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tD/srG.COMMENTSAPPBOVALSOATE <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor Jt <br />Bondin g/Groundinq/UFER U4/ll0 2ulittlh 76/ <br />lL <br />Torqueino <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)I <br />4..1A1*rr^,lVleter Release QohQ I r?-/ <br />tl <br />l*tl rttb-Rough I Uclta /<r2"' <br />Service [t/]eter ltt <br />FINAL ,fl,,ffi,E <br />"/{s2-1a lo* <br />Notes Remarks <br />, LO U 1 <br />OWNER DUII,DFJR DEI,CARATIoN <br />I hcrchy ilfirn uM.r l,.nalry of Friury rhal I am.rqi ron rhc Co.krcloN Licctrrc tiw for th. Lllouine rclsn lscc 70:ll 5 <br />ausincs rnd Profc$ion Conc) Any Cily o! Counly Bhi.h rLlnircs r pcnnir r. consltucr- ollcr improlc, dcmlish ot qriruny <br />ntocrurc. prio!ro irs issulncc. lho rcquircs rhc lpllttrnt for such pcnrir ro ril. r siSned iar.ftnr rhnr h.or lhc h liccnscd <br />ro lhc [ovisions ol r,r Cotrhctois Li.cnsd tiw (Ch.prcr 9, connncminA yirh Sccriotr ?()O0 oa Divtion :] ol rh. Busincs\ rnd <br />Proicssions Codc) or lhll troishc ncicnrfl lncrclionond lhc b!si\ rbr rhc rll.srd.xcn{rn Any vii,hrn orscdionT(rll5hyany <br />upnlic!trrntr!lcrmirslhjc.r\rh.lptli.,iitJd.ivilrrnalryolmrtrKrha.fivchundrcddollr^($500). <br />I <br />l. !s ovncr or rh. pn,tEny. or my cmplo)Es qilh wtrgc. $ rhrn sh comFnsal ion. will do rlE sorl and rhc ,erft h k <br />inrcnded or olTcrcd rbr slc (SN.7044. BLsiesr and Pmrerri.n\ Codc: 'I'h€ Ornt,cr{n\$ Law ddr not ,prly ro M o*trcr ot <br />rh. DNpcdy wtrr buillLs or iqroRs md who dms skh $o* hinrclfor hcr*lfor rhmu8h his or hcr outr cnpl{,yccs, <br />providcd rhrr 'ch imprcunEnk m mr i codcn or orTc'ld for slc. la hrwcwl rtE huildins or inI,Dwnr.r is $ll lnhin .k ltir <br />of complcliotr. thc Ovrcr Buildcr *il! harc rhe burdcn oi Drovins rhd rr or shc dil ml buid or inDmrc $c pn,Fny for rhc In,rxNc or <br />-l. <br />a!.snc. olihc protEny. x cr.lusilclyconlrr.rinssilhlicctr\cdcotrtr.lo'\ro.onntudrh.I'nr.{tlSc.701'l.tlu\irrr$ <br />rnd Pircssnn Cod.: Thc Conk kr'\ Li.cnsc L.w docs n. <br />and who Lrn'mcN for such wilh ! Codndo(9 I <br />Irrrywho huild\or nnfr y.! rhd'.otr <br />I rnr cxcnr|, trrdcr Sc.lIr <br />I h.rch! rflnm un,l.r p.Mlrv ofnriu <br />I hrvc rDil *'ll ninrrinrCUr otConscnr b Sclf lnsur. f,, *ork.rr.onIxtr\rrnnr. r\ t()vidcd I(trhvSc.ri( 17ln ol rlr <br />l-alnr Cn'ic. rbrlhc pcrformamcoflhc wort lorahichrhe pcrmir h Gsucd <br />Ihrv.nnd*illnuinrnnrwork.rJ.o rpcnsr!. nruRicc. rt r.qunrd by Sr.r i({ 17u) .f rlr Ltlbor (ide. i(tr tlE pcrlb x'n.col <br />rhc tr.'l fttr whiclr rhi\ p.rnri! is i\\u.d Myq.rkdrs.on{f,trurn,n i {rrn c.aftdr xlNli(ytrtrtrrhurtr <br />-l <br />ccf,ilylhlt ir I hc pcrlormrcc ol lnc wor[ Ior ahicnnris pcirni is isucn.l rhlll nor co,r].y uny r.6on in any nDimr <br />$ r\ n' bcconr {h]ccl lo rhc worieh o rprisdn'n h$s oi Cllifnnriu. and a8ec rhnr if I \l'.uld h.cotrf, \ubi\t lo thc <br />s0kr.s dnndrsrri,,r trovni{in\ olS..ri,fr.l7ln)rl rrr.lilu Cinn..I nuiL. kflh\rirh.,trntly <br />WARNING Failurc ro surc wo.kcs conDcoqr <br />.i!il fincs up ro onc hundrcd llDusrnd dollors ($ <br />an cmDlovcr l0 oiDinalFulrhs and <br />i,D. drrrg.s r\ t,r)ri'l.d lnr rh. <br />s..ri,r tor(,.rrlt l, htr (i,,lr. i .r.{]tr,|x <br />I l[frhy artu'nr rrpcmrry.ll,LrjuryI 'r pofi\nr of Chrprcr 9 (.onnk . tg(irhSr.t <br />or rhc B!\inc$onn Pr.n$i,,nsC.dc- and <br />'ny <br />liccr$ t <br />CONIIAICIIOIIENIIIIC.ACENCI <br />I hcEbyoffiirnutucr pcn lyofp.riuryth.tdrchaonnrudionhndinS,qcn.ylorrhcpcrlonmnccolthcsorklorshichrnhpermin <br />tsu.d (sc...1097. Civ C.). <br />AIELIC NLDEIIABAIION <br />I lErcby ullinn undcr t'cn0lty ollcrjury.trc ollhc hllosinB dNlarations: <br />Dcnr,liri.. Pcnnirs \bcdo\ N.rin.dion Fcdcrrl ReguhrionrlTirlc 40- Prn6) <br />Rcqutcd t.(cr of Nrificnrtrn <br />irc nor rpplicL$!c h rhi\ pn)Fcr <br />,rtui io n c.a c.r I .gN ro comfly wirh {ll Ciry and Counry <br />hcfthyauloiu. Rrreqnkrns ofrhr Cr, ud Counly lo cnls <br />-/l:* aK/tv <br />P hn /*/e"m,*ru."r6.r*,/ B trU€k <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Site-Work <br />Transformers <br />Sub-Panels <br />Etc. <br />CJnic' <br />Lkcnic Chsr_Liccnsc Nlnt r: _ <br />Dd. Co mtor <br />L.ndci" Addf$ <br />I