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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool To p Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceillnqs (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />I <br />Rou gh /&,) <br />Service Meter R <br />FINAL t0-.-/1 <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />OWNER BUILDER I'ELCARATION <br />I hcrcby lr,lid oidcr pennliy of pcrju.y rh{r I @ cicmpr liom rhc Conrrekrn l,teNe t{w fo, rhc lollowi.g r.$n (s(.70r1.5 <br />Ausircs rnd Ptufcsion Cod.)r A.y Cily or counry shich Eqrirc\ , Frmn r. ..nsrucr, alr.r. improvc. dcmo,nh or rcprt any <br />\rtucrurc. priorlo its issu6Nc. ol$ rcquiEs thc for su.h lErnn( b filc a si8rcd (alcnEnl thlt hcor she h liccnscd purunl <br />ro lhc lmvisbns oi thc Cotrhcrols Liccn*d bw (Chaflcr 9. Connrncing wirh scction ?flD or Divt6tr :1 ofrhc Busi.cs ond <br />Pn,r.$i(raG e,orrhlrheorshciscxcmptrhcrcfmmandrhctusistorrhc!lle8.nexcry)ri,n. AnyviohrionofS&ri,n70r1.5bydny <br />amlica for. pcr.rir subjcch thc 0ptlicrntbaciviltcn,rryotnorm,rrhrnfivchundmddoll s($too). <br />-1. <br />as own.r of lhc IroF y. or ry cmrlolEs wnh wagcs rs rhcn $h o p.rqrion, wil! do rhr wor* oJt rlr (MruE is not <br />intcndcd or oficrcd ior sk 1Sa.7044. Busircs ind Pr.a.ssions ('odc I'hc Conhdois* lj* dms nol apply to !n osncr ot <br />rhc Pn,pcdy qtF l,uilG or iqrorcs rhcmn- ud $ho d€s sh wo* himsclfor hc$elfo, rhml8h hh or bc, o*..mploycc\. <br />providcd rhu! su.h idpmvcm sm rcl i0tndcd ffoflcEn tors.b.ll howw. rhc I'uiklins or itrIl,m$ft isv,usnhir',,nr)tr <br />ol comptrion.lhc owrcr Buildcr will h!rc llE hunlcnorlmvinS rh tr o. rhc did d htritl or i,rpow 0x pmFny for tlE purns ol <br />-1.3\o*nerolrhc <br />nmncny. rncrclusiulyconrru.rinB $irh liccnscd conra.ron r,,.oNrucrrhc pfl,icr rse 7lEr, Bu\ir($ <br />Md Pli)li\sbn Codc: Thc Cont& l-i.cnsc l,aw d.cs n.r rntly ro an.(ncr oiprcFny who build\ or nnfrolcs rhcrcon. <br />and who co mcls for such tmjsls qirh ! Conr..torls) liccnscd pursuanl ro rh. Con .lols Li.cnrc ltrw) <br />-t <br />lnrexcufl unds Sccr 4,6-u,,. ?t(-tV u*".. <br />DDCI.ABAIIo! <br />I hcrcby alfirmundc. pcnahy oi pcrJury orc oirhc li'lhwnrS dccl,rdrioflsl <br />-lhnvcardwillmrinrdinaccnificltcorCons.nrros.lrlnrurcrorw.r*ns.omtlcns0tiuraspmvidcdforbySalionlT(rOoIIhcL$or C1d.. for rhc Frfitrtu.. of rh. eof* t.r *hich rhc ncdir is (\ucd <br />lhrvcrid*ill'minrinr*ulcr\.c.'npcn\rrionin\u!rn.c.rsreqtrtdhySmrion:17(I)ofrhclnhorCodc.f rhc P.rfornrtuc ol <br />rh. *ork fq*hi.hrhi\ pcnnir i\ is\kd My*orkcrr conrpcnqriotr in\urrtuc.rnicr rkl policy i!n,h.r arc: <br />WARNIN(; Frilurd kr surc work n .omt nsdrion c.v.dg. i{ lnhwful. $d shrll rub,cd .tr cmfhicr ro crininrl lcorlrics and <br />civil fitrcs u,) hundr.d rh.usand d.ll0* (ll0t),U)'0). in sd nk,n Io r of.omtl.n$io., drnuScs rs <br />Sccr,on.r0,n ofrhc ht$. andc. rnrcrci tr 0rhrmy'sre! <br />o^.. 7'/c- tg <br />I hcrcby aflnm undc, Enohyo,pcrpry rhnr I am lienrn !ndc! pmvhion olChlprct 9(connftncitrs *nh serion 7fllo) ofDivision l <br />of lhc Busincss and Pofc$ions Codc. and my liccns is in tull fore {d cilNt. <br />LicNe Nudhq: <br />- <br />C(INSTRT]C'TIoN t I'NDIN(; AGrNCY <br />I !fln undcrlrn"lryofpcrjrryrhdIhcrchoon{ruclionlcndinga8cmtlorrhepcrfonrnccofrhc$orkf(,qhichrhi(Frnrilis <br />is{rnls.d :ll)S7 ( iv C l <br />AIIITANIIECLABAID! <br />I lmb, slfmr undcr pcDall! ofpcrjury om orthc aollowinS deld.thns: <br />D.rmlilion P.rmii$Asbcs.s Norific ion Fcdcml RcStrldrions (Tirlc40. Pn.t6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />bncr of Notifi cltion <br />Iccn'fyrhrrrtulod.rrlrrgrlrionsrrB di'rgr\h(d.srr x,vxl rrc nor rrplir lc t) rlri!,r,lc.r <br />-l <br />ccnifyrhtrt I hrvc rcodrhi\ rydicnriotrrnd stdcrh rhc.tnvc inlnrMrion tcotrccr I a8re ro conpl, wirh ,ll Cir y ud Counry <br />ordimnccs and Shrc hws Elarins ro buildin8 consrru.ri.n. lnd oultxtrizc Enrcsnl3rivcs ollhi\ Ciry Dnd b.nrcr olhn trt <br />ahort mnhoncd F otcdy ror inslEhotr 72,3*,?'tt- tF,\Dt)li.n t or A,tdt Six.rlr'tu <br />y'4 (ttla olnTt " <br />anl4luill <br />lvleter Belease <br />I ccdiryihar inrficr.rfurnBnccofrh. sork for which rhis pcrmn i\ k\u.d.l shril n.r cnlr.yanypcr$i in rnyrlnncr <br />s s to lE o'ft nrbrd lo lh. woder omp.nelnrn hws ofc{liioflrir. and rArcc rhir ifl should t(conrc sutjc.i h ',i*ortc6 q'mpcnslion p.ovnionsofScclioD 37(x) ot lhc ktrr (xlc.I shrll. fonhqirh comply silh rlE{ pmlnn,nr