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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER At]II,DFJR DtrI,CAIIATIoN <br />I turchy rffifln undcr pcn.lry ofJ'.rjury ihal I .!n cxcrfl fro,n rhc C.ihrcron Lic.tre Ltrw ntrrhc r.lbwing rca1otr (Sc.70:11.1 <br />ausincs ud PR,Ics\i{'n Code) Any Ciry or Counry \hth rquncs n ncflnt ro cotr\rnrr. alrcr. nnprovc. dcnmli\h.r rcBlt rn, <br />slE.lrtrc. prinr. ns issuM.c. rh. rcquncs rhc{pli.anr lar srh pcrmir io filca ri3n.J iarcnrnr rhd hco. \h. is li..n\cd tuBur r <br />'o <br />Ihc F)vNbns or rhc Conrrr.t, \ l-iccnscd ljs (Chiprcr 9. Connncrcir8 sirh Secri,rn 7uD .l'Divnion I ol rh. Br\i'rc$ lnd <br />Prntsion( Codc)or rhar hc.r(hc i\ crcnr rhcrcliomrnd rhc haris f{trrhdrlfua.ddr rlri{nr Aitvi(,hriinrolSc.rionT0ll5byrny <br />rtplicur ft, r pcn,il suhjeclsrl.{ opi'lic!nllo rcivilpcnihyofnor.nnrlrn rivc hundrcd dollfls($5(xr) <br />l. ar own.r ur rh. proFny, or my empbracs $irh wa8c\ rs lhcn soh co"rl)cnnf i.n- will do ihc work 3d thc sltrrlE h 'linrctrdcd or of.rcd lor $lc ( S( 7044. Businc* &d Pmf.sion\ Code 'I h. Conkrttr \ Liccnrc t-r* do.s nor lPrly ro ai orRr of <br />thc rmncny who h,ilds.r i'nrr\r\ rhcFn. rMl who drcs {rh x)r* hinsclfor hcrclfor rhmugh his or hcr.wtr cn[lo)ccs- <br />providcd rhrr such inpnvcn*nr. ie mr i,ncndrdor.nrd li, {'lc ll h.s.EL rhc huiHins or inproEnrd n ht xirhinore )!{ <br />olcomplcriotr, rlf,Ownd Build$ qillhilt rh. burdcn ofpro\ioa rhd hc or shc dA nor tlikl or improf ric pmtEny lo. ir puqne of <br />_1. ls owncr of thc lr)p.ny. no cx.lulivclt .onrrcr in3 *irh liccn{d contrrrn\ h cotr{dcr rh. lnrJl{r ( Scc 7(11-.1. Bunno$ <br />tuxr Pnrssi Conc-r'hcC(,nrr,crtrsLic.n\cLrwdocrDorl|ptyr.rtrotrod.ltropc yvho huitdsor imtrovcs rhcrcon. <br />rnd wh. co.rracrslor suchpnjNr\snhi(lr{) licctrscd prr\urDrr)rh.Conrrrkn \ l-icc'sc lrw) <br />I 'nc\cmtru cr Scdi,r,-.ll & P C. ktr rhi\ .crn,n <br />Dute ()sftr <br />naatrE&sl:ouf[Ns rIoN <br />DlrtAxAIlQN <br />I hcrch! rffir'n un,l.r IxBlryolpcrury.Dc ol lhc nrkxvinA dcchturnnr! <br />I huv. dd silleinrniDs Ccdiliorc olConsrr h Scllltrsu.c ror sorkcr' comrcrs0rion. rs rnvidcd lnr bySccrion:l?molrnc <br />Ijh., Gxlc. {or lhc ptrlhnMrcc ol'lhc work lbr *ii.h rhcr.nhn is i(lucd <br />_lha\tundwillnuintrinworkcr'comlcnsali(,nnsuranc.r\rcqui(dhySarn,nlT0Oollhcbborcode.lbrrhcpcrfornnnccoi <br />rhc wo.k for which thhpcrmit is nsu.t. Mywolkns omtl.nsdi.n iNurm..trrid ond FJli.y nunrb.r m: <br />( <br />Q ?Znqoc)'zl\allE <br />-l <br />ccniayrhar inthc pcrfo onccolrlEwork for shi.h rhi\ F.' rir tr (\ucrl.I shrlltroi cnr oyrtry |fron rn.nynrMncr <br />v' asl. h.