<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Roush)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter I
<br />Tn arl,,,te)FINAL tl/t<lt t *>9)
<br />Notes Remarks, Etc
<br />I h.Br+ lmm oBi6 parhy ol t6ju.y rtsl I m .\mpl &om rh. Grffr<rdB' Lke hw fM $. lollowin8 I!&n (Se 7011 t
<br />B$in6s .rxl It tdnn (o&): Any (iry or (in'nry trh(h rapir6. Fmir to cordNd..116. imFor., &mltfi or Ep.t dv
<br />slructue rrr ro t! inu4., il$ Eilun6 th. rtdkd for ch Fmn l. fi!. i .isftd trdoor rhd lE or !h. i li.r*d p{e.rn
<br />b th. FtrviiioN of rtE ( ontr..lor! l.ic.Nal lr$ ((l'!fld 9, (-ommftin8 *irh Sclion 7000 of Dililion I oaih. ari,B ed
<br />Pm lsror Co&) or rhrr hc or rhc i! a.npl rha.iiDs md rh. tEir fo. rh. llhr.J .tdFbd An, violdi6noasalbn 7011.5 b, lny
<br />.pplt.d for . Fmh rubrat lh. .@lic!.1 lo . cn il r'.81, or frx ft,c rhe n!. hun hal &rlls ( lrl)O)
<br />l, a o$E otth. rmFny. or mr drhlE *nh s!s6 - lh.n 5t onFMhr will do llE wdt ad tu rn(r@ i! @l
<br />i,ndrlcl or ofrErd for qL lsc 704.1, BudB o., Phtdirs (i'd.' Ilr ColnGltr r Li(6E l^ &c ml 4?lt lo n o$E ot
<br />rlr p(oFty ph. hrld. or imrm\€ r,Es( il wb &E sn w* hiMrror h6*lf or rlrouth ht G i6 o*r dpt ld
<br />FoviLd lh.i tuch ii{rorqds n d -rdr,.d ofirtn ror d. l( b6s. rlE lxJdtrB d i"pre€lH t sld *ith w ,r
<br />ofmrrkiE rlE O"c ti,ildd qil 116 tlE hrdar ofF\nB fid lE or tE dit d b iq &F*-c U. FIFV 6i tlE F4o..oa
<br />l. d on6 of rhc Foparr. d.r.lsMl).odrNhs $dh li..B.d..dErm to $frd tlE Fotrl (Sa ?O1,1. lrBtrE
<br />.,n hiki{ ( o& Th. Coir.-roi! t-i(d& t^'dE mr.cllrt trr d o$N oaFoFly trho hild. or idprc\d rh66r
<br />.nd *ho odrar. fd uh Fs]..l! $nh r (o r.d.nr) lt.6.d Fnsln iol,tcod-roar ti.qE L$).
<br />I M crdri ud. r;.d6n
<br />D.r. ()irt
<br />!08rillt(auftnr lux
<br />I h(.b rmrn,.&r Fdrr.f Frur) oE ofrh. nnhtr$*.k(Lr n6
<br />I h.r rd sill mi .n. Cdifrd. of CoMr h S.ll.lEu. fn rsid oqElii'r ! FriLd for b, Scrior l70O otlll
<br />t,er Codc Iq rh. Ffffi of rhc s h. sti.h rh. Fnit a isrd
<br />I h.r..nd $ill ninrM Lsrl6 ronFdlhn ,Burd.. 6 Equd.d t! sdion i?m of th. L.bor Co&. lor E Flm. of
<br />tlE $.rt f ehi.h rhi DCrn i! is.d My sorta onp.tlrnn @urre.mir -d polt) .uitE..:
<br />lc6l,tyrhd in rk Fro@(coarh. $orr aor $hkh rhs Frmit ! nru.d. I {ullml onplot..r" Fmn in any meF
<br />r, s r\ ti<$e rutial ro rh. s.rl6' .omD.6.r i.. h* r ol ( .ilom'., dd $F rhd if I 3h.!ld tEom. sutirl lo tli
<br />uo*d' .omF.srbn tml nioB .f s*r Fn !7(xroarlrc l .tfr (i'd.,l3h!ll. fonh$nh omplt riifi l,Ds FortsioB
<br />WARNINCT ljlillrc ln kur. Mrl6 .onnadtr,n (o\d$. G u.l.$ful. ud ihrll rubid M orlotn ro Eimin.l FuhB ud
<br />cnil finB up ro on. huftlr.d rhousnd d.lld (tlm.fi{), i. .dlni.n lo lhc con of coq,.Mriof,. dan.s6 a Fovldcd for lh.
<br />Sdion 1076ollh.Iitrr(Rt. inr.d lal dromy'r 16
<br />Ll(lllED-(axuacratr[eqlsaua!
<br />I h.Eby imnn und6 p.nihy ot pqjury r hd I en licdrd und6 rro\ i.tun ofChdptg 9 (.onhdcin8 snh s..lion 70$) ofrrivition 1
<br />.a th. Brind dnd PmfdioE Cod.,61d ny lic.e ! n fullLr(md.ft6l
<br />(arsral]srQN.l[llldc.Ali!!(r
<br />I h6.ty.firn trndd Fn !r.f Frury rhrr rtq. s t {otr{tudk)n lddinr.sd} fin lhc p6ror:r@. ofrh.$orl n'r *hicfi lhit IEnn E
<br />isu.i(S< 1097,(N ( l
<br />I hd*r .tr n uni6 Frhy or Fjur) ot of lh. lolL$ing &.r,.r{nr
<br />D<mlnir. Pmirl^itdd N.rindion r.l|.'rl Reubled ( lnL.$, Pd6)
<br />R.q!n.J l.d'. of Miff,:lFi
<br />I cd'fr thd rh. fRl.rll r.*uhrnd (lsdr8 6t6k r imn.l .r. mr .r"luhk to rhi! Foiti
<br />I cdrr&rhi I h6. 'od rhi!.tpltdhn rld trtl. fir dE.tnt i.forflftn ir.ffi I.iraloo dy *ilh.ll Ci! i.d cou t
<br />.rdin.lE !i Sh. l^! Eb"B ro hildus s'lrrudhr -d tE.b' .'nh..n. rcFedrn6 of lhn Ciy.d Coutit ro ar. l+o. E
<br />.to\r MrFrd F.Fty ld itlD<rio. F,!ot6
<br />,\pplicrnl o. lrdl skn.lu,.
<br />ID/SIG.
<br />tu