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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Sa fety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin g/Grounding/UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit)Z|7d///1 T D) <br />Walls (Rough){0 <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh-'),^ l,^ ,;;-) <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) s../AdltlLt '<_e ) <br />Meter Release 'I' r' I r U\- <br />Rough <br />Service Meter /nl <br />FINAL K-6"1"1 U <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc \) <br />owNen Br, ,tlljn aril-caR TtoN <br />I un<ld pquly of Fju,y [ld ! hd d, i.clm ttw for rlE follow!{ l@n (Sd7011.5 <br />BuiK ail Pr.66sbn cod.): Ary Cny or Ctdy whih rqri6 . ,Er, to olarucr. rhs. irlForc, d.mlih q l!,.r ay <br /> Fr ro ir! isu.r .to rcqrG IIE epliln for $h Fhi ro ib . 3Br.d rddlc{ rhr lE d Cf, i lic6.d FEd <br />io lhc provirioN of dE ConrrErd! l-ient n t,* (Cl'rBa ,, Co,macing *nh S..rion 7000 ol Divilion I of th. BNi.d md <br />PmfsioN Cod.) n rh.r lE n dE ir oflDl rhc.non ud rh.! for rh. .lLscd ddnpriotr Any viohio. of S.rlhtr 701 I 5 by ey <br />lppliur for r rEEn abd! rlE 4plixll ro. ovrl p.ulry of er @a th.n lir. hftH ri,Un (!r00). <br />-1. <br />s orE of rlE FFt), D adGnGly .odrtrdB $irh lkoE d cotu-G to mldM rlE Fixl (Sa. ?04.r. &!iE <br />.,n hDisirCorL: It.(o rrcior'r I i.d. Llw &6 ml .oply b e o$G oaFoFly sh. toildr or inpmls lheen, <br />lid $ho .oita.l3 tor !u.h FDJ..rrwith. coflMo(!) licd.n puEui lo llE Conrn.lor'. Uctu L!u). <br />_l E6aF u,(b Sdbo .B &P.C 6rlnile! <br />Ihr.: OmE: <br />nq8BE8[SAUrEB$rrAX <br />DESASAIIq! <br />I hso, .,rm u.d6 rE ny otpsrur: or .f rh. tolb\ i!€ (klr.rn6: <br />I hav.{ w ill roi.rlin i Ccnific.rc olcongr to Scll-lBlE lor erl6r' mnrp.nsrnrn, N FDvidcd lor by Scrion 1700 .f rh. <br />Llor Codc tu rh. Faollrlre ot fi. *ort for shth rh€ Fmil ir isu.d. <br />I lrd ull nlinli. wodtd' mmFrsdFn itueq E r.quicd I'y s4ri!.l7c() olilE L.bor Co<t. tu lh. Fr6ffi ot <br />rh. slti Lr whth rhn pcttrir ir is!.d My worka' codFlairn nauoc. c6i6 d polty Nnb.r sc: <br />tolicy Nunbq:-Expi6 <br />-l <br />Grilyrhd inrlE Ff.lM.ollll wo fmwhththl!Fmi n i!.u.d.I JrllmlolPbyryF$ninrtnl.l:E <br />$ 6 b bdom rbd ro th. wrt6 odpqlrion L*r of Cribni,. .d +c thr rll JDutd b6oE stirxl lo dt <br />w'lt6 ooFEllion Fuviriod ol sdi'. 17@ of rh. t bd ( 6de l $.ll, fonh*th ofrdy wnh rhor FDrbbd <br />\+ARNNC hilur. lo su. *utd' <br />cnrl nn6 uI, to oE hundd lhousd <br />Sdion 1016 oftlE (idq i 6d <br />i, uhrtuL ,,xl sh.ll rubi.rr x dphE lo oun d F tb.nd <br />00.000). m .{Uni}n ro th.of .mD.Bti.n. d@s6 6 p.ori,ol fn rh. <br />tltt I \R \ I tr)\ <br />I h(b, lmnn o.dd pdl'yoapdjury ! <br />ol rh. Buinar d PmldirB cd{t . <br />lndd rilrtion or ( hllr6 9 (.o n d.,nr } irh Sdion 7(({) of lrv$u, .1 <br />ai my l..e ir in tull tor.! ad cnkl <br />0 <br />I hdrby ltrm u.dd F .lry orFjuy rhd <br />i.ard (Sr 10197. Civ. C ). <br />bn lddirs .sd, ror rh. Flol]1m. ol rh. *ork for shth lhB tmn. a <br />AIIIICAETDECIJSAITO! <br />I hody aFmr unds pollr, ol Fjuy o.. oa lhc follo*i.g d(!,!tioE: <br />D.nBkion Pamits-Arb6rl NorifiorFn Fcds.l R.suldioro (l k,{0, Pd6) <br />-R.q0r.n <br />lni6olNor'ftinn <br />l.or'6 rhd rh. fAq|] rcguldioE Esrding et6r6 rm! !l o. nol 4r'l'( tbl. lo rhs rojdr <br />, .-r, ,- , f..,/*" * rn r.r. thr rrE slnr. hrormnnn B oEd I .arc ro ompr! s'nh lrr (-(y <br />'nd coudv <br />:'*'3T: flii':':x'xlri :. :rRxlr1T t/; <br />^'* *'***"' "'::.,' <br />;lvi'" <br />-'^'" <br />::-.::';ky ,ffi!,, <br />atagNt <br />- <br />EA.\ry<- <br />-1. <br />s 0l^6 offi. p..pdry, or my 6plo)6 Bnfi s!e6 s sk ompol!.lion. {ill & tlt Eort rd 0E nt'ElE b ml <br />inrs'd.d or ollq.d am sL (Sr 7044. ABiB &d Prof<iotu Cd. Tlr conlftlor'r Ucdu t$ do6 ml tprly r e oNG ol <br />rlE pEFl, wln hribor rFoE$.Eq.n *ho dcx{nsn u@lror rE*lrd rlEouBh hi lE o*!.t'pliit< <br />p.oviLd ihd $.h i6F!ffi @d irod.ddotu fo. rL lt l$sq, dE faBiil3 iriFoff ir-ld lihhoE )a <br />of@rpl(rhr! t r o\rE B{ilda $iu h.w 0E hr&i otFDvna dlr hc d tr drd ml hiu or if,FlE lt FDFy lD. $. F,BEol