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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECOFD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DET,CARATION <br />I hcEby Dffirm undr pcMlly of F,jury lhlr I mercnfl lbf, rh. Crnmdoa Ltens. Ltw f6r rhe followi.e rclsn (Se7011.5 <br />Blsiffis !d Prcfcssion Cod.): Any Cily or Counly whi.h rcquiB 3 Fm'ir lo conso.l. dtE. imrmw. d.mlnh or rcplt ey <br />sm.rue, |ri6r ro its hsuse. al$ icqun s thE spplicanr for such pcnir ro ,iL ! si8ncd sllreft rhor lE or shc ir licci*d pomanr <br />lo ltc Fovisioos oa lh. Conhcloas Li(ned t w (Cl'aplc. 9. Commmin8 wilh S..lio. 7000 ol Divihn I of lh. Burincs .nd <br />Pmfcasions Codc) orrhar h. orslE is cxcm rhdtfronand rhc basir aor lnc .8cn.xchption. Anyliolationofsdtion7011.5by3i, <br />applter fo, { pcmir sbjccls lhc {pplicant lo a civil p.Elry of tur tur rhu fivc huldrcd doll&s {1500). <br />-l, <br />as o*rcr of rl* proFny. or my cmployes wirh wagca 0, rrEn $k Nml,ensrbn. wiu do llf, wo* s,i rl* slrxlN is mr <br />inre,' or o,ftt! tor slc (Sa.1X4, ausimss md Proacssions Cd.: Th. C..lnclor's LtcnE L8w &Es ml lrrly to d owrcr of <br />tho rmp.ny vts hdild. o. in{mws 0E6tr trd who des rkh e* himsclf or hcFelt o, rhoush his o, lEr own co0loy.cs, <br />provid.d rh skh inrm1tftflrs re d inkndcd moficEd lor et ll howE, rlE tuitlin8 tr inrrmEftnr Ls s! *nnin oN y@ <br />o f cor{,hlio n. lhc Ovncr Buil&J will hns tlE budcn of povinS ln3r tE or sh. iId rcl brild or iq'mrc E l,mFny ror thc puqnsof <br />-1. <br />N osncr of lhc [or.ny. sm cicllsively conlEcl in8 wilh liccnsd contrctor to construcl lh. pmjd (S(. 7044. B6insr <br />ond hb(\sbn Cod.i Th. Co.rocroar Lic.rsc taw docs nor aDplyro m os@r ot p.opcny who blildr or inpreki rh.rcon, <br />and sho onlmcrs ior sucn !, qill' r Conlnctons) licnsed putru r ro rlrc ConrR.tols Liccns Law) <br />-ld <br />cxchfl lnddrS6riotr-. B. & P.C forthi!rdson. <br />WORI(ETS' COMP'NSA'ITON <br />DEqdAAItaN <br />I hc,chy rfiiirnlndcr pctrohy of pcrj!ry onc otlhc aollowinS d(l.rorions: <br />-lharcu <br />will rointrh a Crnificrlc of Consnl x, sclr.lnsnrc rur wortcB ompcN0rion. as a,ovidcd for by Sr..ln l7rx)olthc <br />tjhor codc. ror rtu n nnrnm.c oflhe sork lor Nhi.h rhc ps'n ni\\ucd <br />_lhave ond will mrinroh workcB cornpcns rcquimd by SR! ion l7m ol rhc Libor (lldc, lor thc pcdonnrmc of <br />rhe voi( rar qhich lhis Frmil is hscd. Myqorksl compctrsrli,in insurntrc conicr dxl Foltt Nmnc. r€: <br />c.,,". . 5ltqt€ c9NPeq*,+ion <br />OC ., - tzlvlie <br />_l c.dityll.r in rhc lcrtormtuc of thc wort for whth rhh p€rnn is is.u.n.l shall not cmphyaorrccon in any tunmrs alo tE om subr..r lo tlE m*ds onqFnelion l0$olc.lil6hi!. and agrcc rrd ifI should subiet io llE <br />wortc^ smp.nsdio. lmvisions of Scclio. l?u) ol lhc ldbr Cod.. l dtsll. fonhwnh omply wnh rnoc pmvirions.. <br />WARNINO Failurc to w!rc *orkcrs conlrcnslion ovc6e€ is uakwtul. nnd shlll subJ..l !n cmplorr lo siminol ltMlltr ond <br />civil finc\ !r lo onc hundred lnousnd dollor ($ld).000). in eddilion lo th. cost ot comnc.salioa, daruscs as pn,vid.d for lhu <br />=? <br />LIcEES[DiOlr&tCrltB <br />oEct4BA.UlU <br />I hcrubyaitnundcr pcftlry of F.rjurr rhd l0n liccnsi lndcr provtion olChnprcr 9lcomtuncins sirh s..rii 7ux)) orDivkion:l <br />of lh. B!\inesrnd Ptotc$ionr Gdc. ud mrliccn* h in tull fotoT uxj eltNr. <br />'.loYt55b. Al?\tit <br />!aTi,Ii1BI(IIANTE!DINjj.A1iII!!:I <br />IhcrchyxllirnruDdciFnrlry.ll)crjuyrhnrrhcni\rcoi{ru.rionlcdingtr!.Myr.rrhcNrtonn.ncc.lrhcwnrkrbrwhichrhnpcrnriri\ <br />i\\!.J rscc :lrD7 (-i! C I <br />AITLICANLDIILAa]IIM! <br />llElty dlinnrndrr ncnrlry ofncrjury nnc ofrhc foln,winr dcclarrrn,ns: <br />txNnirior PcirnirsAsh({os Nolifi.ati.n rrdchl Rc8uhrn'n\ (Tirlc.l0. PM6) <br />Rcqxncd Lcrrq ol Norifi.di,)n <br />-l <br />ccni{y lfilr rh. fcdenl rqrllrions Egedins Nbcsros rcmvol arc nor amlicable ro rhh orccl <br />6l anify rhlr I havc Ead lhis 0lplicarion anl srob fior thc shoE informrion n corE l. t aEN roomplywirh lllCiryand Corory <br />ivcs orihis City rd Counly lo cnls uron ltrordin0mcs.Ni Sldc lrws Elnlin8 ro bu ildine con{flcrio( and hcr6y_,lr&1p.n**nuohov. mnliomd pmFny for nr{Erion purF*s <br />Appli.anrorASc SigMrurc <br />e".,r,* -* ro,r"r, )( oiklo Shprhori <br />6/zil lE <br />Appliances <br />l/etal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />lQpmpressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />R esidential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />An) <br />Rough Mech.i (lr{ (i ,r$rtlr/ <br />Final Test It ol <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 4t\ER'to xmZ.:,'r9) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc ul <br />Duct Work <br />Vents <br />Sr*rion 3076 or ihc t ifl Codc. intcrcsl and ltromy s fes <br />"",,'SlztliE <br />f --T------