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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE l6itsrG.COMMENTS <br />Lao*coflh.FlrEly.o,DymploJGsnhw{66ih.nbtdmFdnrn.trnl&tlt*qt&dtl!iturEBr{ <br />inlad.d or ofi6.n f sl. (sc 7o{. BaiIB ed PrcfdshB Cod.: Tn. (-o i&o t l.Ee Ls rb6 d .!ply ro d o$G ol <br />rh. FFrr. tr tr t!'tl or inFrrE dEor !n *llo &€ sh *$t him.ll or h-*llor rhmuAh hB r ls ou nplorc. <br />ForiLd rh.l !u.t inP.!\old! m d ndld.n oro,Iild li,r sl. lf, hoq6s,llx Luild!'s m itrF.olErd i. sld q.ihin oE )€olsnpkir llE (xG Brildd *in h.w dr h,&r of FovrB rhi lE r Cr did d tlild ff irS.o\. $. FFry n'r iE FrFs of <br />+, <br />I L aoME orr\. roE!\. m cr( IGn.l! .ontrrdh" *(h'uirnnu- r na. r t'. < onkGr..r r ico!. Ltr &;nor <br />rh. Iroj(l (s( 7cq.4. lrurinar <br />y \ho buil& or imrrorB rhd@n,and sr$ co.lndr tu u.h rojd! wirh.Co do(3 <br />'"l","ifi;f,Y'^ <br />I h6.t,.Y rmm u.dcr F.!hy of Fjlrt om of rh. folb} ins &(lurtrE <br />I h.t !d rill d,r.h. Cdirrd. of Colgt ro S.lf ltu tor s!*6 (rpaldior G F!ri!.d fot by Scri,n 1700 otrlE <br />L.Dd Code ad th. FfrxrlG. of th. sot h. rtth tlE Fnn ir i$.d <br />I hr!. inrl rlll tuiriiin s.rl6 snFE,lnn iB!ftq 6 r.quEn h) s<r.n !7m of rh. C.d.. f.r dE FfEtllu. oa <br />E mrt fq $nEh rt6 Fr( ir i3i.d. My wst6 6nFMl,. iBu@..Ei(r.{ Flt} ouhbG i.: <br />l.olifylnal in thr Fa.rm!.c. d I rh. worl lor which this psmi! ir isru.n. l!h.ll.ot mploy.ny F6on in any mmnd$ a tr b.{om. iub*t ro rh. *ort6' conpdsdion l,M .a C.liLmir, md +G rhd ir I lnout b.(onc $bj6t lo rhc <br />$o cJ.ohpo$xon,rovtstudotS.crion1700ofth.l,trr(odel3h!llr.nh*irh$mprywnhrho*povsioB <br />U <br />^RNIN(; <br />Ii.rlui. n) n_trr. trorkdi .omFstion .or sh.ll $rhjd dn orlorn b dimiml Fahi.r &d <br />ctrrl fin6 !t' h oft hundr.n rtrusd d.ll6 (tl(X)(onp.Nrion. drn a6 a p..tidd tor rh.YWtr:: <br />Dt.( I \R\It0\ <br />I hd*, .ftm unda Ftty of Frury lltr I n b..d und6 Foairbn ofcbFc a (@n.!r s *nn Sdrbn 7000) ofDiviri,n 1 <br />ol rlr Bui!6 ald ftltdior Co& -d Ey ltc i! i! tull forc.d.lIdl <br />c0NIa!cuo!.IE!Il!q0!!$ <br />I hdch, lmrn u.nd lEmlr, of pojury rhar rhft is a connrudbn kfllins .stry for rh. Ffoflmc. of rh. mrt for $ hth thi! paf,ir ir <br />isu.d (Se 1097.(rv ( ) <br />AITUCAILDECIJAAIIA! <br />I h.d!.trm !n<t . F.hy of Fiury oG old! follo*'ir8 d-lfdh6 <br />D.mlhii. Pmrl^rhdot Norifrnion r.dq.l R.guhhs (Til.40. Pd6l <br />R.q!ir.d ln'a of ihriftibn <br />lw^.",. <br />'l! lh.l lh. t ddll r.aublioB alr. nor q!d{3b1. n, rhts rn.J..r <br />ml'on ir.nrd I !8re r. om9l, wnh.llCitrmd counrt <br />.rdman.6 d,d\s r?htri,...Fffrdir6 of rhi ciry ad Cou.ryro mi6 oFn rrr <br />anJr. n6xon n pR'p.ny lor <br />,1ppli.rnr or .\| Sitn|r <br />\, <br />n 7{ea <br />t"/zt/u <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />ht Standards <br />5 S Pool, Fountains <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor abd,q T \4\ <br />U <br />Transformers <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof To E ui ment <br />Facto Wired Unit .-1;D <br />/)4ilq't,'^p444) <br />Walls (Rough)J I <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rou gh <br />Meter Release <br />Ssush <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL 6/2<lu 1,i*,ufr,2/ <br />Notes Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS OWNER BUILDER DEL.ANATION <br />I h6.!y lllm un.L! FEXy ol p6jGy thi I m .io!q tli th. Cotrr*t6 Li.@ Le for th. aouowins rNn (Sc.?01I t <br />arins &d Prof6ior Cod.) Ary Cny or Coun! wni<h r.quG . Fni ro @lrntu.i. .116. insrolt, &Blih or ! ry <br />affi@. Fi, 'o 'rt i!.lec .ho ,.qud6 rh. l?lt! for sh Fd ro fih i rgn d rr6mr tnr t or dE i! ltq!.d F rEi' <br />r tlE FouinG of rll Conrrxld r LiuE d Lr* (Ch.p.6 9, Coffids *ith S.(lbn 7000 ot Dvtbtr ! of tlE &!i!r r <br />Pmfdb6 Co{.) or rhd h. d rrE ir daE lh.6oE !i llE for rlE.llt.d a.nqbi Ary rbldion ols..rbn 70115 by b, <br />4lrlicrd aor . pcni xbi6r tlr .prliirr to ..ivil Frhy orml mE th- lir. tundd &llss (tJm) <br />L'c*\uhb.r' <br />Signs (monument) <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Torqueino <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)