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PLUMBING-INSPECTOH RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG. <br />UNDEB GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under f loor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I -l n \\ <br />FINAL qm U <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. -7 J I- <br />OWNER BUTLDEI DEI,CATATION <br />I hceby rttur lndd FMlry of pcrjury thal I d crcmpr frlm lnc Conrra.roB LtflE L€q for rhc fotlowing rcMi (5*,70315 <br />Busincss .rd PEf.ssion Co<t )i Aoy Cny o, Counry ahich EquiEs a Fmi ro con$ru.r alto. jnpFlc, dcmlieh or qrn My <br />srtururc ltrior ro irs issumc. !l$ requircs thc opplkanr for such lEmjt ro fih a si8f,.n slal.mnr thlr n or llp is lktnFd l,umut <br />lo thc prcwnions of de Conlmtols Lic.ncd t2w (Chaptcr 9. Conmcmi.B wilh Sccliof, 7000 of Divisiof, 3 of th€ rnd <br />Prolcsrionr Cod.) or lhar hc or slE i. crcq,l rh.rcfren !.d rlE bcsis for lhc dbg€n.rcrynion. Any iiobrion ofScdio.703l.5 by rny <br />lppliqil for 3 ,.mi subjftri rhc sppli.anr to a civil pcolry of mr m,c rhd frv. hu.<,r.d dollai (5500). <br />-1. <br />as owB ofrhc FeFny. u n, ..OlorE\ wnh vagca !s rlEn $k @dpcnrdion, wiu do llr h ( ,rd tlr s!!Er@ b nor <br />inrqd.d or for sh {SB.?M4. Buim$ d Pmlcsions Cod.: Th. Co.r$clols Ltcns Lnw do.s not a!'ply to owncr of <br />th.p'oFny olh hilds d i.lhes rh€@i. ot {ho des Mh mrt himsclf or hdelf or rhou8h his or ho own.mrlorrci <br />prcvid.d rh{( sucn inlpmftmnk ft @r hr..did ordFdld aorsh.l[ lE*6.0E lnildiig or irtErmfl t $ld eirthom )e.ofonplclkrl tc Owrcr Buildo will hE th. h!&. ofrrcvinS rhll lE or $c di1 rcr hild or iqmr llE FlrEiy f.r tlE l{rro* of <br />-1. <br />$ owrcr oi rhc pmp.ny. .'n crclusivcly cont,sling snh lienscrj conracroF ro consruci rlE nh.iccl (S(. 7044. Bunrc$ <br />lrd hnlt{sion Codc: Thc Conlrrcrols Liccnsc Low do.s nol apply ro .n owncr of pml,crly *ho builds or iq,mlei lhdcon. <br />lnd wh. ontEcB for s!.h pmids wiln n Conr6.ror(9 lieNd punour lo rtc C.n!turoar Licns tlw). <br />flz-'tz-\g ULt t,t-c, <br />!2t!!.!a^l!!)l <br />I hcrcby llfirm undcr IEMlly of lrtury onc ol ihc lollowinB del-srio.r <br />-lh.v.dllwilln$intlir0CcnificrrcolCons.nrhS.lllnsxrclnrsolkclr.otrrp.trsrtiotr,.srrovidcdl'orbySdion.lTlloolrhcljlnr Crdc.lor rh. pcrlirnrnccofrhc *or* lir which rhr nd'nir is t\u.d <br />_l hav. and will mainhin *orleB coopcosniion ins!'ancc. !\ rcqliEd 5y S(lion 1700 ot th. rjbor tor thc pcrromffic of <br />rhc wor* tu wnichrhi{!.mn ir hsocd My work6 compcnsrrion insururc cldirr lrl p.licy nu'nb.r uc: <br />-l <br />ccnify lhar in rh. Frfonruncc olfic wort for which rhh p.rnit is isrud. I shrllnot cnploy n.y p.*on i.0.y mmncr <br />s erlo bcee subjcd to rhc *o cF comDctr$rion hws .f California. and,EEcth ifI slhuld ktom suhjcl rollE <br />wortdl conrEnsari.n Dnvhioni ot Sccrnrn l7{lo of rfic ljhr Ax,c, , slEll. fonhwith cohply Dnh ft,* povisi.ns . <br />WARNIN(;: Fiiluru h s.ur. workcd ii unl,wtul. &J shall d e,ployrr lo aiminll F Elli.s ad <br />.ivil li.c\ !p k, .nc hun rltl ,. in addirn,. lo rhc.o.r ofonFn$lior, da@g.s as lolilcd for lh. <br />LtVa c. <br />l)lr( 1,,\ll/l I loN <br />I hcEly i,rrm ui&r p.nalry of }.rjury th,r I ao lietrid und piDvision of Chqr6 9 (@mrcing sin Scrion 7000) of Division 3 <br />of thc B6incss and P,rf.ssions Cod.. dn my lb.nF is in tull foe .d efr6t. <br />CON AUCUI]NI,ENDIIIi.AGDNCT <br />I ncrcby ortrm und$ Fnalty of p.4ury tl'or rhsc is a consddbo Lndi.8 a8cmy for lhc Ffoflmmc of tht sort for which lht Ixmi is <br />i4\xcd (sN,109?, civ, c ). <br />AIIIIIANLDECLIBATIIIN <br />I h.'rhv alllnn u nd.r pctr.lry ul ol rhc tulk,wn,! d..lrrrions <br />D.n8lirbn PcrmiG Ashc(o\ Norilicrrion rcdcrol Rceuhriors{l irlc 40. Prn6) <br />tuquncd I cncrorNorilidirn <br />_l ccnify thtrr lh.tucmlrc8uhtions EsardinB a$cstosremovalrc not ryplicabh ro thh pojccr <br />l(ailv rhi I hf,vc rurd rhi\apn .gm <br />'o.on{,ly <br />wirh.ll Cnyrnd Counry <br />i.s coinrudt,n. 0d hcrcby kahovc mnrioned tmFny for <br />A pplicant or AEenl Sigmtu <br />t4-C{(-{"s <br />uilti]tu <br />COMMENTS <br />Cor(nctor <br />onlinrnc.s rnd St c L,r*sruldiDg(,