<br />I lx.r{, .nrn unl.r Fult i F.tq rh, I m.r.q'r 6DE rlr Cod*r6' Lid( Lr li', rlf nnhrh! Eun lsd.0ll.5
<br />Bu{mi rnl Ptor6t&n Cdt ): Ary Cny o, Co!,ry ,hIh c{!6 . lxt ro 6ndnrr. .xf, ,I+NE, &mlnh or EFr .n,
<br />nd.tuE, Irrr lo s Nue., &o ftquRr rh. rpptEinr rrr skh Fmr h hl. e rSn d .ic,ml th.t lE o. rhc E liccn\al puN.nr
<br />k' r& rftB,ns of rlr cl'nlrro'r Liinsn ll* lch.pr€ 9, CohtuEb8 *irt S..ri'n l0$ oI Drvni,i .l ol trx Bu{m$ .nrt
<br />Pnr.sbnr C',{.) d rhl h. d rlr . .!..rtr rtmfhm ,rl .lr hi. tor rlE rlL!.d .r.q{bn. A.y v.htrs of S-1n. ?o l I I I'y my
<br />rmhu.r (, rI.m tuhFi! rh.,P|llrc.nr lo.crvil FultyorBn mErh.n nv. hu.dEJdou6(t50o)
<br />_1. ar olrr df rlE FbFnr. d ny ctrploFt *irh *rF I rlEr $k LrrtEn!.riD *iItI) rtl h* rn llr (BlE ! r,l
<br />ur.nhl n ofi.E{ rd sk (Sa 1044. aurE.r xr, Prbrdrm. Colc Th. (ir'Btr'r trt* L.s &Er n'l {'dy to u offi ol
<br />rlt l[|Fny who hri&ll d qEB llE@., afll who dEt ut sfi nms.lf.r h.Bll or rhruulh hn or l.r dm.tr9l,y..!.
<br />FDvrldl rhd rch lrF,rftdr e tr, darldi oroflGl frr.h lr. lblw, rh. trllllt d nlhknd F nU w.ho,m Fr
<br />of dnddm th. o'mr auJld * hEttrhr{do{FvrtihrlE*ilrtlidhlllldntpftEdEFrFrytrrh.FlF-of
<br />I..sovE.of rlE FrFny, u.ktunEly.dd in! *.h l..md LadLro6 to drNM rh. FrFr (&(.7rJlt. Bu!trs
<br />rnl hD&aqr Cql: IlE Ci,llreioit L...r tr* dE. mr q'ily ro uo*Er olI'('Fi, *b hrltl! onhpn,B rh.Nn,
<br />rtul who qdditurtu.hFFd! * h 1(i ndn(n lr.ht..l l,sMr (,rh.(\nr&toir l,!.na trr)
<br />-l
<br />o.amF un}I S..ln
<br />!II8f,Ef,S:STTMI!!IAIA!DECt-lt Tlot{
<br />I tu..ny .ftrm u.dcr Fnr[, or Frjury om or llE lolt,DaS tk Lr.l k,nr:
<br />IhNrnw l md.r r C.nrrur. otcotrr
<br />'o
<br />&ll-l.rot rd rsrt6'on?.nu$ .r F.vrLd lor tyS.dM 1700orrh.
<br />Llrr CnL. f', rh. Fdllllrm ,f tlr sxt ft* ru4h rlr FDd n rrhl.
<br />-lh.vcr
<br />wrll i rin wort.n comn .!.r{r hrur.Ec. r! EquiEd hr Sel i.n 17$ of llt Lrhn Oll.. ftr rh. Frlol1rj.N of
<br />rh. wt ld.tEh lh{ F nr ! !{81 My s.rta mnFn.rr nlu,mr.ffi rn !olr, ddE e:
<br />_l.rn'ryrnlr inrrE Frlortum. oi rlr work inr *ni.h rhf pq n irsx.d, I :hrll nor .nq,k,t r.y Fnon hrnymnmr
<br />e ( kr h.crm flhFr b rlE srt6 .!n{End6n L*r orci o!@ .Jrl {R rhl rl I thoull h<..m .utFr lo rll
<br />u,rt6' oqr.hd rr. tiD$r'nr ot Srr rr 17m of rh. l,tbr clik, I ll!.ll. fidhw.h ..nply w.h rhoE J,orrDB .
<br />WARNIN(; [. uE b su. *nkcn' .on{E.eri]n . w('! nfti up b om tuui.Ll rtx'usnl Jolls (! r(I).{rx,).
<br />S.(rr). 1076 ol rh. tihr C6J., or.Er rnd rdotur\ l&r
<br />:a. ! unL*tu1, .d sh:ll u dnpt,rr b trtrj FEIB !n
<br />nqrm, rhm!.r G FUrd.d n, rh.
<br />t-Zzzot /
<br />tl!(lr!!ar!Q!
<br />I lrRhy rrlhu Lr Fnty or Fr]!ry lh.l I h lEnGl utrLr Fon irn oroqrg 9 (o.trBrt wth Seiln 7(l0o) of tJirirM.!
<br />ol r,t BNE( rd hn nffi Co&. !n iy E G ! h tull tDN ur.rd
<br />!!\!!.!rJ.1!\LLf!l:!,_trr-rtl]
<br />I h.Ehy alltmudLr FDhyo,Frru.ylhn thd s rd,n(Nctnn knrf,3.!cNy lor rlr rErfo,m. ol llE wft tu whxh rhs Fn, 13
<br />rrEd {S( 109?, Crv (: ).
<br />I h.trlry anim unJ.r Fn.hyofFt uryonc ol llx folb*h8 d6hnlo.s:
<br />D.mrlisr P.rmne^.lr(o! t{rd..lbn r*knl R.phr.ni(Tdk {0. Pd6)
<br />R.qurEd Ldt.r or .{<r'rsrrr
<br />I !d , rha lh. LrLr.l EluLtrnr E!.rdm! .rlEr!tr Em)r.l e n rylHhL b rhn F$Fr
<br />l(cn,lyrl r Ihxv. r.r,l rlrr rDrrl'(, on mllrt r ,n !c,mcl lr3cr,'. mnlyw hrllCryr Counry
<br />ut Ftftc.tdrv.i o, thn Cny.nl C.u yh.dquFrrlrd NE.....nd sr.r. br! Ehiry r' bu'x4 ron
<br />rlx)k c $FJ F$Irny lr 0r
<br />Appll.{rl orA!.nlSirMlure /-zz.zot8
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER
<br />To rqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />tactory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />lVleter Release
<br />Rou gh
<br />Service Meter lr\
<br />FINAL 7-tr-ty )r.Vr.rL)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.\Z
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I I
<br />I
<br />Translormers
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I