<br />I h6ctr.tlir ud6 p6.[, of Fjury rhi I & a6$ 8en $c colrr-r6 Li<d. trw f.r rL folbenlt tu&i (S€ 70!l 5
<br />Bqi.d dd Proftsior Co&)r Ary Ci, or CNr, *t&h Equis. Fni to @t.^e1. .ltc. i-FoE doblrf or lF.n &y
<br />!iru<ra.. Fnilo it! iaaq rlo,rqunB tlt +diur f n!Fl,lofiL.risi.dfid. $r h.or,E i lka..d Frnar
<br />ro rh. FovtiE of tlr Codrr.r'r Li@!.d L.* (ClryE 9. CoM rS wirh S.crioi ,000 of DivLion 1 ol dr BsitB &id
<br />Preb.bB co&) orlhd l'crlE iaairy $4t f,ddrlEb6i tr t dh.d aaTdoo Aly violdbi ofsarbi r0l l , by 6y
<br />lrpliq,n ror. Foi $bjcl! rlE .rpli@!t ro.cirilpanir of er im fta liE hu!&!d dolld I$@).
<br />L ! owE ofllr FlFiy. d oy ql0br6 vith e.a6 . tlEt -L orFclaiotr. wi[ & lk var d dE -rdG i Dl
<br />irc,l,.d 6 otuld 6r -L {56.704,1. BoriE dd PrDfiiE Co&: TIE Codc6 . Lie tiw &6 ml l?t, lo 6 ogG ofthFlFty },l,o hilo d iFs€ rlEldr nd wno d6.rd! wi hi@lt or hdrlld t6qa! hir d lr om qqbrc.
<br />FEviLd ltr,rt iq&E6 Gd na(L.l dotu t,.L. It to*!E.lE hdrea d iFlEd i -ld dhi! c rt
<br />of oqLrioA 0i o*c tuirta wil h.E rt hdb! ofFDtt dr hd6. dn d bX G irryoc rt F!?6ty t dE FrFcof
<br />_1.lo{Eofl! F.Fty. G qchlilrly.or'diE wrh U.d.od..r6 ro c! Ei U. Fin (S.c. ?Oaa. liiE
<br />-d Aofiin Co&: Tt Conr-rdt Lk@ Le &s 6t At ro io**of Fo!6t, rto b|ild.d ioD.o€ taac
<br />od sto adrE &. rt FDi.d. wii . Codttq(.) li@.d Fa- to dE Coffio. r Lia t ).
<br />I n.raEE urda Scibn .B &P.C.6rlhir@
<br />\lalil:&t.(l)ffl:tisalt()n
<br />ai(J.daa'ljar
<br />I h..ary tf,'Bi u& parrr of Fjury od of tl* f.llovt drbrir
<br />-l
<br />IEE -d vill rin n t C.ri6.r.ofcod !o Sdf-l4ft 6r Et6 d!pd.i^ - FDviLd 6. lys4liD lrlF otlt.
<br />rio. Codc e. 6. Fe.Et ot6. wt b ettt {E FDi i b.d
<br />-l tft r,n eill uidri! sqld oryorbtr iEluc. .quiEd by Sctir tr00 ofrb. L.16. Cod< fd li. F6.'ltG.ottt dt ft. c,b.f, 6i,!qi a aql My rdt'r co@diit de da d poliy n!b6 G*,*. Wtql Cat"-)V C'<
<br />^0.,*-o- . t6Ehr d(a 3lqL u.- . Z'l."lP.
<br />-l
<br />€tit dtr i. Oc acfoll!.E of tL ert &. rttb ih! o6oi ir i.r.d. I 6.! or @b, &, tED! i! &y 16
<br />- rio b@r $litr b tb wrqi codr.diE bu ofc.liftili. !.1tE $r irl tbdd !-od di.r lo th.
<br />wr6 @EFaibn Fwiri,. orscdio! 17@ otdE L&. Co<L.l ill frnr*ihedply dn dc Flviir.
<br />.ivil rlG rp to oe lDrH r!o{..!d &lln (ll@.mol ir ..!ib. ro t cor or
<br />Serbn 1076 ofrt t tccode i alt -d rrqEyl fa
<br />L s
<br />I hdrby .ftD u.d. of FiEy rltr I .ln t a'.d tD(k Fvia6 of o,$a e l6o66iia wtt s.dir 7m) of Oiririn I
<br />or ln. B{i6 Dd Pt!&rbE Cod.. .d oy liE ir b tuI bE r.l.rt l.
<br />"*.*,' G
<br />o.r.i 1.2 5'\@o
<br />I oto').r Cq
<br />i)2-
<br />g)x au(r(,Nrf!D.l!li^cl!lI
<br />I h6.6y atlirm und6 pcnohy ot p.rJur, rhrl rh6. s 0 Ntrlrucrxrn lqrd'n8 08fry for ilr Flonnnr. olrh. *ork n, $hi.h rl$ lErrn it
<br />hsu.d(SN.l0e7. Cn. C )
<br />dltlr(ANfDl:(l,dn Iq!
<br />I h,!t'y aninn und6 ,cnallr of Fjury on. oI th. foll,'q if,* d(ld d nnF
<br />D.nohirn Pdnnr^sb<ror Noiinrdion t-.dnal R.tuldx,n! (lirl. l0, Ptur6)
<br />R.qrn J Ld'6oaNoria{srion
<br />-l
<br />csliry tir ft ftdad Egrlaio- tqrii!. .bcrd ttrenl & Br +r&.r . lo tti Foj.6.
<br />K-r,-,*,*,OTp{tiio!-.1rrGit rb..bE isbdrir affir. I rrEro @E ry'an.n ciy.ld Coldy
<br />orJ,Mn.6.nd Srirc Iotrs rch,n! t, hnlJ,nt cohnn'.ron. lxj ,rtrhr' ^ '.f'!-fll,n \ra,,r rl'A( i\, (l(,{xi\ r,, rntr Ltriih(
<br />.bon E h!.d prcrsiy lor Ep.clhi plrp6d.
<br />lpp0c. o.AtdtShn.tun:x rh,. .t 2-i \ c':.
<br />I t), ''.t.( 4,.r
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />lnlerceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back FIow Device
<br />Rough Plumbins lli 'tt /r(t 5-*r.bltl 41
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />N ote Re m a rks E tc
<br />Area/Storm Drain I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />L/q ( i. fF{.tLf],-L<<l
<br />-t