<br />I h.rcby amr6 und$ Fnalr, df Frjnry lhn' I m cr.q, liom rhc conlrl.lo6 Li.cns t w for rh. tollowins rca$n {sc.7or l .5
<br />Busincss and Pmression Codc): Atry Cil, or Counly which rcquncs 0 Frmil k' onslru.'. ulrq. innrorc, dcnrlis[ or rPlir nny
<br />slructurc. Fior to ilr issuuncc. ato rquircs I hc ,ppli.anr fu such Fmir r. filc r siencn sd'cmd rhar tu or shc ic lienscd puNanr
<br />lo rh. phvisiotrs of h€ Coni',.rd r Li.!n{d tiw (Chaflcr 9. Commcmin8 wilh Scdion 700{) of Divnion 3 ofthc Busirrcss and
<br />Plotsn'ns Codc) or rh0r tE or snc is cxcnpr rhercfiom and Ihc bffk lor rhe lllcsed crcnfrion Anyliohrionofscclion?irll5hyany
<br />applicani ror d pcftn subjkt rh. +rlicanrror.ivil,!.n,lryofnornoerhMfiv.hundrcddollss($500)
<br />_l- as o*ncr oi rhe pmrEnr, or my c'mk,trc, wirh wae.s $ rhcn {rb .onp.nsar ion. will do llE so srdrhe $ltlftnn,
<br />iNund.d oronr.dforsrlc(sNTot4.Busincstr.dPhfcssionsCnlcThcConrrrroisl,icensctlwriocsnorap/yr. owocr.l
<br />rhc Dm|rny *ho hoilds o. inlmvcslh(€n. ad *no das sEh wo himsclt or hcr*lr or rhmulh hi. o. hcr oun cq,loycc\.
<br />pr.vidcd rhar srch iry,okmnk m nor in{.dLd or oftebd r'or sih. ll h,w.\rr. itE builliq n iqmrcn.flt is y,U wiirin nm ,rr
<br />ofcoryElil[ rhc O*ner Blildcr will h{w rh. hordcn of pmving rhnr h. or shc did ( htriU or inpoE $c tmFny for rhc I{rFE ol
<br />l-a\owncrofrhcpmprny.!rcrchsivcly.oikr.rii8wirhliccn\dl..nt!.r.rrocorNruclrhcprotccl(S(7Ol4.BNncss
<br />..n Plotssion Codc:l-hc Conrraclr'! l,iccn{c l-,w dcs nor lpply b rn owncr olnopcn, wh(, huild\.r nnpn,vcs lh..con.
<br />itr'l sho dnri.rs f(r \uch totc.rs qirhnconk0(nlrli.cnscl pursurnr h rlE coturcnr.r I-i.cn\. Ltrq)
<br />I rcxc pr uhrtcr Sc.r
<br />Drr. oener
<br />rYQAru&5:S)llfEIlAITN
<br />DEIj./IaAIIIJ!
<br />I hcr.by.ftir$ und.r pcmlry ol pcrjury om orrhc lollo$in8 dslarllion\:
<br />_l hlvc ardwill min'oin a Ccdificare or c6n*nr ros€lrlnsrrc ror *ork.6'conD.ns ion. {s rovidcd lor hySccrio.1700 orrhc
<br />Lltor Codc, for rhc pcrtornEncc oflhe sork for wiich Ihc ncmri is n\ucd
<br />I hrvcxnd will uinrrii $orkcr{ co.,rl \rri(,n i'nuratuc. r! 'dquirdbySccrirrlTU)ollhetinorCodc.turrhctc onn.Nc.i
<br />rhc$o'llor$hichrhisr.nniri\hsunlNlys.rkc co rfcr\rtion i'Nuim...rtris afrl ainlicynunrhcr c:
<br />- 3tnle T,nd
<br />5 2b l.t
<br />Iccn,fyrh ii rhc Fiifo.Mn.c olrhc work ld {hichrhn!c nir n isucn. I shtrll tror cnrploy niv PcEon in nny nrnner
<br />$ srob.$nr sut'jd lorhc workrs coo,!.n\rri(,n ldsr or Crlii{xnir, trid r!rcrlr il l shuld hccom suhied rortr
<br />*ork.r\ compc.qrion pmvtn,n\ ofSernnr:l7mofrh. trhr (ixl..l ntrll. tudhwirh co,nply wirh rhos rovi\ion\
<br />lVARNlNcr li lnrc ro {cu.c workcB conlcDsolion covcrosc n unltr*ful. and \hrll srhjdr xi ctrpkJtcr tu aimirtrlpcmllics and
<br />.,vil an.s ul' b on. hundr.d lhoussnd dollds (Sl(x).fil()). ir rddiifl to ric cosl ofcofrFnsrrn,n. ds EB.( ss rrovidcd li'r rhc
<br />Scrri,n, r(r7Oof rh. I-xh,Ci)dc. i'icrc{ d d {rktrfcy'\
<br />""r"rt+4
<br />I hcmby alttrn undr p.ndhy of p.rnry lhot I am liEn*d !nd.r pmvkion otChlpls 9(conmtuing tnh sftihn 700OJ ofDirision 3
<br />ol rhe Busitc$ Md P,ofc$ioos Cod., ed Eyli..M i$ in rull tndond.fltcl.r
<br />lbtlq 3G
<br />+"lra AG(
<br />I lrrcby ofrtrn undd trn.,ly of pcrjury lnal rhcrc is a construdion bndi!! ryrncy ror rhc ldronm.c of lhc *ort lor Nhth rhh Frnil is
<br />ksucd (S... -1097, Cir C.).
<br />I hodry aflim undcr Fnalry of Frjury oft or rhc rolloving d.{l|rtr' ions
<br />DcnDlition Pctmils-Asbcstos Norificalion Fedcnl Rcglhrn,ns (Tirle.lo, PM6)
<br />-Requircd
<br />kxcrol N.rifi clrbn
<br />Icc iryrhnr r hc iedcral rcSul,r ions rc8*dnrg str.nos Bn$v,l mc nor l,pliclhlc ro lhis lmFcr
<br />flccnrllrhu'lhnvcrcrdrhi.0lllErrrnnud{drcrhorrhc,ho\cintn"Trr1s,,{'ir lrgi.rrDc.mp'y
<br />ordinonccs ond Srarc Lass Elatins ro blildins consrdcrn,n. {nd hcr$y arrh)riz. rcnrcscnr.ti!.s oflhis City ofld Counryro enr6 F.ih.
<br />al3ol,t
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soflit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Ivleter Release
<br />Rough 1/q-,1/&'$ ar(
<br />Service ltileter
<br />FINAL 7l,t+ /tt sh4d(
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />kndcir Nsm
<br />Lrnder '' Add($
<br />$nv. rnr.on.d rnrcnr rn d\rtrrr nrrF.cs / - ^ /)
<br />aootrcstr ot ^tetrsrs* N; V"Ltsor^lx;
<br />p?m,mnon.,prrn,,: L-fuMr\\t V4lnl1rcLa
<br />-
<br />=
<br />I