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BUILDING- INSPECTOR BECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BTIILDIIR DIiLCARATION <br />I hrchy rflnn u0dcr nctr{lry ol pciury rhur I !m cxcmnr lirnn lh1 Conracr{K\d lrw ror rhc blbwins rc.or iss.?0.11.5 <br />Irusir$s rnd Pmfcsi,,n C{xlc): Any Ciry or nr t ehich rcqutcs r lrnn t, .ofnrud. alrcr. iNnrov.. dc.'ohh or Eprn rny <br />{fl.rurc. tri{trro irs i\iurtr... rho rcquir.s rh.,rdi.d r lar nkh lEnnil ro rilcn sisncrl{ cmnl rhar hcor sh. is!.d Nsu,trr <br />lo rhc arovhions oi rhc Conlracrols Liccn{n ljw (Chlplcr 9. Conrnrncin! *irh sd.rion 7uJ0 ol Divhion 3 ol rhc hNincs "ndPn,fcsiotr\Code)orrhrh.orrhci\.rcmprrh.rclm$rndrhchNnl rhcrll+cdcxcmDriotr.Anrvn,llriq.fs.crxn70ll5hr_rtry <br />rmlutrr lnr aFrnrir \uhtcdsrhc itpli.anl ro !.ivilpctrllryo{ nor nrrclhitr lirc hunJrdldolla'\ (S5(X)) <br /> o*ncr of rhc lr,Fny. {tr ry cd'lnoyc.\ *iih v+cs r\ rhct *lc ..'nNN lotr. ll do lhc wort ud lhc {turh n n r <br />ic Lrl oronar.d fn sL (Sr.7M4. au(irE\srnd Profcsi(rNC, c TIE('onrrrcrois I iccns.ljsdoc\norrnPl,brtrown$.1 <br />rtu nmpcny who buink or nnproks rhcF)n, rfrl qk, doc\ nrh trtrk himtclf ot lf rrhoughhkorhcrownc r,n.rcc!. <br />Irorid.d rh nEh irnnn'vcnrnh irc nor inr0xhd or o,lbm,l lnr eL lr.howcrtr.rh.l iklir8orim,'Fumd t$ld *irhi",,nr <br />'totron{krn,.. rhc Oend auiud will havc rtr htrdc oflrovinB rlllr hc.rrhc dil mr l[iklor i'nlrolt rh. pn)r.nt lor IIE PUIF,{of <br />L Nowrr olrhc t'tuNnr. unr cxcl$nclr co rrlirs$irhli..n\c,lontrtnn,connndrlkpr)ic.r(S..7()rl.[t\i'rr\! <br />Nl l,Id6sio!Codc:'l'lrConrrrktrsLiccis.t-rtrdoc\norrtrd)roni.sncr!lDr,t,crrywhohDlki\ori'!rovcsthcicon. <br />rnd Lvho.or((ftr{r.hImjc.l(*irhr(iinnacl.(rll.ctrr.,lntr'ruarrhrhc(inrrn.Ln\{l-a*) <br />,^'.{5ttsftffiffint/r/ <br />Dl;l! IltroN <br />I hrr.htrlltrutrdrr JIfrlryotltrirryon.ol rh. nilkNi'rg J..lrntnN <br />-lhivc <br />lnd $illruiruhfl CcnificarcolConsnrt' s.llln\orc f{r workc6' .onlEnsarhn. !s ntovidcd lor hysc.rn{lTmofrhc <br />trhor c'odc. for lh( |.rfonmmc oi thc work ri,r s hth thc Frnril is irsud <br />rhcwolkrar*hichrh\IrnnirisnsucdMy$ort.^.onrrcnsrri(nrifsufutr.c(rfi.irnrlFlicynunficrrrc <br />l"rry Nunrh.r <br />I r.nilyrlnrn,rhc rurfonnrtr.. f rhc work rr which rhis Ni,nx is nnrcn.l dr.ll tror .mploy an, ,c6oi in rnynr.trtur <br />$ Ntoh..onr suhld b rhe*(rkcm comri.nsllion lawr or Cllililrnir. ridr8rcc rhd ill sk)uld hcconE shicd hth. <br />*orkcrs, compcnlilion pnvnion\ ofSccrion]7m olhe lf,titr Gxlc.l \hnll ronh\irh.ornnli" *ith rh)e Pri,vi\ion\ <br />wAnNN(; Frilurc ro K!ru witrk.r\, cd rr.n\ari(,n.ov.n'sr i\ utrl.wlul. md \hrll suhFl rn cnlpk,yrr r) dinn rll(u'nk\ lnd <br />)f comnrn{rnr. di x'Acs as Drovidcd lor rhc <br />,,.,.7-atr - /tr a eaIZ19 <br />DECI.ABAII!}N <br />Ihcrcbynflird utr,lcr n tulry olr.qury rh l mr liNn*l nMcr [ovi{ion oI Chlprcr 9 (co rmncing tirh S.tti)n 7UX)) oI Divi\ion :] <br />oi rhc llu\incs 0.d ProlesionsCode- ud my licrn* n in rull ntrd drl cffc.r <br />laNrlalll&lLllilJlNl;.-dliENrl <br />is{rcd (Scc ll)9?.(iv ( ) <br />l-c rlri! Adnrc\\ <br />]Itfl,rc Nfllu(r -BA[lot <br />Ih!'.nyrlllnnutrtlcrItnrlrrol p.'turr.n.ol rhrk,lk)wtr,9 c.lxrxrid,! <br />t)cnn,lri!tr t'cflnlls A\tn.{o\ Norilicrri,r |.n.rrl R.guLxrnrN { l'rt.11r. Pri16) <br />Rc!utcd Ldrcr ol Noriricnri,n, <br />I.('r,,ilrcAnliriofl\rcA lrn! rsh(n.r r.n\1lrr. i,.rxnp i.rhlr t, rhn t()Jr.r <br />I .r'1 l1 rhxl I li\c 'c rr irlitrniri,tr, \.on..r Ir('cck,.oir|t\irIillCiryxtr,l(,rn v <br />on nxnr.\ rkl Srn.l r\\,r x byaurhoriTc rcnrc\rnrrrivc! orrhi\ Cny aM County h ctrlcr npotr rlE <br />{tmvc nrcnriorcd propcn} itr <br />/lrpli(oor or ,\A.trr SiAnnr 3- at* <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns l0-.{-ta -D,.9*(qq) <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Sublloor/Vent/l nsu lation <br />Roof Sheathinq 4 <br />Framinq 2 to-'t- t6 )-S-*(AD <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lr/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cenif . <br />FINAL fzE-)1y' ./*.{rA .ro <br />Certiticate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />SITE-WORK <br />\ <br />SLAB Floor <br />Shear Wall