdine $bcnosEnDv,l c nol lPplicahlc ro rhh rr+ct. <br />i?6"nnr,nn, , t," ^n, 'n', <br />snnl'!d'.tr ahl <arc rharthe ahovc inl'omln,n i!.otrNr.l aeB ro onplywirh allcilylnd counlv <br />hia;oRc. and Srorc tjr\ rchrins r n b <br />'ldrn3 <br />.on{d.uon. a hcrcbyaurhorift rcr.schlalilcs oflhh Ci'ydd counly to cnrs ulbnrhc <br />rti,vc 'mnrn,ncd rn,Nny i,, intpcdbnpt,,x rbe=- ,,,.,€ ltz ltqP,\pDlitut or laenl siltrrlurr <br />l'rn il( r n.lDriolr:)(t$ u,=TLr,t I Teifl <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />x.uha. <br />'*tW>IO <br />T-Bar <br />qo/.44/ <br />tt