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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE tD/stG.OT!NER IIUILDER t}'LCANATrcN <br />I hcrchy ifinr utrdcr lr.alry of n.riury lhll I !m cxcnrpr lmm rhc Conrrxct,n Lnv tat rhc n hwin8 lcnbn lsc(.70.115 <br />Businc\s 0nd Pdcssion Codc) Ai, Cir, or Counr, which rdqutc\ ! Nnnir ro .o.srtucr. nllcr, iorl'nrvc. dcnnlnh nr rcNn rn) <br />srtudurc. priort, irx isurncc. dls. rcquircs rhc ,I)plicdr r.r suchFirnirk, ilc. siSncd slrcmnl lhalhcor\h. is lic. \rd txNanr <br />to lhc ,nvhions ol lhc Contra.lo Liccnaal llw (Chrprcr 9. Comtrncins sirh sc.rtun 7uI) ol Divkio. 3 of rh. B sints rnd <br />{'ns Codc) or rhar hc or sh. i\ crcn/ thcEno andrhchNsforrhcnllcacd.rcmli,r Atryriolrrtn,ofS..ridrT0ll5hyrtry <br />amlrrtrr lornpcnnf subjaB rhc applEntrrto a.ivillrcnrlryofnol nFrc rh.n livc hutrdicJ dolld\(15(x]r <br />L as owrcr .r rlr ptuFny. or tr1y cmplorrcs wnh s,Bcs as <br />'hct <br />slc com,rcnsal ion- *i!l do rhc work md rh. sMrurc is nol <br />i cndcn o!oftr.dforslc(Se704.1-lrusincssandEotisionsCodcThccofkd.ror'{,rwdo.snoraPplyn)anowocroi <br />rh. pNt dy wlx' boildr or nnonlvcs rhcmn. el who .ler such tu* himsdlf or hcrtlf or rhmu8h hn or hcr own cmrloyc.s. <br />plovid.d rhri such imlrikftnh arc nor inrcnddl or olT.rsl lor eL.ll ho*cvcr Ihc ttriLling or iruDtftnr h $ld wthinon. ytar <br />of.on{rLrion. rtr ()wnn Euikls sill hrrc rh. hurdcn ol prcving IhJr hc o! shc dil nor build or impn& rhc pmFly tu <br />'lE <br />purIre oi <br />_l- aso*mrolrhc ropcny. merclrsivcly.unkr.rin!sithli.cnscd.ontrr(rtr\rocotrdru.rrhcpn,r.!(S...?()14.Suscss <br />kl f'tufs\i Cod. Th.Cotrtrcrols l-iccnsc Lrwdocs nor rpnl!ln rn.rnsol o!.dywho buildsor imtrovcs rhcreon. <br />rtrtl *ho conr.ds rbr such proJLrts wirn! Conrrnd.rl9 liccnscd Drrsk n,rhc Cirnt&k,\ Lic.nsc tis). <br />I mcxcn!, u cr Scclion_ <br />D $=21:4{ <br />DICLAtsIIION <br />I hcr.hyrllirr ndcr |Emhyof periuyonc ofrhc lollo$ilrg dcclarrri{nA <br />I hrvc rl sillntrirlJin tr Ccrlilicrtc olConscnr k, Sclllnsurc Io, workcrJ.onrFnsdrion. as Pmvidcd for by Sn-rion 17fi, of rh. <br />Ltrti, culc. ror rh, r.lforroRe ofthc solk lor Bhich thc pcrnril is isnEd <br />rhc worl t(trshichrhis pcnnir is i$u.d MysorkcN .o lxnsrri(r in{{aD.c.]ri.' r{lF,li.yitr $cr trc <br />I ccnl!rl[r ir rhc rcrlonMncc ol Ihc wort ior whi.hlhis pcrnir is is\!rd.l sltrll nur cnr oyrnyJrr{ ir 3ny nutrrf,r <br />$ 3\rn hcm f, \ubJ.rrk, rhc sorkc^ .on!* \dtun hw{ofc.liLrnm. rtrd rgrcc r[d ifI slx,ultl hccom suha.r rorhc <br />sorlc^ co'nn!n\arion pxrvisn,n\olSccri{n:l70Oofrhc llhr Ctxlc.l \hill.lonhqirh conDly wirh ilx)\d pn,!nidN <br />W^RNIN(; Frilurr t) n.trrc $orkoJ (onrN \irn nn <br />.'rl ftr\ uD k, ofc htr rcd rh!!,{xlJ.llxrs l:llln).lix <br />Sc.rtr{:l{)76 irh.lrtxtr C.dc. n crc{ xnd rron*y\ lic\ <br />ll sublc.l atr cfi,'lorcr x, .ri'ni'[l perulri.s J d <br />ul conlic.\!rion. danu'9.\ rs r(,lidtd lnr rh <br />*.€.22/-4L <br />I hcrcby lriirmudcr peflalryolrcrjurr rh,t I an li(0sd xndci pmvisio. oiCharlo 9(commncins wirh sdri,n TuD) olDivhion l <br />ol rhc Busircs !fld Ptufesiors Codc- d my liccnsc t in flll fore ad cfft.r <br />Liccnsc Nun r: <br />caNlirSlreIlllNrlNDlNc.Aclllr <br />I hcrul,y trllin! u'rdcr Fiiiry.f tf,rruryrh rhcrchi.on{nrrionktrdirgra.ncybrrh.pcnanfliccofrhctrorklotBhichrhh!!mirir <br />hsucd(Scc :109r. Civ. C ) <br />Llndcis Ni.rc <br />l..dilirhr' rh.rcd$dlm8ulario.s rcStudirs mhcnorrcnFvrlff. nor lprlicrhlc t,rhi\ F)jc.r. <br />l..rrl_v rh l hivc r. lrlris xflrliuri(rrnd { <br />nnliritrc.\rDa Srrrrl rtr\E]jitrgi)hrildin!.u,1 <br />vc inratrtotrim is .orcr I lgre ro con,Ily wnh ru city arri Counr, <br />)c\.n(di!c\ of rhiscirv dcouN <br />ftovc nrtrriorcd pm$rl! ltr insp.dn,n <br />:\pDlicanl or ,\E€nl SiEnntrR <br />I ;A ZA<2,2,/ <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />l\,4asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Beq <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL ?-24-/B ' J )do-ffiy) <br />Certiticate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />UFER Ground <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />,1nicy Ndn$cr:-Erpncs <br />- <br />a.PrlllAltt!&qlAnAllaN <br />I h.rcby ulIm undcr ncoal', ol Frjury oft 6r rh. rdlowing d*le0t ions <br />Dcnslition Pcrmits-Asbcslos Norifiqrion F.d.ral Rceuhri,,ns (Tnb 40. P|ln6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />lrrrcr ol Mnifi .arbn <br />"*.fr4t14'' <br />tt <br />I