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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BI]ILDAR DEI,('ARATrcN <br />I hd.q sllm und6 Fnaliy of Frju.y lhd I m crdpl ftom lhc Contr.clm l.icde liw for $. fdlowns rd;i iS,6 iol l:J_ <br />B6inBs crd Prea*ion Codc): A.y Cnt or Co! , which r.q!ir6 . pann to coinrud, tlid, imrrov., donolsh or 8 .tr ay <br />elruc1u.. Firr lo ir! s@c., dlo ..qun6 th. +plicer lor 3(h Fm xi nL ! 3i8f,.d $d66i lh, L o, {t ! plNlr <br />k rh. FrvisioB of rlE Contrdd'! Li..nrd b* ((nr{rd e, ComtrDs wnh Setir. 7(xx) .f Dviri.n ] oloE B$tr md <br />Pmfsiod Codc) or lhar lE or sh. b dmP Md th. b.rn for lh. .ll.s.d qdtrion Any vioblion oasdb. 70 t I 5 by 6y <br />applicd lor a Fmh iubjds lh. ar?licel lo ! ci il p.naly of ml mt. tho nv. hundr.! &rllu (tt00) <br />-t. <br />6 o*G of th. FoFir, d my .rphlE wilt wrg6 s llEn nk onFsdhn. qdl do llE *at -d lh. ,ircr. i! ml <br />iddxLd orofiald 6r d.{Sc.?Olt. BGit6 &d Ena6rio6 Cod.: Tn ConiturdrLtGetr*do€d+tlyl.e0*6ot <br />rlE FoFry *tD Urikbor inFr6th,q rn wlr dcsh wrt hid.llor hdslf or rcuafi ti! m lE oo 6phr6. <br />Forid.d lnd st ioFerEt c 6l iiad.n d ol[ftd for xl l[ lr*M. rl! h]ildis or ir+.6E1d i $ld *inh @ ,* <br />ofol4ldi.E tt OrE 8{ilda ri! lErt ln hrb! ofFlitg U'r EornEdilml hild m in{.ow,E FtFty tor llE F,Po.of <br />l. 6 ow oltlE EDpsry. 6 .od.srins wnh lica&d conB16 lo oirntu<r dE pmFl tS(. ,(xa, tt!!6 <br />,r'd Plobno Co&r T1. Cot rrdoir Licc* L.w r,c tul .tpl, to 6 o$M olPr.Fly who hlildt or inFors lhc@a <br />6d $ho orc..r3 tor och! *nh. Coffio(r) li<d.d pl6u,r lo lrE cdndd ! l-iEu t *) <br />I a.rmF uxid Se <br />}qBf,f8[gDTtlBSAIlq! <br />DICTJAAIIII! <br />I .llm uo&' olFiury m oftlE aollos'in8 daLdlioB <br />I hrtr -d sill diln.n r Cdrifi.i. of Colld ro s.lf-lBE 16 6t6 @iFrlion. ! FoYii.d 6t b, SerDn trm ol E <br />t tdC.daforrlEFfmofdE*dttu *tii llE F tr. i! is!.d <br />-ln <br />v..!n *nl @iddn m* coEFdion iffi.. s Equd bys..tbtr !?m olllE L.tDr Cod.. fortlE Ffl,lmof <br />t,r wl tu( *iit rhi! ,E n ir isEI My 6t6 omFBrbn @rr. ffit -d Polt) nubd E <br />I cdit rhn in dE Ffo,rtl.d of th. rort ior f,lfth rhB Fmn n e.d I !nr[ mi oqht et Fstr h dytu6 <br />5 s ro b@m $lirl ro lh. *ura oDFlrion Lf,! orcdifodi& d.sE rnr ill llnuld h6otu !ti$ to rh <br />*!n6' @nFE b. FDrieioN oasdi,n !7m of rh. L!&x co& l lrdL nnh*nh ornh wnh lla FotbhN <br />waRltlNc: a.ihr. b s wt6' odp6lrion Nv6+. ir ul$6rl rd J!.ll ubi.rl x dlPloF to stnnd Fdb rn <br />civil 6E !p ro orc hutld.d lhousld &llr. (tlm.@). i. ..!dnhn to lh. @n of .orlc.dio( d! s6 ! Fovn.d tu r <br />sdi,n 1076 ofrlE L.hd Cod.. nnqd ed ndEr't L6 <br />Atpli .l: <br />IJCEIIE.COIIIACIII8 <br />IEOJAAIIO! <br />I h6!by .rlm !i& pauny oaFjoty thl I u liEid undE Fnln.! of ch4r6 c (offi'ns *nh scti,n 7{m) ol DirnFn l <br />ol rtt AuiB rnd Pr.f6ioB Co&, od my lkav ir in tull for. tn.ra! <br />ct)$SxqrrQ!.rlBDrdcA0lllir <br />I h6.ty altun und6 p.n.l! ol pdjury rhd !hq. b ! .6dtud t'n lndbs isfty lor th. Ffollffi. oI th. *nt aor whi.h <br />'hir Fnil it <br />isucd (S< 109?, Ci! C). <br />-I <br />cdiiryrhd rh. f.ddd r.SulolioB Esedins sh6lG r@ovll6. not t glicabl. to lh! lmjd <br />IcdilylfidIholrr6dlhirappltslio.&d3r.!.rhlrth..bor.infof,nalronncon.1.ItsB!ocomplysnhtUCiry!.dc6!, <br />ordimncB dd Sul€ t,w clatrB ro hlilding codMiotr dnd hcrcby iulho@c r.F.i6id'vB o f l,itcily dd ('6um, ro 6r. uBrn lh. <br />.b.v. m6tion.d prcD.ny lor <br /> orfu€nlsknrlurel tfuq- Qt-4rh,1 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Rough <br />FINAL €ltdtq r 1|w,"atdt 4) <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Meter Release <br />Service Meter <br />I 'c.NrJumbq <br />AIIIJ(AILDESIdAAUOX <br />I horb, .tr n uidd p.nally of psjury oE ot lhc follo*ins delrol io.s: <br />D.moliltur Pmils-Arb6ro,No(ili. ion F.ddd R.luhtionsIIillc40. PM6) <br />-R.qutcd <br />lnla oaNoincdion