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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNER BTIILDER DELCARA'IIoN <br />I hcrchy arfinn undcr p.nalty of F.jury rhar I @ dcmpr frr. lhc G,nrr!.tE Liccnsc L!* for rhc nnb*ins rca{nr (Scc ?0.11.5 <br />Busircrs nnd Pnrt*i(,n Crtle): Any Ciry or County qhich rcqrncc n Fennn ro ([{tucr. alrr. impruvc. dcmoli\h or runJr u'ry <br />drucrurc. r,hrro irs i(\xr .c. rho rcquir.\ rhc lnrltnd lor such Fnnil h filcn sisncd {utcnrnr rhd hcor shc is liccnscl Dusu,n! <br />ro rhc pn,!i\n,ns of lhe Co l.iccned lje (Chanl.r 9. Co nnrNiig wirh Sc.trn TUXI of Divisnr .l ofrhc Businc\\ rnd <br />Pml'c$iuNA)dc) orrhtrr ltor\hc ir cr.nrpr rhcrcfromaMlhc hnrn li)!lhc rllcgcd crcnrrrion ADyliolari ofsNrioi r(r1l5byanll <br />rrplica ntr!plrmil subjels lhc appli.rnrt,rcivilpcnalrtofnormrcrhrniivcnundrcddollars($tor)) <br />-1. <br />as ownc! oirhc pmtrd!, or 'ny.nrplortcs wirh wrs.s as lhcn \ob con$cns0rion. Billdo ltr work ffd rh. stflctuft r tror <br />i'n.frLrl or oaiclcd lhr $lc ( Ss 704,1. gusinc$ .nd h'or.s\iois Cdlc Th. Conkrtr\{ La* docs nor aprly k, m o*mr ol <br />lhcpmlt y who huild\ or in{d\ c\ rhcNn. arxl wh. dcs such work hi,nscli or hcr*lf or rhmtr8h hrs or hn o*n cmnl.yccs, <br />fiovidcd rln {]ch tn!rcrcnEnh m..r inrcnd.d orolttFd ho*c!d- rh. huiklins or nn|,orcm.r k bkl $ Fr <br />otconrnlcihn. thc auiLld will hrvc rhc hudcn ofpmviry thd hc or shc did fr, hrild or inlmv. thc pr,Fiy f.r rlt purlls of <br />I.^ownrrorrhcpn,pcnr-onrcxclusivclycom.rintwirhli..nscd.onhcrrkr.inr{tucirhf,pmFd(Sc.7()il.l.Btrinr.r <br />rnJ lh)ll:\irnCodcr Tlr Cotrttk s t-iccnsc Lrw docs nor lpplyr. ntrowod.f!rop. y*ho hulld(or im!.orc\ rhcrcotr. <br />and *ho cotrrock ln \uch rojccr! wnh i O, richd r lrctr*d p,^um ro rhr conrDckn \ l-iccn\c Ltrs) <br />-l <br />{mcxenrfl undq Sdion- B. & P.C. roi fih r.son <br />Dd. O*n.r: <br />u!)BK[8u:0!lt[usafltt!DlclrlxAlla! <br />I hcrchy i,firfr uddcr pcnrlryofFrltrryon. oirhc loll.*inS dLrhrrlion. <br />Ihavc ,klaillnBinrrintrCcnificalcolConscntt,S.llIr\uElinqorkcli.o lFrn\dtrri.ds pnrvi]ddfrtrhySc.rir lTl])olrhc <br />Iitir Codr- l'or ilE pcriornFtrcT ot rhc *uk for whi.h rho p.nnir i\ isurd <br />I h0vc and will ndinrrin w.rteB compcnsuln,n insunrcc. G rcquied hy scc'io.l70o olrh. bhor Cudc, nn $c p.rrbantrn.c or <br />lh. w.rk ror*hichrhn perdir is iNEn My*orkcs omp.trsaln insurdncc carii.r end Bni.y numh.r dc: <br />c*r",, - *h+", E{n/-q lr s lur\rt <br />l.cnili rhll h lhc ol lhc wolk fd which rhi\ pcrnn k i\\u.d. I shrll nor cnDloy rny F.rv'n in rny mrnncr <br />$rsloti.omslhF.rhrhcsorkcis'conrpcsalionlas!.fc.riiornia.rndoer.crhirill(hourdhcconrsubjdro'h. <br />worlcr( .ornp.n\rrionpmli\nrnsorssrioi l?moarhc L[nrCdc,l shrll. i.nh$ilhompl, uilhrhoe pmvisianr <br />WARNINC: !{ilurc t(, Kurc qorkcn ..ntrn$di(nr corcraE. is unhqrul. lnd lhrll hjcci a..6ploycr t, cimi'[l tf,nrlri.s nnd <br />rivil lincs un i. otrc hundrcd rhousand dollm (SIO0,om), in rddibn rr rhc co{ of cohpcns,rn'n. dr.hgcs trs tr.vidcd ror rh. <br />s..ri,n':1076oflhc Lnhtr Onc. interc( ntrd <br />D e - '?' <br />D!:( t,,\RA',u()N <br />Ihcrchyafifl,undcrpcnihyofpcrjuryrharLn|!:dundcrrri,vhionorCnaprcr9(mnxxncn,s*irhSccrion7( 0)oiDi!isi,{.1 <br />of th. Busin {srid Pi{,r.ssion\ Codr, ud u),liccn{ n in tulliorc md cry, <br />lDll't3Q3lra <br />^GL <br />rolgrxlJEllaNrllDtrc-dli.ENrl <br />I hcmhy rifirm undcr lcmlyo, lc4urythrl rhcrc is, c.0{tucrion lcnJing alcn.y f(r rhc psfornhcc ofrhc $or* lr whi.h rhn Frmii is <br />issucd (Sc. 1097. Civ C.). <br />AIILIC NfDElllla ]1Q! <br />I )mhy rllinn !ndcr pcnrlry orp.rjury om oirhc lolk,wirr dcchrnri, \ <br />I)cnn,Lirim Pcnir\ As6.nos N.lili.rriinr li.d$al Rc!ulnrtrrr\ (Tirlc.l0. Pxn6r <br />It.q t.d lrrr$ 0lNotilicrrion <br />-l <br />ccnify lhar thc fdcrrlrcSuldio.s ng,rdnE,ch.$.s rcR)valarc nor q,pli.lhlc t, rht pmjcct <br />d, ""nn,,n,, nu,","uU,no 4plicrrion lnd rr3rclh lh. ah,rc inrorrurion is cor.ct t r8f,m b ompl, wirh all cir y .nd <br />ordioanc.s and Srarc lje\ rhrins lo huildins construcrioD. dd hcrcby,nrhorir rcFrcscnlorivcs oflhk Ciry snd Countyro cnrcr uton rhc <br />rh)v. nrnri{nrcd pn)!.ny lor ns <br />/rr+ <br />1 <br />knuda <br />--o i.,, <br />- <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Shear Wall <br />Fram i ng <br />lnsu lalion/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Exl./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cerlif . <br />FINAL 4 /ta /ls 5>94 <br />Certilicate ol Occupancy <br />tD/stG. <br />UFER Ground <br />Roof Sheathino <br />lvlasonry <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Ixnd..( Addi.*