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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE to/stG.COMMENTS oWNTR AI]ILDER DELCARA'I'ION <br />I hcr.hy itftm utrdcr pcnllly ol pcrjury lhrr I rD cxcmnr In)nr rhc C{nnru.nF l-icci\c llw ntrrhc k,lhwinB rc.v (Sc.7(}11.5 <br />a!\i'rc\\ rtr,l Pnna$i( (inlo): nt Cirt or Ci irt shich rcqri'c\ . pcnnir ro .DtrnnEr. rncr. irynrvc. dcnnlish ,tr rcnrn Jtry <br />{ .turc. [idro irs isunmc.0ho rcluncs rh. rlplicinr lnr nrh tj.nnirto fi].r \irncd (aremnr rhll hco! shc n lccnscd fuFurr <br />t, lhc pfl,vni.ns of rhc Conlrrckn s t,i.en*d lr{ lchlprcr 9. (irn'Nncnr! sirh S(rn,n lux) of Divr\ion I .l thc ausnrc\s 8trJ <br />Profcs\nntrCo.)orrhrrh.or\hriscx.r,ptrh$.!romrndrhrban\nrrhcrllcgcdcxcnUir.Anyvi,nnrnrol'S(li[7).rl lhyrny <br />!pphcarlirrr nirsuhlR-.r\rhc a,rplicint l,' r.ivrlpcniltyotnnlnrrcrhln fivc hunJrcddollars(S5(I)) <br />L $ owncr ol lh. poFny. or my .oplorrcs wnh s!g.! a lhci. $lc cofrr.nsalion, *ill {k thc wo* {d tlt sEan@ is mt <br />inr.nd.d or ofrdcd for sL (Se.7O44, Busimss &d EDf$sions Codc Th€ s Ltcnsc L.q (t6 Nr roDly lo in owno of <br />lhepreFny wh. hikti oinp,bBrlE6E arn whodG ch mrt hireror h.rclfo. trmuah his or rEr ovn ctrlPlorNs, <br />Fovid.<l rhil i&fi imroEm.ts @ hr iircrxl.d qoftcd lor slc. lt tneq. il! hildog or i,{,mEml b $ld wihin oE ).s <br />of conpLrioll. dE Ogftr Buib.r will h.w tlE b'irkn of FDving 1h"I li or sh. dn d bitd c iryow rhc FDIETy fo. rlt Fo.po.6l <br />-1. <br />$ owmr of rhc pmp.ny. am crcbsiwly conthcrins uilh liccnscd contturoN ro coosrDd tlr pojco lse. 7014. Bu.irc$ <br />rrd Prof*rbr Cortcr Thc Cootrdctoas Li.ens. ks dns rcl opply ro m owncr .f prcp.ny *lD buildr or imptuws lhcrcon. <br />rnd eno conr,!.rs aor such psjccrs ,irh 3 Conhcror{s) li.rns.n puMnr ro rhc Co 6.rors Liq* llw). <br />-l <br />ameicryt undcr Stlion-. a & <br />",G42/- <br />I ncEhy !flnm und.r pcnally oipcriuryonc o{rhc lollowir8 de.-l urbns: <br />Lnhtr Ci r,lnrrtu Porloflnrnrcrlrhc *o lnr Nhrh rlt !rnn( '\ A{r.d. <br />_l lnd *ill minrain *oll(cc comDcnslr ion in\orarcc. er rcquircn b, Ser ion :l7m of rhc Lrb., Cod., for lh. r,.rloMc of <br />rlE work for whicn lhis is t{cn My worl(6 onwtrerion in\r@ .arif srd Fllty numb.r m: <br />_l.cnify rhf,r in rh. p.rliirEtu! 6frh. work tor *hkfi rhis Nnrn h iqsucd, ! shrl I nol .nrl,loy a.y IEBon in any mnNr <br />e as <br />'o <br />tEsB srbid <br />'o <br />lh. wrtc6 omp.nsrl ion laws ofc.lifomi!, lnd aBrc lhal if I rtnlld slbiil ro th. <br />wo*cB' cotrqf,nsalion pmvhi.ns of Sdion 1700 of lhc t inr C.dc. I dElL fonh*ilh .or{,ly silh ihor lmvirions.. <br />WARNINC: Failur. ro scuc sqrcns0lion coBnSc is utrkwful, snd shlll subject an cnl,)loltr ro.rinurl Fnlrics and <br />civil lin.s up ro om hundEd rhousnd dolla (SI00.000). in addilion lo ofcon{rnslion, drMgcs dr povid.d lo, {hc <br />S€rion 30?6 of lnc l:bor Codc. inlcrcsl and arlomy r les. <br />D,t , g-a /- /F <br />^PPt- <br />t <br />Contrctoi- <br />coNirru.q )NlJiNDt!(;_dti[lil.I <br />I hcrcny if&or utrdcr Ntrrlry.rp0rjury rhlr rh.rc i\ r consrrucrirn lcndir8 rsrtr.y ru rhc |frrorttrs orrlr sork lor which rhi\ IEnni n <br />hsucn rS... :ll)q7. Civ. (: ) <br />AIIIICTLNLDIILAf,III0N <br />I hcrc5y dlt'n unlcr |Enilry of t)crjury onc nlrh. foln,$ing dc.ltrBrnn,\ <br />ocnnliri( r P.,tr1irsAsb.{os Norilicrrion I;cdcrrl Rc8uhrnnrs rTirlc,l0. PnnC) <br />Rrqtrt.d lxncr of Mrih.di(rr <br />I clnilyrnd rh. tcdcrll rcguhrion\ ruglrding\ rcnDulsrc nol arpli.ahlc (, rhn l)n).jc.r <br />I ccdily thlt I h,v. rnh $tli.arion d st0rdh0t rhc abvc itrfonmrion k .orc.r I 0EN ro @nrply wirh all Cnt ud Counry <br />ordi..rccs ad Srar. kws El,linS ro h{ildinS h.rcbyrD'horn reprcsc olivcsof lhhCitylndColnryroc.lcr!I!onth. <br />,bow ftmiomd pmFny for iNtsrion <br />Appli6nl or Sigrdlo <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipino <br />Bool Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbinq <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 9-24.t0.))clil 'w <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Waste & Vent <br />POOL/SPA <br />I hcrcby atnn! rndcr pcnllry ol p.rjrrr rhdr I d lidn\.d u.d( !r'$n orChupr.r 9 (.onnm.cnB uilh Scdion 7O0O) olDivnion l <br />of lhc Busircs atrd Pmlc$ionr Codc. arn my liccne t in flll rbN and cfi(l <br />kdd r A.ldrcs: <br />- <br />Pemilcenom.(prl ):7;T F-)r-<t <br />I <br />=I