$ft {bjrd t,rhc wotle\ cohpctrsdn,n hssoiCrlilomir. mdr8recrh.r ii I shoukl l,cconE slhFcr r{, rh. <br />volkdt.o'nFn\arn,npmdsionsors.ction]TOOotrhchtr('odc.lshall.ronhwirh.onlplywirhrhoEnnlnionr <br />WARNINC: l,lilurc lo sc.urc q.ik s .orrFnsartnr co\rragc is nnlr*fxl, rd shrll \ubj.{r ,n .m,il,,rrr ro din nol lf,nnlric{ and <br />civi! lincs !p r. onc hutrdrcd rhousrnd doltrs ($100.0(nl. in rddirnrn io rhc.osl of..nIrtrsrlnnr. ddu8cs as proridcd for rhc <br />Sccri{nr 1076 ol'lhc Litry C.dc. intcrcsi lnd ltromyi l4s. <br />o,,", . X/zll ix ^oon*,,,* -=z <br />uc[lsurl;oNrMcrr.]B <br />DEC'.4&UIAN <br />Ihcmby,fllrnnnddFtr,lryorFrjuryd1dls'nlic.iydudc,pmvisi,rofChlprcr9lc.nrcicinssirtsc.rbn7(xD)orDivhnnr-l <br />ol rhc Busincs\lnd PmresionsCodc. d myliccnsc h in lullnncc0dctlcd. <br />.icrns. Nun$cr: ' ,lO-.* 555 <br />D,,' 2/15lir--_. c*t*a..7L.::d1 <br />qONSAICUAI{IENIIN!.AGDM;I <br />lhcrct'yaififlnnndcrncmlryo{lcrjLtrylh.tlhcrcilr.oflsrfl.i nlcndir8rAcN!rorrhcpcrrofluftcorthc*orkior$nichlhnpcrnin <br />n$cd (Scc 1097. Civ c.). <br />AT'JCANI.IECLAEAITO! <br />I hrcby afim undcr pctr0llyofpcrjuy onc ofthc rolnrRing,riotrs <br />DcnFlirio. Pcrnril*Ash.slos Notifi.ilion Fcd$rl Rcguhrnnrs (Tirlc 40, Pd6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />Lcltcr ol Nolifi clriotr <br />_l..niryrhxrrhcfcdcralrcsulorion\ reBrrdins asttnosrennvrlorc nor afplicahlcro rhh pmi.r <br />otl.cdily rhd I hnv. rnd rhi\ arpltsri,,nad drrcrhlrrhe!tD!c rnr{,nurion <br />'\cotrccr. <br />r u8rc. b.\'nprl q trrl(i,ryrdd ti,u y <br />oidin,D.csmd Sr r lxws rcldir8 k, buildins con{dcrion. lnd hcrchy rurho,iTc rcprcscnhrnrs (,frhh Cir, and Cdunryb.nid orn,h. <br />rh !. nf,r''nmLl prn|cl) lor nsFcrion |ur|.sc, -_- - <br />7 <br />,rppttconr o,rgenr srgnorur.T(- Z-a: <br />""-u* *.",,n,,, X- njkic, Sha<-lror-r' <br />o,," " Stzl/ln <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Bool Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lalh <br />Brown Coat <br />lt/ason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req. <br />Qeputy Final Report <br />En gineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL xl%.lN-n rz)) <br />Certilicate ol Occu pan-y 7 I uI <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />-- <br />DATE <br />T-Bar