<br />Waste & Vent
<br />WaterUnder f loor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildin g Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipinq
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Gough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing 7/qrts 6Lffi
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 4/tr/t -Dw
<br />Notes Remarks , Etc.
<br />I hcrcbt arrm undcr pcnalry of pciury thd I m .xcrl,r fln thc ConrEcrm Lienrc Law for rlE rolbqh8 r€er (S€r.7031 .5
<br />Bu.incss odl Prcfcssion Cod.): Any Cirt or Counry whicn rcquircs ! Fmir ro onrru.r, ah6. ingovc. rhmlilh .r rcpan ey
<br />shcnre. Fnr ro n. irsu.F, stso EquiB rh. applhor f6r su.h Fmi !. ,ilc 3 siemd .tdcm $.t tE or slE ir lic.ned pumam
<br />lo lhe pmvkionr or rhc Com.&rof i Licnsd ljs (ClEprcr 9. Comrcins sirh Sccrion 70m of Divkion I oa rlE Blsirc$ and
<br />Peibssions Codc) or thlt lEor sh. i!.xcn{ lhcrcfronald rh. hdsh fo. ft. slhg.d.rcq,lioo. Any viololion ofs.dion 7031.5 by rny'
<br />spplie.r tor a subjdrrl* apllt ro acivil p.mlryofnot mrrtln fivc hondr.ddoll&s (S5m).
<br />-1.!\n*rcrnilh!Dr'trn).ornrycllr|,lc.onrr--0srti(rr.Billd.rhtworkr
<br />rh{nrlurci\hn
<br />icdcJ orofic.d lnr stu (SN 7(N.t. Businc$and lknts\i,,N Codc lh!({nrcntr s I iccn\c li\ &,.\.or,pnlyn,x o{krof
<br />rhc lln)Irny who 6uilG or irrymvci rl..Etr. olxl who docr such w(ni{ hl rll'ur hcrsll or rhtuu8h hir or hcr own cnrrl{Drc{.
<br />povidcdrhdsuch nnrn\.rnhN m ft i c'rlLn ronarcJ li,r *lc lll h,{ c\u rhc huildin! or inDmvcmnr i\ srd *irhin om lar
<br />of.on1rLrr,n. rh{Osndr Auiu.r sillhrvc rhchurdctrolpmviqrhar hcor\hcd Nn tuiUor impro$ rhc pn,r.iy finrhcpurFrrol
<br />-1,
<br />as owmr of rh. ,'sp6iy, am .xclusiEly conrrarine enh li.cMd coon .r.u b onlr.ucl rh. prcirr (se. 7044, BNims
<br />arn PtDf.sid. Codc:Thc Co Er.i s Lic.ns Llq dei nor lmly to an o*ncr of phpcny sho builds or improwr thclcon.
<br />and qlD onrrlcis for sucn pm, wilh a C,ntdo(s) lieMd plBu.n ro !h. Conrrdd s Lie.c t w).
<br />-lrmcrcnrpl
<br />utrdcr Sc.rnr .B.&P.C larrhs'cr\rr
<br />t)rrr ()$Rr
<br />I h.Eby amrm unrl.l O.mxy of pqjury om of rlE rollowing dNlarataoml
<br />-l
<br />hlvc 0rxl will mimoin a C.niricar. ol(lrnknr h Self-lnsuc lor work ra co.p.nsar io.. a povidcd ld by Sccrion 1700 of rhc
<br />kb6. Cod.. to. lnc pe .trrl@ oa rhc *ork lor whi.n lhc Frmil h issucn.
<br />_l havc and pillnuinr n wo.kctr .oq*ns ion insura@c. s! rllncd hy Sdrion .1700 of rhc tlb.r Cod., for rhc prlornMcc of
<br />thc *or[lorshrhrh^Frm r, nsd. Mywo*6s ,$mFn\,n n 'n{,m.. cdrcr 0, pncynumb.rdc'
<br />cars - <'lrh- En'rd
<br />-l.crrnirhr
<br />rh. l)crtuntr .c of rhc work ld which rhis pcrmir i\ i\\urd.I sh"llior ctrrtk)rrny p.'yr. inany trtrtrcr
<br />$ !\ lo hcom sbjcct Io thc work.s conDcnrolion lrss ofC,litoari!. rnd l8to{ th!' iil \houLl h.conf, suhirr ro rhc
<br />*orkss c.'npcnslrn,n !rcvhion\ olSdnD:l7mof
<br />'hc
<br />LltEr Coilc.lshall.lonhsi'h comtly wrrh !hoc [.yhion\
<br />IVARNIN(; Fdiluc h $.urd {orkr^ .oiD.n{inn, corcn{c is unl0wful. rnd \hrll \ul'rccr r. cnfl,,trr r. cin nrlFndlricsrd
<br />crrl rinN un ro otu hundrcd rhousnd doll6 (t1m.000r.n. drmgcs !r pn,vtt.d fot lhr
<br />sa' ion J076 8J 0'e l$q ea inrcGr and
<br />o"., (lloll( alt
<br />rl rhc llunks\ rtrd P(no\tnnr\ Codc. irxl nrr liccn\. i\ i'r rjrLltirr.cutrlrrtcr \
<br />lonqtu
<br />L
<br />I hm6ydlmrunl.r pcn0lry.f!.rjnry orc olthr rolldqin! dc.l&rion\:
<br />lxnmlirion P.rmirq A\b.{os Nolinceiioo R.s! lr i(,os Ont .lo. Prn6)
<br />-Rcqu
<br />ircd btr.r or Norili.riion
<br />_l ccnili'h!r rhc ndcnlrcsubrior\ rcsadinS Nh.{os rcnhvalorc nor.ppliclblc Io rhh tn'jccr.
<br />flr .*n ny ,r-, r r,,u. .d ,hi, spplicrr i,)n Jal (rrdhtrr ric trh,vc inLrnur or r conccl l asre lo comnry wirh lll ciry Dnd c.u.rt
<br />odi.rac\ and Slnr. ti$ r!|line
<br />above mnrioncd pol,€rry for i
<br />Appuol or Slg tur
<br />ilding .nnsmdi,n. a(l hcrc$y oulhorn! rcrrcrnrarirs of rhii Cny .rd CoEdy ro 6la rDon dE; <lrls
<br />r
<br />I ncrcby !finnundd lcnalty of Dcl,!ry thal rtcrc h ! onslrudion LndinS aScmy forlhc pcrlomuicc oflhc {ort ior whthlhh lcmir h
<br />isiucd (S... 30q, Civ. C.).bBl.''cNrm _