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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />tances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Eva orative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com ressor <br />Misc.UI ment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />S mok De te ctors nI Ista ed <br />h DuctworkRo <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes D r <br />Residential Ra e <br />Other <br />Hood <br />I HoodT <br />ll HoodT <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Dam r <br />I S <br />lnslallalion <br />F.D. Dro Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />h Mech.R <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL l) <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />o\\ \l:R Bt lllrtr{ II:t ( .\R \ <br />' <br />t()\I h@by tltuE u'xtq pady of Fju.r rh.r I s d@pr 6Do rlE (o n.ron, u..@ rrw 6r rh. tuth*ii8 lEi (Sc.7oLJA6ina otl Pbf6b! Co&): Ary Cit, o, Cd[y Bti.h ,q!i6 . Fdi to @ErBi. .!a. i,A.otc ddoti,l, d lE.i .!.yir'drc Fbto i! isrc..ho rqiq tt qlilirr 6, rdr FDt to 6t..rn dr.d rhr tEq tE a ti.6od F&ralo lt FDvirioE of $. Co,n&ldt Lien.d tre ((t f,q 9. CoMin! eth Serion ,0OO of Divirion I of dE BuiB s<tPbfdiou Cod.l q dd lE d !t. ir aanF rhi.tuE Dd th. bBir f.r ttc .Lg.d q6ption. Aly viohio. otsdb! 70! L, by @,.lplicd torrFDi$bjcrrrh. @licd ro.GivilFrryor@t brrbDftrrhudtdd,lt .{t5mt <br />-1... <br />ooG of 0E FoFry. n Ey c!+lrt6 wit $.8r ! dEn rL orTaEnir! wi[& 6c rori D.t th. risE i 6tiit6'<Ld or oflsrd fd r.l. (Sc.7{X4. Bud.d ed piobioE C.dc Ttr Codr..rd r Lica !.* d.6 mt DDty io & olc or,! plFry *lb h,ili d t4rc6 dEB., .il *b .b- -<i wr hi@r d iq-tf or leoug h. - r- <br />"".i <br />lipr.v* <br />Fovi.L{ ud *t isotnd n d irod.ddoftrld h.r. t( tbrnq, r!. hliliB - ig-- i-u,irni"*1-olqplce rlE o*E AiBr wi[ h.E rh. hrb of [@iB rh U a frc Oa or UO e irguc ,,. FlFty 61 6. Frp; of <br />_1.. ol,G of 16. FlFry. d ql6iEly @GaiB wih ti.@.d @dr-l6b @euc lh. Frn (Sc. 7O{a. AnE-il h!&inco&: Tn coirrFd rLt*t e dE Er rytyro !o{E ofFoFryrto i.ii(b* Up"-rto-o.&d rti, oli6 tu r.t Flicdt eii . coddd(.) tiq!.d pnra ro rrrtoioiar !i* tryli <br />txomeRs, coMPrNs{ftoN <br />DECIABAIP! <br />I h6!bt rlrm und. FrXy otFiry oe of th. fouowi8 d.ttrdis <br />-l <br />lu€ nd *ill uior.b . Clliftrc otcooa lo Sdf-te! e. wrd @tq.,r.tid\ ! FviLd tu t, SctiD !r@ of rtELlbd C!&, for $. FfodD.n . of lt D* for stictr rh. Frlt ! i!!!.d. <br />(\l llk&d yill uid.i! svld mp6a.. iEGc r E$i!d b, SGtiE lrm otdE t 60. C.da 6,rt lqft.Ilc.ofG. Er fo. *lEn r[i FEr i -'..t My wtd @qa(bo irlr;6i- rd FU., ddba e <br />0c,Y- Lvtu <br />L(,we -Lb3*I 'l ?o'v.) <br />-l <br />cdiry lh.l in rlE ,dforfuq of ric *o* ftrr wthh lhn FDit i! bru.<t I dr rct mplo, ot ,qso i. ey nlms$ . ro La.@ Eb,..r ro rt Frt6J 6EFEri6 Lu orc.libdir !d cc,l,r if I dD;lLb6i; i!i.n,;$.E ld' oqdri,n FDviiod of S*rin llDof dr t&. Coite t irtl hil!$i! o6rly *it ltor FDvii.E.. <br />\t,\R\I\{; li lLtrc n, er '. \' (nnl)oir()n Lfva!*. t unhuful. ed lnd lubjd d aploF ro oimin l Frti. edcnil aD6 up ro oB h@rt d rhoulrd dott6 {tlOO <br />0^ <br />lo.dE cd or.oeFddbtr &!.g6 . Fovrd.d 6r ttESa&i 1076 oldE r.bor Cod., iraa d rmy't ft.. <br />+ -t1.atl <br />tlcrrlstrt conTl cnon <br />olctaSAllo!I hd!, .tr@ ulda F.t, of parr, dr I a [d ,edr FDvii;;f Ct+r, 9 (dmciia vih Sedo, 70OO] of Dirib! !ol lh! AuiB !d Prcfa.nod cod.,.d rr ticaE b ir tult foE! !d.r-l <br />(?n (oo63"t > <br />!.t't tr,l ,^"*., k(n-t-k !kg.t7 t-d Acu 1s- V <br />cor\lsTplrTlon r rrnr (: lcr{cw <br />r rErEy .rlnE u,r& ,@ry o rFiu, rt'd rta. h ! @lrrudb. lndi.s {r.c, 6r tb Ffoilre ord. srt tu *tth rii FEir iii.q.d (S<. 1097, Civ. C.). <br />aPfl ,arrr? nErr rtltlon <br />I ba6r 6E ue F,Iy otFrur, oE of dE bltowira (btrrb6: <br />Ddohioa PaDi&Artrd4 tlotifriis l:.llart R.Suhis On! aO. p!r6) <br />-R.qui..d <br />t s oltrodf.dbn <br />-l <br />criiryrh ti. t&dr!|lhtd Eatiit..t-o. t@ril ft d rylioht b diFoid. <br />-l <br />cgtB t! I hv. I. d di. .rptillo! o.t fl. lh r!! .bow inbrnri.! i .dra. r .sE r. @ryry wi! r[ Cty Dd Couryadh.a. !d Slr. t.s Erit !o UdBi{ G!6!din d Elrari€ of ,i d}iA Ooy',pit&6 <br />-t <br />d FA.iy 6. ttEn FrE- <br />w,*- ^*"v^* C'u) Jr.- * 44 lau <br />"--,n*,,ay (an lol U ?o.'-one,