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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OTI,IiER BUILDER DELCARAITON <br />I heE6y 8'ftrn undcr pcnllry of n dury rhar I @ crcopr tDm rhc conr.eroR Lbcns t s for fte folowi.g EMi (sa.?031.5 <br />ausiEis ad PofcBsion Codc): Any Cny or Counry anth Equift . Fmh ro snslru.r. alrr, inprcrc. dcmlth or Ep& uy <br />docha. pthr Io nr isswc. .ho requic! rlE lpplicet for reh IRnn lo fih e si8i.d srar.trnr rhlt h. or shc is lien*d p!r$!, <br />to lhe povisios of thc Conlreto s Li..nsd L3w (Ch!F.r 9. ComminS wnn S.ction ?000 of Divisiof, 3 of th€ Busimss lnd <br />Pefe$io$ Codc) or rhll tE o ihe Lr ercau rh.rciom ltd rlE bdis for lhe !ll.g.n ercmption. ADy viobtionofS6rbn 7031.5 bt an! <br />lpplha for . pcmit subjal3 llE {ppli.dl lo . civil pc@lty of not mE thd frve hundrrl dollr! ($500), <br />l. ss osrr ol rhc polrny. .r ny cmplors eirh wascs as rtuir sh onp.nsario,. will do llr w{,rt art dE nrarft i( mt <br />inlcnd oro,f.Ed for sk (S{.7O14, Busircs md PrcLssi'ns Codcr ThcConrdor's Lkcns t w dms no! q,/y lo m ownr ol <br />lh. pqEny who boildr or inlhEs lhcMn. ard who dms sEh wort himsclf or h.rslf or thmu8h his or h.r own cEploy.cs. <br />providcn thll such impmEnEnh m nor inrcnd.n d oficad for slc. la tF{rn tlE lnildins tr itr mwmnt is sU *ithh otu y@ <br />ofonpldiotr il* O*mr anikkr will lur rlr htr&n o, pnvirs rhd h. or shc dil hl tuild or nr{,or rhc ,,oFny for r,r I'uqn* of <br />-1. <br />as o*rcr of lhc t otcny, trm .xclusiwly contracring wirh liccn*d confuroN lo snsrud rE rrcirl (Ss. 7(J44, Busms(n Prnl6sii Codc: The Coor6rols Liccnrc Law des nor a[,lyio mowns ofpmr.rry who builds or imprcvcs rlErcoi.and eho onrrucB for $ch pmiEls vhh. cr @ro(s) liccised l,!6uur ro E Contilcro s Liens. kw). <br />-l <br />unrcrcmtr und.r S€rio <br />trQf,(ESltroMfENsArrox <br />DICIdEAIION <br />I l* dffi.n undc. F.dry6flcrjlryonc6frhe lollowins dcchrari.ns: <br />I hawanruiu @inl.i! a Ceniacare ol Consnr ro S.lf'lnsur€ lor *o*sl coml.nsalion, os nmyidcdforbySNrionlT00oirhc <br />tjhor Codc. for rhc ll.rformncc o, lhc wolt tor which lhe Dcrnil is issucd. <br />_l n!v. ,rd wiu Miilli. wo*cE @npcn.alion i.s!6m€. e rluirEd by S€rion 3700 of rlr Lrld Cod.. for tlE !.rfo,r1ec of <br />llE mrk for which thi! & ii$ed. My s6k6 @npctrqlio. insllle @icr and plicy nunbd el.4alp Co.M Pe n sctl;on <br />ol3ctlit <br />-l.diay <br />rhd i. rhc p.rformrcc of ll* Mrk fo. *hich this rcml i. ir$ert.l3hall rer.npLy my lcBon inay @net$ .s lo lE om subj.rl to lhc rod(m enF"elion Lw* of Califomi!. .d s8m lhal if I stFUB subjccl to tlE <br />wortcts' oh,,cnsllion tovnions of Setion 3?00 of thc t 60r Codc. I sh.ll fonnvilt omply wilh lhoF l,ovnions.. <br />WARNINC: Flilurc to surc wortc6' compcnsolion .ormec n unhwful. md sh.ll suhjer 3n cmplortr to simiMl pcEhbs .nd <br />civi, fincs !p to oflc hlndrcd lholRnd dolls (Slm,uD), in.ddnion lo ihc.o{ olconpcrqlion. dom8 s as Imvidcd hr lhc <br />Scclion .1076 of thc Ldor Codc, inlcrc( .nd lllorrcy s fes <br />*,",- *lztlit <br />llEclllaar,ltN <br />I hcruby dirn uM.r lcnnltyofNrjury rhar I n lidnsil undcr F,vnion ol Chaptc! 9 (cootuno ing wirh Sccrbn 7000) df Dilisioh l <br />of rhc B!\imsr aid lroLssnns Codc. !d nry licen{ h in full fttrcc md cltLrl. <br />P)./ot455\ <br />^'' .8 l7\li8 <br />rcNt:tr!!1t0rL[Il)lNt;ilixxlr <br />i\uci lS.. llr97.(-rv C ) <br />d.Plltc NfD[cL atruoN <br />I tmtry dtinn u ndc, !cn!lr, ol!.rju,y om afthc loln'$nr8 dc.lffiln'ns <br />Dcnoliriotr Pc.nrs Ashcstx Norill.arn r Fcdcrrl Rcgrhrnnr (l'nb .tlJ, Iran6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />l.rlcr or Ndifi .orion <br />l.rnrf_r)rr rhc ltd.fultuguldions rlrdiig n\h.nos rrnniul rr. nor rfplicxhfu !, rhn fnl.rt <br />oilirrtrcc\rid srrrc Ls\tolrrin3tr huildnr! c.n{n(nnr. lxl hcrcbyr lxtrirc rcprc\. rrl!c\()frhi\cir,mdcounryrornrfutainrhr <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under f loor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq l4t IclB'l'ile> <br />Gas Piping I <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test 1 rltl 'ril ty <br />Rough Water Heater tt <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Healer/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary SeweriCap <br />-ai| <br />Bough Plumbing I $.n rr-rrJU <br />Final Gas Test t I ur <br />FINAL q >l |^-n*a&r">)urc-Notes, Remarks , Etc.I <br />-+ <br /> nrnrinncd potcn, for jnsp(rion purlxacs. ,-.- -_-,---) <br />Appr.. orAsqrsis iurc:^ {-42:' o^,.,'l/2lli, <br />""-u**."rrn*r K DiAla She.lrot-i <br />Area,/Storm Drain <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Back Flow Device <br />Meter Release <br />;tw I,